Top Ten Sadly Ignored Facts

People tend to ignore facts that don't either tend to affect them, or because they simply dislike or disagree with them until the face of reality hits them. This list ranges from most obscure yet important facts, to facts that are constantly reminded yet are sadly ignored.
The Top Ten
Life will always change

Life is constantly changing. Everything is temporary, including your peers and loved ones. Sometimes it's very difficult to accept this fact, since change can be very unpredictable and tough.

Inevitably, we will have to move on at some point in our lives. Unfortunately, a lot of people prefer not to acknowledge this fact because change is often seen as unpleasant.

Hard work doesn't always mean success

Just because you work hard doesn't mean you are guaranteed success. Luck and advantage play a role in this. There is always an obstacle here and there, but this really depends on the context.

There are many factors in life, and it can be unfair. The best way to get along with this fact is to work smart and not expect success at all. Just remember not to neglect your health over work.

Astrology doesn't determine your personality traits

During some conflict, I once heard someone say they wouldn't apologize or sort the problem out because he was a Leo, and they would constantly blame him because of his zodiac sign. It's okay to poke some fun at astrology or take a few quizzes just for fun, but if you obsess over basing your entire personality on your zodiac sign, or worse, never hang out with someone because they are a Taurus, that's where you have crossed the line.

Zodiac signs are basically designed for people to experience the Barnum effect and other cognitive biases. In the past, it contributed to astronomy and was useful for predicting events, yet its use in the modern world doesn't make sense when you apply it seriously.

The ocean produces more than half of our oxygen in our planet

It's not just trees or bushes doing the job. Did you know oceans produce a large part of our oxygen as well? In fact, it is estimated that 70% of our oxygen comes from algae and plankton through photosynthesis. Specifically, the Prochlorococcus bacteria is known to be the most common phytoplankton on Earth, responsible for most of the oxygen we breathe, which is another reason why we should protect our oceans.

Wisdom isn't the same as intelligence

Most people tend to confuse this and use these terms interchangeably. Intelligence is the knowledge you get and the ability to learn and solve problems, while wisdom is what you gain from actually experiencing life and applying things through judgment. Even a teenager can be wiser than an old person.

I couldn't agree more, Leafeon. I left school with hardly any academic qualifications (and so what?) but I do know a thing or two about life and its ways, which, quite frankly, is more important.

Not all people who die as a result of disease or war are counted

Especially when it comes to statistics in COVID-19 and other plagues. The statistics are just educated guesses of how many people succumbed to the disease, and it could be much higher or even lower. We'll never know the true number of deaths since the statistics are almost always not 100% precise. This applies to war casualties and other disasters as well.

Feeling cold doesn't make you sick

This also applies to taking cold showers. You can't become sick just because of the cold itself. The only way to become sick is to catch a virus, and temperature doesn't play a role in that. An exception to this is if you are cold for a long period of time, weakening your immune system and thus becoming more susceptible to infection.

Global warming is real
You can't please everyone

Even when you seem to be doing good deeds for others, not everyone will appreciate what you are doing, and you won't satisfy everyone's standards, even your best friend's. Sure, it's good to be a people pleaser and help others, but sometimes it's better to prioritize taking care of yourself first before caring for others.

This also applies when it comes to opinions, even when you're trying to come off as neutral and unbiased as possible.

We could die in any second

It may sound nihilist to you, but this is why we should make the most out of life. You never know when you will meet your end. Life is very short and very unexpected things happen throughout life.

The Contenders
Vaccines don't cause autism

It is a sad fact that some people choose not to vaccinate their children, despite countless studies that have debunked this myth already.

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