Top 10 Things that Most Need to Be Banned

There are a lot of things in our world that people feel would make life better if they were banned, and opinions on what should top that list can be pretty passionate. Some of these might be behaviors that cause harm to others, while others might be products or practices that seem outdated or just plain dangerous. From issues that affect public health to those that involve human rights, it's clear that certain things seem to do more harm than good.
The Top Ten

Cigarettes will never be banned because they are heavily taxed by the government. If you should ban them, you would be talking about billions of dollars in losses. Governments would never allow cigarettes to be banned. They claim to care about your health, but that is one of their biggest lies. They are primarily concerned with the profits from taxes.

Even if, by some miracle in a fantasy world, cigarettes were to be banned, governments would seek to recover their lost revenue elsewhere. Thus, discussing why cigarettes remain legal and why their status isn't contested is merely wishful thinking. The best course of action is to avoid smoking (as no one forces you to smoke cigarettes) and to educate others about the adverse effects. We have made significant progress in this area compared to 10 or 20 years ago. Just be smart.


The USA is very racist, but subtly so, particularly in the actions of police and at voting polls. Any minority with darker skin will confirm this, especially in the southern states and states like Arizona and Texas. I have witnessed it myself. It's often older, rural white men, typically poorer and less educated, who perpetuate this. I don't think they comprehend or are capable of understanding any better. In contrast, educated white people, especially the younger generation, are generally kind and decent. This should not come as a surprise. They also tend to vote liberal, mostly.

I'm fortunate to live in a big city where I interact with people of all races. I can't tell the difference between them. I see good and bad in all colors. I love the diversity in culture, food, and music. I guess I'm just lucky. My concerns are bigger things like equality, healthcare for all, fair pay, and peace. I focus not on your color, but on being loved by all!


I've been bullied before, as have many others, and it's hard to understand why people bully. If you pick on someone who's different, does that make you superior? Does harming someone who has done nothing to harm you or anyone else make you feel better? No, it makes you less of a person.

People commit suicide because of bullying, and what angers me the most is that the school system doesn't care. They either ignore it or fail to help the victim if they acknowledge it at all. The day a victim fights back and hurts the bully, it reflects poorly on the school. This shows that schools don't care about mental health.


Pornography is genuinely harmful. It's similar to consuming alcohol or drugs. Initially, it offers degrading pleasure, which then leads to addiction. You must resist this addiction as it objectifies the opposite gender, reducing them to mere objects, like an appealing car, rather than recognizing them as people.

To combat this, look away the first times you encounter it. If you're struggling, ask God for help. If the struggle is intense, seek assistance from someone you trust to help you discipline yourself and detoxify. Without porn, we would avoid many of these problems.

Animal Cruelty

I hate how people are cruel to them. Animal abusers are idiotic cowards who don't think about how they would feel if they were abused.

If you hurt animals, I hope you endure the worst torture to ever exist, and I hate you.

I despise everyone who hurts animals. They should face the same treatment.


How is bullying ranked higher than drugs? I witnessed an adult tell a kid that some drugs were 'candy.' I was there just in time to stop it, and it turned out to be fentanyl.

I understand some drugs help our health, but many others do not. When people abuse drugs, it damages the world around them.

Drugs damage not just people, but their families, friends, and relationships. They ruin lives, and they are still used carelessly? Drugs are not "cool," they are deadly. I wish the government did more to keep drugs out of America.


Wow! If we had not invaded Iraq, we would all have new schools, roads, bridges, healthcare, money for college, and daycare. This is the STUPIDEST THING, and it will hurt us for many years to recover from the MORONS that got us into Iraq!

Without stupid wars, how can the Republicans win and line their pockets? It's not like they are so smart. Vote for them, you dummies. They love idiots and trailer park trash. Tornado bait...

What if silly wars were started, and we refused to fight? Would Ted Cruz or John McCain fight, or would they start a draft? Would you sue?

Abuse of Women

It should be abuse in general. I hate that a lot of people forget that women can be abusers too.

Do you mean like the Republican Party abuses women? With policies from the distant past?

Imagine how wonderful the world would be if it were led by Democratic women.

Anti-Abortion Laws

There is no scientific or medical proof supporting that we can pinpoint when a fetus becomes a human. Absolutely no proof exists. You can disagree as much as you want, but the evidence isn't there.

