Top 10 Most Useless and Misused Pieces of Common Advice
Sometimes, even if something is possible, it is not necessarily worth it. For example, if you had a really tough piece of firewood that you couldn't split with a normal axe, you could hire a machine to split it. However, it would not be a good use of money for just one piece of firewood.
Most "motivational" videos in a nutshell. If you feel like you have hit a wall to the point that you can't accomplish anything further despite trying multiple times, or you realize pursuing a goal isn't worth it, sometimes it's better to give up and try another door.
I think this one's used as a Jolly Joker if people run out of ideas.
Actually, sometimes you have to accept that some unrealistic dreams can't come true.
I can't make my dreams come true because they're about magically growing wings, flying, and not dying right away in Fortnite.
Playing roles in front of others can be part of being yourself. What would you think if the doctor told you, "For me, only two things are important: 1. I don't have a headache, just you. 2. You pay for your visit"? He would just be himself.
As if that was so easy. So many people don't even know who they are, so how is this helpful?
This literally means: Don't improve.
People misuse this phrase for consumption. It's the opposite: for me, it is about enjoying the part of life that does not stand on money or worries, such as nature and art.
Since this advice isn't time, it doesn't help (assuming only time helps).
Yes, but not to the same extent. This is another misleading sentence very common in quotations that wants to mean "Don't strive to be better."
This one used to have meaning, but it has been overused like antibiotics. Now it is also used in situations where you just have to fit one person's expectations.
I don't like anything just because others do. I don't dislike anything just because others don't.
The Newcomers
Like religion is going to make things better. The last place I would go for advice and answers.
I know this is much more specific than some others, but it comes up quite a lot as a way of supposedly relieving nerves. It absolutely doesn't work, and thankfully, people are realizing this.
Still less overused than Don't go with the flow.
I keep hearing this all the time. Not always is it good because it can make you give up.
OK, in a way, this is false. Just let me explain: Looks don't matter in terms of how other people should be treated. If someone is ugly, that's fine, and you shouldn't be ashamed of yourself if you're considered ugly.
However, if you're trying to find a date, it's best to make yourself look attractive because good looks are the attention-grabber.