Top 10 Important Facts and Tips that May Save Your Life or Someone Else's

Life can be unpredictable, and sometimes we find ourselves in situations where we least expect danger to be lurking. In these critical moments, having a mental toolkit of crucial facts and tips can make all the difference between life and death. While we all hope that we will never need to use this knowledge, it's important to be prepared for the unexpected. In this article, we present a top ten list of life-saving facts and tips that could be invaluable in certain scenarios. Remember, you may think that you'll never encounter these events, but when the time comes, these tips will definitely come up to your mind in good use. So, take a moment to read, learn, and equip yourself with the information that could one day save your life or the lives of others.
The Top Ten
1 If a depressed person is suddenly acting happy, act now

The fact simply speaks for itself. Depressed people tend to disguise themselves as happy rather than expressing their true emotions. If a depressed person whom you consider close suddenly acts upbeat after a long depressive episode, or unexpectedly gives gifts to other people, then it's the right time to take appropriate action. The person may not be giving gifts for the sake of kindness but may be on the verge of suicide. There's always a helpline available whenever you know a person is really struggling in their life.

2 Air is more breathable near ground in a burning building

Building fires can occur unexpectedly, and smoke can fill up a building quickly. Since smoke and other toxic gases rise, they are typically more concentrated further from the floor. It's safer to escape from the building by crawling since the harmful chemicals are less concentrated near the floor.

3 Get out of the ocean immediately if you see square waves

Square waves are not as common, but they consist of two weather systems, which are a harbinger of powerful currents. They are associated with shipwrecks and other accidents. Square waves typically have a shape resembling that of checkers. So, if you're surfing, swimming, or riding a boat and find yourself surrounded by this phenomenon, definitely get out.

4 If you get stabbed with a blade, do not remove the object lodged in your body

True indeed. I saw this YouTube short months ago about being stabbed. The water bottle demonstration was a very helpful example of showing why and how pulling the blade out will make it worse by bleeding constantly until the point of death. The blade acts as a plug to the body, like a cork to the bottle. If pulled, spillage will be simply everywhere, and it's very difficult to stop the bleeding.

Removing the foreign object will most likely exacerbate the bleeding and could even be fatal. Although there may be exceptions, it's best to leave the object for medical professionals to deal with the problem.

5 The signs of heart attacks are different among men and women

Heart attacks can come with unexpected signs, sometimes manifesting as the common flu. You may typically get chest or shoulder pain, but this isn't always the case. The symptoms differ between men and women, which is crucial to recognize as you may never know when someone will have a heart attack.

The symptoms in men include:
- Chest pain or pressure
- Upper body pain (including the shoulder, jaw, upper stomach, or back)
- Cold sweats
- Nausea
- Difficulty breathing
- Dizziness

The symptoms in women are often undiagnosed and can differ from those in men. They include:
- Severe fatigue
- Chest pain
- Upper body pain
- Feeling of indigestion
- Tingling in the arm
- Nausea and vomiting
- Neck and jaw pain
- Difficulty breathing

6 If you're choking, clutch your throat with your hands

Clutching your throat with your hands is a universal sign that alerts people that you're choking. If you're in a public place, never run from humiliation, as there's always someone who could potentially save your life. Unfortunately, some people would do the opposite.

It's something that sounds really obvious now that you say it, but I can definitely imagine that when someone is choking, they might not think of what to do.

7 If a forest suddenly becomes quiet, it's a sure sign of a predator nearby

In survival situations, it is important to be aware of sounds coming from forests. Although this may not always be the case, this advice may not be as reliable depending on the environment. However, if you are in a relatively noisy forest and the environment suddenly goes silent, definitely keep this in mind and take precautions.

8 If you get into an accident while riding a motorcycle, buy a new helmet

The unfortunate truth is that helmets typically have one use after an accident. The helmet may appear fine on the outside, but the internal structure is likely damaged from the shock of an accident. This can also apply to minor accidents. It's always better to replace a helmet to be safe than sorry.

9 Get a rabies shot immediately if you get bitten by a wild animal

Rabies is an extremely serious disease and should never be ignored. It is not only recommended but necessary to get the rabies shot as soon as possible before symptoms start to emerge. Once you show symptoms of rabies, there's a high chance of dying with no proper treatments available.

