Top 10 Things Considered Socially Unacceptable That Should Be Accepted
Bottling up your emotions is unhealthy and will only lead to more harm, so why encourage men to do this when it's obviously not healthy? Imagine you're unhealthy and trying to improve your health by exercising and changing your diet, but for some reason society shames you for it and encourages you to keep going down the dark path that would eventually lead to an early death.
That's what being forced to bottle up your emotions due to societal pressure feels like just because you were born the "wrong" gender. This society is pissing me off.
If you're a man and you're seen spending time with children who aren't related to you, chances are people will think you're being creepy and weird. Not every guy who spends time with kids is a pedophile. If girls can spend time with children, guys can as well.
I know it's more acceptable during summer camps and camps regarding football or basketball, but outside of those settings, like if you're shooting hoops and see a kid working on their shooting form, you should be able to give them some advice without being labeled as weird for it.
There are some people who are better off alone than in a relationship. Relationships can be beneficial to many people, but that doesn't mean every single person on this planet.
Amatonormativity is responsible for it being socially unacceptable.
This is something that is slowly becoming more acceptable as mental health becomes a bigger deal. It seems like managers are very strict on making sure that you're actually sick, but I think it's perfectly fine.
Let's be honest, you shouldn't be working if you're not in the right headspace. You should be working when you're healthy and capable of doing your job to the best of your ability. If companies like to preach that they support mental health and care about their employees, then they should allow employees to take a day off to mentally recharge and recover. There would have to be some restrictions to prevent people from lying and taking advantage of that, but they shouldn't stop employees who need a break.
We've all heard the saying "The customer is always right," and for the most part, those in retail or restaurants are told to live by that phrase no matter what. It makes sense why from a business perspective: you want your employees to provide quality customer service. You want customers to feel welcomed and appreciated, and you want them to return in the future.
But more often than not, customers take advantage of that because they feel entitled. If you've worked in retail or the food industry, you have likely come across customers who are in the wrong yet insist they are not. By saying the customer is always right, you're also inversely saying the employee is wrong and not putting the employee first, which can create morale problems. Customers are then given a platform to make unreasonable demands that simply cannot be met.
Companies need to understand it's impossible to please everyone. At the end of the day, customers are more expendable than employees. Both are important to the success of a business, but if Walmart or McDonald's loses a customer, they will still be fine.
Why is it that being extroverted is considered normal but being introverted isn't? People expect you to be loud and obnoxious, but if you're quiet and reserved, people ask, "Why are you so quiet?" There's nothing wrong with being introverted or extroverted. Stop treating introverted people like they can and should "get over it."
There's nothing wrong with being reserved and quiet, especially in public places or uncomfortable situations where you're next to strangers. If you're not comfortable talking to strangers, you shouldn't feel obligated to talk to them, and you shouldn't be labeled as rude for not talking to someone simply because you're uncomfortable with it.
I've talked about this before, but it's nobody's business whether or not a couple decides to have kids. It's a big decision that requires a lot of commitment. Even if there's no underlying reason, if a couple doesn't want children, that's perfectly OK.
Have you seen little kids in public? I don't blame people who don't want to deal with that because, let's be real, kids can be a handful. Not to mention, if you're working, you have the additional stress of finding a babysitter. Some people shouldn't have kids anyway because we've all seen examples of bad parenting. Why do your parents expect you to give them grandchildren? You have no obligation to have kids. That is completely up to you and your spouse and nobody else.
It's been a tradition for an eternity that the guy has to ask the girl out and he has to ask her to Homecoming, Prom, and any high school dance. The guy is the one who asks for her hand in marriage and asks her father for his permission. Any guy can tell you that it can be stressful to work up the courage to ask, especially if you've dealt with rejection in the past.
Girls get off pretty easily for the most part. They don't have to worry about being rejected. I feel like if you truly love someone, you should be able to ask that person instead of waiting for them to ask you. We can't read minds, and girls, I promise you that most guys are terrible at picking up signs. It shouldn't be abnormal for a girl to ask a guy out whom she likes.
The term "virgin" these days has a negative connotation. The word itself means someone who hasn't had sex before, but the internet has basically warped its definition to mean some degenerate who is completely incapable of getting laid, even if they want to.
Also, we'd all much rather be a virgin (the textbook definition of virgin, not the internet insult) for life than to have to pay insane amounts of child support to some greedy women who would only use it for her own benefit with the whole end goal of losing it.
The Newcomers
Yes. It seems as though nobody talks about this outside of religion.
Look, at the end of the day, a job is a job. As long as it's paying the bills and giving a little extra cash for the weekends, that's all you can ask for. I find it hilarious that jobs that pay minimum wage, or near it, expect you to be loyal and happy about your job and put that job above everything else. If you're working minimum wage, you're likely trying to save some money and are probably a high school student. You're not looking to stay at that job long term.
Unless an employer is a perfect fit, you have no obligation to stay there. If you find a better position that pays more, then by all means go for it. Also, the company has the authority to fire you at a moment's notice.
Usually, if you decline an invitation because you'd rather stay inside, you're looked down upon by your friends. Sometimes you just need to rest and recharge your social battery. It's nothing personal, but sometimes you need those days and people should learn to accept that. If someone asks you to do something and you say, "Nah, I'm thinking about just staying in tonight," then it's a perfectly reasonable and acceptable response.
Sometimes you're not up to going out. But be careful that doing this too often will result in your friends not inviting you at all anymore.
Personally, I don't think it's as big of a deal as people make it out to be.
Sometimes you just want to compare and make sure you're getting paid similarly to others who have a similar job and similar amount of experience. It doesn't make sense why talking about pay is considered taboo in our society.
If anything, it would make things more transparent if we did talk about pay and could actually help address the wage gap.
That's the reason for financial illiteracy. We need to normalize this!
If I didn't flirt in public, I wouldn't have had a wife or kids.