Top 10 Worst Things About Winter

Winter's my least favourite season and I want it go away right now!
The Top Ten
Extremely Dry and Cold

This weather is so annoying. It goes to about 30 below, feeling almost like 40 below. My town experienced this once a month last year from December to March, and it happened 2 weeks ago and is happening again now! It makes me feel grumpy. I can't do anything outside. Winter is one of my favorites, but not when this happens. At least in summer, we don't get this.

Yes! I just had to put on lotion for my hands that just got very dry in this stupid winter! Also, it's cold! I don't like when it's hot, but I hate it when it is cold as ice! Even though I live in a pretty warm area, it still gets cold enough for me to say a couple of profanity words.

The Shoveling
The Snow

I hate snow. It's hard to walk, hard to drive, and gets your car dirty. Snow causes property damage, car accidents, and death. Unlike rain, which gets absorbed into the ground, snow is a commitment and hangs around for months. The only positive about snow is that it insulates the ground, preventing frost from going too deep.

It looks pretty the first day, but after it gets on the road, it is just yucky and gross. It allows for worse driving and slips. I hate walking in the snow and it takes longer for the stupid train! I am also not the kind of guy to build snowmen or go sledding.

Too Long

In late March and April, please do not be deceived by that snowy weather, for spring is found within. If you really want the weather to warm up fast, and the leaves and green grass to grow up fast, all you have to do is be very patient.

I wish spring and fall could be longer. Spring has beautiful flowers and fall has colorful leaves. Winter just features barren trees, dead flowers, just horrible.

The snow starts in mid-December and ends in late March. Imagine how long that is!

Making Up Missed School Days

This happened to me a lot in fourth grade. The winter was so brutal that we had multiple snow make-up days. As a result of the missed days during the winter, I had a very short spring break, as it was only three days long.

Seems nice, but that shortens my summer break. One snow day is fine, but too many, and I would have to go to school in summer.

Making up days due to weather is plain stupid.

Driving in Snow

Slippery! Boo! Traffic! Boo! There are more atrocities that snow has to offer.

Don't even get me started.


Not to mention, they cause gangrene.

Waiting for Snow to Melt

Waiting for snow to melt is like waiting for school to end. It ain't happening for a while!

I thought we'd have a white Easter! Thankfully, the snow melted two days before it.


You can't even see in a blizzard, and you could get cold quickly.

I might be having a blizzard right now. It's been snowing heavily for the last two days.

Buses Run Late

My school starts at 9:00.

I got to school at 9:20.

I got to class at 9:22.

I hate the bus.

I remember once I had to wait for a late bus when my face was freezing from a cold wind. It sucked.

The Newcomers

? When It Snows Too Much

It's only November, and I am getting sick of the snow already. It has been snowing way too much lately.

Hopefully, it doesn't snow every weekend. It's supposed to snow for the next two weekends.

? Activities Cancelled Because of the Snow
The Contenders
New Year's Day

It's confusing when you're in the new year and still thinking it's the previous year, and I hate starting new years!

Dark and Gloomy

Most school delays in the winter where I live often happen because of the risk of this whenever it rains or snows at incredibly low temperatures.

I slipped and fell on black ice once!

It sucks when it is slippery in the winter. I have slipped a few times. It sucked.

The Noise of Plows

I used to live by a store parking lot, and every time it snowed a lot, I would hear the plows at night when I was trying to sleep. It sucked.

Freezing Rain

This is the worst weather. It makes it so slippery, like a skating rink, and hard to walk. I had the buses get cancelled, and I walked to my bus stop a few times when I didn't know they were cancelled. I slipped a few times. It hurt.

It sucks. It might freeze rain in a few days. Hopefully, it doesn't happen.

I hope it doesn't freeze rain tomorrow night. It would be slippery. I would rather have snow.

Too Cold to Walk to Places
Ice Fishing

My least favorite thing to do EVER in the winter!

Can't Get Your Car Out of Your Driveway

It's extremely complicated to shovel your driveway in a giant blizzard in deep, deep snow!

Can't Play Outdoor Activities Outside In Deep, Deep Snow

Playing let's say Tag, you have to run, and it is less possible if the snow is above your ankles.

Days are Too Short

It is 5:00 PM, and all of a sudden, it looks like evening. The night sky makes me lazier (I already am pretty lazy).

Totally agree with this one! At 8 PM, it looks like midnight.

The Wind

Ever heard Chopin's Winter Wind Etude? It sounds very intense and not happy at all. That is like real winter wind, which I hate.

Seasonal Affective Disorder

One of my uncles has this. It's cold, dark, wet, and there's not very much sunlight. During winter, I'm a bit irritable, not that I have this disorder, but I still think it's not a very fun experience.

From what I've heard, some people have reverse SAD that affects them during the summer instead of during the winter.

During winter, my parents don't feel like doing anything due to the cold.

Your Car Gets Stuck in the Snow
Being in School During a Snowstorm

I was stuck in school for 30 minutes until my bus finally arrived.

Need to Buy More Heat
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