Top 10 Things to Have During a Disaster

We all know natural disasters. Tornados, thunderstorms, hurricanes, earthquakes, you name it. Most of the time, there's always that one person who is unprepared for those nasty surprises. Keep in mind that not all items on the list are required, but I suggest them. These things on the list can be really handy if you have a "Go-Bag".
The Top Ten

Possibly the most important thing here, we need at least 11 liters (3 gallons) of water for every person. Since our bodies are mostly made of water, we need it to keep us not only refreshed but also hydrated.

Water is the most important fluid that your body needs. It helps nourish and carry oxygen to blood cells and the heart. Water also helps protect our organs and tissues.

Water is a very essential thing to have.

First-aid kit

Now that we've got the food things out of the way, we also need something in case someone close to you gets hurt during a disaster. They are typically used whenever a wound shows up. But who knows, you'll never know if you or someone else gets hurt!


If there's one thing we don't want to happen, it's blackouts. Flashlights are here because, well, we need to see during a blackout. Without light, we would be walking as if we're all confused. So unless you have night vision, a flashlight is a must-have.


Okay, not only is toilet paper required, but also toothpaste, soap, and towels. During a disaster, the last thing we want is to be dirty and prone to sickness.

Non-perishable food

This is another thing required for all of us when a disaster strikes. When this happens, we need at least three days' worth of this kind of food (so at least nine of them).

Up-to-date contact list

We need contacts because what if we get lost or someone needs us? If they have a contact list and need to contact someone for help, they can do it with ease.


Lastly, we have blankets. Blankets are needed because we need something warm in case we get cold or need to sleep.

Local map

We also need maps in case we get lost during a natural disaster. This can be really handy if you're in a place that you don't recognize.

Sets of house and car keys

An extra pair of keys is necessary because of this question: "What if you lose the original keys?" Well, if you have an extra pair of keys, you won't have to worry about that question. Unless you lose those keys too...

The Newcomers

? Boat
? Milk
The Contenders
Cell phone

NOTE: This isn't required if you're an atheist. But disclaimers aside, we need the Bible (or other religious texts if you're not a Christian) if you want to keep up with your worship. Also, we need to read it every day if we want to draw close to God. But if you're an atheist (one who doesn't believe in God), then this isn't required.


You can chop down trees, create tools, kill any threatening animals, and cook food!

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