Top 10 Clichéd Phrases We're Most Tired of Hearing
Haven't we heard these phrases so many times in our lives? What common phrase do you find annoying, and why?The Top Ten
Everything happens for a reason
So, apparently even the worst horrors of life happen for a reason? I don't believe it!
It is what it is
We know, but we also have the right to have feelings and opinions about things.
Do better
Maybe we'll do better if you show us how.
Good vibes only
People have the right to feel low, and this phrase just invalidates their feelings.
Step out of your comfort zone
It's important to try new things, but it's just as important to have a routine and specific interests.
No offense, but...
Admit it, you've probably tried to offend someone by saying this.
I'm just saying
I could care less
If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best
I don't care
The Newcomers
? I don't know
? People can like or dislike whatever they want to
The Contenders
Black women will save America
If all your dreams came true, you'd have nothing to look forward to
There are no wrong answers
Yeah, this one is stupid. Of course, there are wrong answers!
Opinions are neither right nor wrong
Deal with it
Just forget about it
OK Boomer
Better safe than sorry
If everyone thought the same, the world would be boring
None of your business
Life is what you make it
Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never harm me
Yeah, no!
It's not that complicated to say yes or no, is it?
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