Top 10 Everyday Things that Could Be Eliminated by 2030

Cable TV will inevitably become obsolete. At first, that sounds like great news for the average consumer. However, with a lack of competition, the streaming service business may split into a million different platforms, making everyone either poorer or anxious about missing out.
Let's be honest, when was the last time you actually sat down and watched something on cable TV except maybe sports? Can't remember? That's because watching TV shows on streaming is way easier. You don't have to tune in at a specific time or anything!

We already have Uber and Lyft to offer rides for us. Plus, they're normally much nicer than typical taxis. And with self-driving cars seemingly on the horizon, taxis may be a thing of the past.
I've only been in a taxi once, and I've never been in an Uber.
Why get a taxi when Uber exists?

Let's be honest, who likes memorizing a million different passwords? I know I don't, and soon we might not have to. Fingerprint or facial recognition technologies already exist. Don't be surprised if this becomes the new normal.
People make too big of a deal about passwords. Just deal with it. Plus, you can recover your passwords pretty easily.
I don't like the idea of passwords disappearing. Despite what I said, I reckon face recognition could easily work.

Much like newspapers, magazines may soon be a thing of the past. You can easily access what you want from magazines online. Plus, with people being more cautious about the environment, they might not want to cut down trees for paper.
I just read online articles, and I pretty much only see magazines at the doctor's office or other places where you have to wait. Even then, there are seemingly fewer and fewer.
I know because my favorite magazine, Sports Illustrated, now issues only once a month. Back in 1990, it used to be once a week, as did TV Guide.
It's Joeysworld.

While we're at it, TV remotes may be on their way out as well. Soon you'll be able to use your phone or something like Google Home to control the TV and other appliances in your house. So if you don't know what half the buttons do on your remote, don't worry.
Hopefully, remotes will evolve further in the future.

No. Most people go to the theaters for the setting. It's like a restaurant. Before COVID, I still went to the movies with friends and family. Albeit not as much as when I was a kid, but I still went. The feeling you get at the movies will never go away, in my opinion.
Why do people think that lazing about in their beds watching a movie on a tiny phone by themselves is more fun than hanging out with friends, sitting in comfy seats, and eating popcorn while watching a movie on a large screen with amazing loud sounds at the theater?

Yeah, let's go ahead and get rid of keys. I'm talking car keys and house keys. We already have key cards, and pretty soon I bet you can use your phone, or there will be facial recognition technology, making keys worthless.
It's the same sort of scenario with passwords. I would hate to see them go, but face recognition could work.
I don't use one for my house anymore. My next vehicle will probably do without.

When's the last time you actually got a newspaper? Most of the big stories people are interested in can be found online. You don't have to wait for the paper anymore. It seems like it's pretty much all digital. Unless you're over the age of 60, you won't have to walk out in your robe to get the paper. You can read the local news from the comfort of your own bed.
I could likely see this happening. With all the mainstream news today, it seems likely to me.
Easy access to information via the web leads to newspapers and magazines becoming kind of useless.

They need to go. You end up spending unnecessary money on clothes you'll only wear half the day. They make us spend.
I get that uniforms reduce bullying (at least comments on clothes). But are they really necessary?
Imagine still wearing school uniforms in 2020. Unless you're at some Catholic prep private school or something.

If you don't know how to write a check, you might be in luck. It seems they're on their way out since Venmo and other cash transfer apps exist, and most businesses have a direct deposit option. While we're at it, cash is going out as well. It won't be completely eliminated, but it will be more common to use credit or your phone to pay.
The Digital Dollar is picking up steam. While it may be less popular, it may become the new norm sometime, hopefully not.
The Newcomers

For those looking for a part-time job while in high school or college, fast food might be off the table. McDonald's already has kiosks you can order from, and it wouldn't be hard to have robots clean dishes, flip burgers, or make fries. Humans might not be out of the equation entirely in case of unsatisfied customers, but it's possible these jobs may be wiped out.
Job automation has the potential to wipe out certain jobs, and McDonald's has tested robotic fryers in Phoenix. You can now order your food through a kiosk.
COVID-19 may force all workplaces online.

I honestly couldn't care less about DVDs anymore. But I love CDs.
Do not sacrifice innocent individuals.
Ads are annoying! If you or a loved one has been hurt by an ad, you may be entitled to compensation!
AdBlockers might get stronger. Add-ons like Tampermonkey already ensure that websites cannot detect if you're blocking ads.
Cars in town are awful.
1. They kill people by crashing.
2. They kill people by poisoning the air.
3. They kill the drivers because they get lazy and fat and eventually get a heart attack.
4. They take up parking space everywhere.
I hope cars are replaced by electric bikes and scooters, which are more economical and don't have the four aforementioned disadvantages.
They aren't going to be replaceable unless a more convenient and environmentally friendly invention comes up.
I love watching sports. I don't want to see this go.

I hope not. I actually really like collecting CDs.
I have a lot of CDs. I really like to put on a good CD and get my housework done. It goes faster that way.
Long dead. Even in 2010, these things were a non-issue.
As much as I hate using paper straws and prefer plastic ones, paper straws are at least better for the environment.
This is one of the few things I hope will be eliminated. Any plastic waste harms the environment.

As much as I love Spotify, I still enjoy collecting music albums.