Top 10 Least Creative Words

Let's remind us of the words we are tired to hear over and over again. This list is not only about online comments, but also prose and real-life conversations.

Also note that least creative is not the same as most overused. Here we are talking about words that people say with a routine without ever thinking how to say it in a different way.
The Top Ten

I never knew this word until I started reading in English online (I am not from an English-speaking country). It's not taught in English as a foreign language coursebooks. The first two pages of Best Song of All Time contain the word awesome 34 times.

I usually stick to excellent as it sounds less childish. I do use this word sometimes though just to avoid overusing one word.


Although the word itself is bland, the origin of its slang meaning is quite interesting. But this word still sucks.


The least creative reply in conversations with someone you catch up with on the street. For example, I've just finished reading the book you gave me for Christmas. Really?

It seems really is just a way to avoid silence. It doesn't help the conversation move on.


Especially in informative TV programs.


At the beginning, I thought awkward was the same as awesome. This proves that this word is often used in inappropriate contexts due to poor vocabulary.


The word "overrated" is overrated.


Horrid, horrible, awful, dreadful, gruesome. I could name five similar words without a thesaurus and without being a native English speaker. This proves that people don't even think about what word to use before saying 'terrible'. After checking a thesaurus: direful, horrendous, disastrous, ghastly, atrocious.

My aunt always uses this word nonstop. This also reminds me of my dad, except he uses the word "horrible". He never seems to use words to describe bad things aside from "horrible". I wish he expanded his vocabulary more.


I feel like every second word in a novel is chuckled, muttered, stared, or cried.

Chuckle sounds like something negative, but it seems like a positive for some reason.


I didn't include overrated because there's a lack of alternatives (at least for me) to express its meaning differently. In this case: needs more attention, depreciated, misjudged, misunderstood...


Plain, barren, boring, normal, the same, etcetera.

The Newcomers

? The
? Uncreative
The Contenders

Does this word even have a meaning, or does it just give you time to think? Two versions of the same sentence in an interview:

Version 1: I am actually a more extroverted and outgoing person.

Version 2: I am (2 seconds of silence) a more extroverted and outgoing person.

"Actually" is another way of saying "In fact".


Better than awesome, but what does the Amazon have to do with positive?


This is literally the most overused word at my school. Literally everyone uses it in every sentence. It's literally the worst.


This word makes me question my faith in humanity, am I right?

It is just another word for belief, but worse because it is used by religious authorities to get money from people and scare them into submission.


I don't know if they do this in other schools, but when I was growing up, my teacher always encouraged us not to use the word "nice" as an adjective. All of us had a tendency to overuse it.


This is a great addition to the list. Ask any person on the street to say a random word, most will say apple.


Oh, these singers today suck because they're overrated and rely on autotune to sing well. They really do suck, unlike the singers from the 1980s-1990s, who are awesome, amazing, and nice. - chuckled the absolutely edgy teen on TheTopTens.

I have also heard it applied even to singers who don't actually use it.

I'm fine with autotune as a tool, but not as a crutch.

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