Top Ten Signs You're a Nerd

The Top Ten
You don't laugh at this list

I laughed at this but not the list. Does that make me a nerd? Nerd just means you are smarter than average (kind of), so if someone says you are a nerd, take it as a compliment.

Basically, the guy or gal who created this list is a nerd or a nerd's friend...right?

I laughed my head off when I read this list, and I'm a nerd!

When the people in P.E. go to the workout room; you would rather stay behind and read

I'm the nerdiest in my group of friends, and yet I'm also the sportiest considering I can keep up with all the jocks in my class who are total dummies. I like PE, but my friends don't even try to participate.

True! At PE, all I see are ladybugs being kicked, puppies distracting my team, and kids being spoiled with protection. And the brainless kids in my class still love it...

I hate P.E., and I love reading. I have been a nerd as long as I have known 10 digits of pi. (Since I was born)

You know more people online than in person

Well, I know more people in real life, but my number of friends is pretty much the same: barely any people want to associate with me.

Yep, this is me. I have more friends online than in real life. I just do not follow trends like many other people do.

I don't have many friends, and I don't really want any more. I pay attention to a lot of people online, so yeah.

You remember your favourite song in binary code or by its run time

I always remember how long my favorite songs are. Did you hear the news that Bad At Love is 3:01? How about Heaven In Hiding being 3:28? There's also a song called Strange Love that's 4:07, and let's not forget about that 4:28 song called Car Radio!

I memorized the run time for one song a couple of years ago. Even though it's not one of my favorites anymore, I can still remember it without looking it up. That song is "This Broken Soul" by Rebecca Kneubuhl, and it's 4 minutes and 43 seconds.

"Bohemian Rhapsody" and "Stairway to Heaven," the two most famous songs of all time, are 5:55 and 8:02 long, respectively.

You refer to eating and drinking as uploading

Charging? That's what I call sleeping.

And downloading? Maybe pooping.

And charging? Hello, that's my sleep.

You own over 1000 video games

My best nerd friend Liam owns over 9,000 video games in his house, and he likes to play every single one. He never leaves the house. All he does is play video games. That's why Liam is such a nerd.

I don't have 1,000, but I do have a lot. Hey, some girls in my school DIG nerds! I'll have you know one called me cute!

Any guys that play video games are instantly more attractive than guys that don't.

You know more IP addresses than phone numbers

Oh gosh. I play Minecraft way too much.

You hack into your friends computers to remind them of how bad their passwords suck

Duh! It's important that people don't keep their passwords lying around on a piece of paper!

I should do this! My friends in real life have easy passwords like basketball123.

Most of my friends' passwords are like kitty36 and password. It's so obvious!

You never get out of the house

This is me, but I'd also say I'm not fond of people. I would rather just be alone.

I'm pretty sure at this point you would be more of an introvert than a nerd.

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I love my electronics,
And they love me too.

You are freakishly skinny

The Newcomers

? You like Harry Potter

I am a total nerd because I relate to ALL of these. I went to a comic fest dressed up as Hermione. I got SO much Harry Potter stuff.

? You have collections

I have a Funko Pop collection, a movie collection, and a movie poster collection.

I'm a connoisseur, and I have tons of Pokémon cards and MLP stuff.

The Contenders
You can sing Tom Lehrer's element song

The ASAPscience one is superior in every way, in my opinion. Except Sheldon didn't sing the ASAPscience song while drunk. So there's that.

You actually listen to the teacher when he says be quiet

I listen when the teacher is speaking, but I do get into political debates during math class.

Long before he (or she) commands or orders silence.

Read the dictionary because you want to.

Sometimes I do this because I want to learn interesting new words that might be funny and comical. I thought no one did this, but apparently, it is a thing. I sometimes do want to read the dictionary.

I love words. What's wrong with this? I should try that sometime. I'll improve my vocabulary skills even more!

I did it in school a few times as a kid. I don't anymore. I guess I'm a former nerd.

You can't get by without naming one Pokemon each day

Just one? I have ongoing conversations with one of my classmates about Pokémon for as long as we can. We're in different friend groups, sadly, and none of my friends know much about Pokémon. Heck, my bestie hates it.

But I'm not a nerd. I'm a connoisseur! Actually, I'm both.

I guess I'm a nerd then. No shock here.

You try to levitate out of bed using the Force

Totally, man! My thoughts exactly. I would totally want to levitate out of bed Phoebe Halliwell style by using the Force, but it didn't work out.

I imagine I have Spiderman's web shooter, so I keep trying to shoot the web to help me get up from my bed. #NerdsRule

I tried to get my English teacher's First Lines mug using the Force. I'm still trying!

You really hate arrogant people

I'd prefer the term, "highly disagree".

You are obsessed in other peoples grades

Yeah. I'm top of my class, and it just kind of makes me feel better about myself when I see that a quarter of the grade is failing, and my lowest grade is a 96.8. I have a problem.

I'm probably the smartest girl in my class, but that isn't good enough for me.

I'm not competitive. I just have to know where they're at, or I go crazy.

When seeing a popular girl; you ask her what elements are in hair shampoo

Miss, I like your hair. Did you put some hydrogen and carbon in it?

You read books every day for fun.

I love reading. My favorite book series is Percy Jackson, which got me obsessed with mythology. I did love mythology before I read the books, but I got more obsessed afterward. That led to interests in astronomy, word origins, and a lot of other things.

I usually read them for information. Mostly political stuff.

Not every day, but I do often read books for fun!

Collect figures
You know pi to more than 10 places

Am I the only person who had a poster with the first 50 digits of pi in my 4th-grade math class and unironically memorized all of them?

Most calculators don't even know that!

I used to know about 1,000 digits, but I forgot.

You celebrate geeky holidays like pi Day (March 14), Star Wars Day (May 4th), etc.

There's also an International Chocolate Day. Celebrate with your video game characters or read a book about chocolate.

As a nerd, I don't necessarily care about fantasy or space, but I do love dinosaurs and Jurassic Park, so I celebrate Jurassic June.

I hide indoors when May the 4th comes up. Star Wars fans can be scary to confront.

If someone asks you what the answer to EVERYTHING is, you immediately respond with '42'.

It's the meaning of life! On Vine, when that kid says that 10+9=21, we all thought that he was stupid. But he wasn't. There was a higher meaning. 21 is half of 42...

You watch The Big Bang Theory because it's touching, not because it's funny

No kidding! I can totally relate to Sheldon. He is a theoretical physicist, and I am a "theoretical physicist in training," as I enjoy saying.

It's just so relatable. I'm like Leonard because I always try so hard to impress my parents, but they never just understand!

I'm the most popular girl in school, and this is my favorite show! I'm just like the girl on there. I love nerdy guys!

You know Klingon better than English
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