10 If you're driving and your shoulder hurts, stop the car immediately

You always need to be in the best condition to ensure safety while driving. Shoulder pain is usually a common annoyance, which may be due to a posture issue. However, if you have sudden shoulder pain out of the blue, you could be suffering from a heart attack, even though the chance is small.

The Contenders
11 Don't go in a river when raining

This also applies to oceans, lakes, and other bodies of water. While it depends on the weather, swimming in water during a thunderstorm can be very dangerous. There may be less visibility of your surroundings, strong currents, and a change of temperature in rivers. Harmful bacteria, sewage, and other substances may flow through the rivers after heavy downpours, which can cause diseases.

12 Taking aspirin may prevent heart attacks

It's recommended to take it immediately as it is more effective the sooner it's administered. This isn't always the case, unfortunately.

And make sure to chew it! It's been proven that chewing aspirin instead of taking it whole will cause it to act faster.

13 If your plane makes a water landing, resist the urge to inflate your life jacket immediately

This is especially important if you're inside a plane. Inflating your life jacket before leaving the cabin may be a one-way ticket to death, as you'll float on top of the cabin if you do so. This not only poses a risk for you but for other people as well, as it gives less space to those who need to exit. If you manage to get out of the plane, that's when inflating your life jacket is safe.

The buoyancy of the jacket will make it hard to run in the cabin if water is already rushing in.

14 Don't put water on a grease fire

While fire can be extinguished with water, the opposite is true for grease fires. Using water will usually exacerbate the problem. A better way to take control of a grease fire is to place a metal cover over it, which will slowly diminish the flames. Alternatively, you can use baking soda to extinguish small grease fires.

15 Ammonia and bleach mixed together creates toxic gas

This is another piece of common-sense advice that is worth remembering. Although they are both everyday products, some people make this fatal mistake.

16 If you are outside and sense something is buzzing, leave the spot immediately

If your hair is standing up, or your mouth tastes metallic despite having nothing inside, it is a sign that lightning is about to strike near or directly at you. You should run to a nearby shelter immediately. Although it is usually too late upon realization, you can still save your life if you are close to a safe spot.

17 If you're a victim of domestic violence, calling 911 "to order a pizza" is handy if an abuser is near you

This is a creative way to ensure that the abuser is not aware of an emergency call when seeking help. In some cases, people have been saved from domestic abuse by concealing a 911 call as an order from a pizza restaurant. Although dispatchers are not always trained to respond to these types of calls, a good dispatcher may detect the underlying issue and save your life from the abuser.

18 If water recedes too far from the shore, there's a tsunami coming

This advice is pretty obvious if you're on the beach.

19 A thunderclap headache may signal a life-threatening condition

Especially when it's sudden and accompanied by other symptoms such as vomiting and even seizures, this is a sign of a ruptured brain aneurysm and is worth an emergency visit.

20 If a person's mouth is at water level, then it's a sign they're drowning

Drowning isn't depicted accurately in movies. In a swimming pool, you will typically see people splashing and enjoying their moments, but it's very hard to tell if a person is drowning, as in most cases it's usually silent. If you're not a lifeguard or aren't fit enough to swim, and you spot someone drowning, throw an object at them so that they have something to grab onto.

21 When you witness a gunshot, play dead

Not as foolproof as other pieces of advice, but in some cases, it can save your life as it makes the killer perceive that they have killed someone.

22 Always pay attention to your surroundings

Common sense advice, but it's still worth keeping this tip in mind, knowing that you can easily be distracted by other things.

23 If a man has an erection after an injury, do not move him
24 If you encounter a bear while hiking, never attempt to run

The bear outpaces you both in stamina and speed. Instead of running, stand facing it and do not turn around. You can make yourself look bigger in order to encourage the bear to walk away.

25 Ask someone to smile at you if you think they are having a stroke

If a person is smiling on only one side of their face, it's a sure sign that they may be experiencing a stroke. Get them to the emergency room immediately whenever you find yourself in a situation like this.

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