Top 10 Worst Things About the Season Autumn
Autumn can be a pretty fun month, but there are some negatives about the season. Hi, I'm Pnut. And today, i'll be telling you the top 10 worst things about the season fall.This can be really annoying, but I'll keep this one short. Basically, it's really annoying to get allergies, and it can often happen throughout the season.
Even worse, it could possibly be the beginning of flu season, and since we are in quarantine, this would make it even worse.
Oh boy, what a bore. School shopping is always boring, and it's really irritating when it sometimes starts in the middle of Summer.
There are two things that could possibly happen. One, you're spending a small fortune for the next school year, or two, you're wrestling for the special things for school, such as wrestling a child for the last pack of highlighters. It's basically Black Friday, but with no presents at the end.
Oh my god... I have PTSD from seeing those back-to-school ads in the middle of July. Kill me.
Have you ever had a time that you started to appreciate your leaves in your backyard or around your house? Well, once it's fall, they will turn all brown and start dying. And then they will be on the ground. Then you will have to rake them. And it can be really annoying sometimes.
I can't keep talking like this. Help.
Honestly, who even likes days getting shorter? Whenever you wake up at (let's say around 6:00 AM) it's dark. And when you get home (let's also say 6:00 to 7:00 PM) IT'S DARK.
While it isn't as bad as the days getting shorter in the beginning of fall, mid and late fall is pretty much a nightmare for me. It'll always feel like the days go by so fast.
I really hate longer nights. For me, it's harder to wake up in the morning when it's still dark outside.
It sucks when it gets dark too early, especially in November after daylight saving time ends.
So, it can be pretty cool and not too bad at the beginning, but once we get further into the season, it can get really cold. And kind of like bundling up, you'll have to start wearing layers for pretty much the entire season.
To make things worse, it's freezing in the Winter. If you live in Florida, you're pretty lucky. I'll be in my underground bunker. I'll see you again in the Spring, people.
Meh. I hated the heat growing up and couldn't wait for it to be 60 degrees Fahrenheit.
Now that I'm pretty used to the heat, I can see why this is on the list.
Summer time would be over, and now we would have to be in Fall. This is just an opinion, but I like Summer more than Fall, and I think most people on this site enjoy the beach. So this kind of sucks.
This is what I hate most about Fall. I never want Summer to end because it is my favorite season.
Time to ruin some possible childhoods! It was always fun for you to jump in leaf piles, and heck, maybe some of you still do. But whenever there's a leaf pile, most likely, there are going to be critters in it. I'm talking about spiders, ticks, and maybe even rats.
So next time, make sure to check there aren't critters in the pile. I think I just ruined some childhoods.
Yeah, what a terrible name for a season.
Just to make this clear, I have nothing against Christmas. But if there's one thing I hate about Christmas, it's the holiday music. This probably sounds like it would start playing in Winter, but no! Sometimes, they start playing right after Halloween is over. That is so early! Just play it at the beginning of December, when it's actually close to Christmas! And stop playing it once Christmas is over, not the whole next month (which is January).
I remember a few days ago during my drum lesson, the workers were playing Sleigh Bells over the radio, and I wanted to vomit. I'm writing this in September.
Once it's Fall, most likely you're going to have to start wearing jackets all the time. The same thing applies to Winter, but that is for a (possible) list in the future.
The workers at my school are very strict about wearing jackets. Let's see how they do this in 2020.
It's super annoying because when seasons change or it suddenly gets colder, I get a wave of depression because of it. I feel like crying in my room right now.
I don't really like pumpkin spice, or pumpkins for that matter. But almost everything probably has to do with pumpkin spice.
Most likely whenever you go to a store in Fall, you'll probably see something that is pumpkin spice. To me, it can be really annoying sometimes.