Ronald Reagan once said (and I'm paraphrasing), "Since we don't know, let us err on the side of life." He also said, "I've noticed that everybody that is for abortion has already been born." It puzzles me that the liberal-minded side of the argument isn't the one advocating for pro-life. Typically, liberal arguments support life, not the opposite. The morality behind these beliefs is baffling.


I like to look at the political spectrum as a list from one to ten, with 1 being right-wing/conservative and 10 being left-wing/liberal. I would say 60% of people my age (perhaps more) are in the liberal zone. The overwhelming majority in the 10 range are elderly people who do not understand the US or much about current events. These far fighters have, instead, a very outdated view of the world.

Many rightist politicians are homophobic and act as though gay marriage is some sort of sin against God. For their information, the Bible does not say a thing about gay marriage. Only more recently have homophobic religious leaders falsely interpreted it to be so.

They are constantly urging Americans to get involved in costly international affairs. I'm not talking about Europe or Asia, I'm talking about hopeless war zones like Sudan and Libya. The United States has no diplomatic ties with Libya, nor does the average American care what is going on over there, the same with Sudan. The only country America should be involved in right now is Syria, which is currently a blood-stained battlefield between two genocidal parties (not to mention they beheaded four of our citizens). But even with Syria, a limited war fought with mostly air strikes would be in America's best interest, contrary to conservative claims. They also defend Israel no matter what they do, criticizing the left for not helping save them from the "evil Muslims" or whatever. While Israel is America's only semi-reliable ally in the region, there has been conflict there for millennia, and all the diplomacy in the world could not do a thing about it.

The outdated Republican philosophy also applies to domestic issues. They openly despise "youth culture" and modernization, homosexuals, labor unions, progressives, and anyone who has ever had an abortion (which they and the church consider some sort of international war crime for reasons that escape me). They refuse to cooperate on most issues and... more

The Newcomers

? Vaping

One of the worst inventions ever. Vapes were originally invented to help people quit smoking but as the years went on they fell in the hands of underage teenagers! Many teens across the world got suspended at school because of this, and then that could increase their chances of trying cigarettes. Vaping should be near the top of the list.

Oh are you kidding me vaping is only at #212? This should be in the Top 10! It was created to help people stop smoking, but this got in the hands of UNDERAGE TEENAGERS! Many kids across America have gotten suspended from school because of vaping, and is also the top cause of suspension from school, and some people who vaped even started to TRY cigarettes! This is easily one of the worst inventions ever!

? Autism

What on Earth is wrong with the person that added this to the list?

The Contenders

This is already banned in most countries, and this should be higher on the list, at least in the top 5. How is this lower than internet pop-ups?

Umm, I think this is probably already banned in every country. Just because you ban it doesn't mean it won't happen, unfortunately.

Rape is a serious crime. It involves sexual intercourse in a violent, unwanted, and forceful way. It can lead to pain, arrest, and death.

Internet Pop-Ups

I've gotten rid of them now, but before, I couldn't do anything on the computer I use without two ads popping up every three minutes. It's hard to play Super Smash Flash 2 like that. One time, a pop-up ad even replaced the tab I was on.

Internet pop-ups are really annoying things that appear unexpectedly when you are browsing through websites. It's funny when you are told that you've won a million dollars. But there are some embarrassing situations when you're looking at a website with someone, and inappropriate things jump out.


Men are not perfect, but women aren't either. Both genders are equal and neither deserve to be discriminated against.

Gender is not important to fight over. It's not a problem if someone is a woman or a man. Treat them equally.


The only reason I could see this not getting banned is because of 4chan, which already has a no-censorship rule. We all know how 4chan is, and I'm scared that everything will turn into that.

Literally, censorship is the most senseless thing ever. Stopping someone from speaking just because they have a different opinion negates the purpose of being able to speak at all. Nothing was made to be unopposed. It's okay to have different beliefs. Instead of censoring beliefs you think are wrong, why not debate like adults?


This counts for all types of pollution: noise, air, water, and waste pollution. It causes bad things to happen on Earth. If it doesn't stop, the ozone layer will be gone, and the sun will burn everything up. There will be no clean drinking water, and people will die from inhaling carbon monoxide in the air, among other things.

We should definitely ban V8 engines in cars. If it were up to me, I would ban all cars.

Alcoholic Drinks

Alcohol does more harm than good. It impairs a person's ability to think and act intelligently. While some argue that alcohol has benefits, the adverse consequences far outweigh them. If you still doubt this, consider the number of innocent people who die due to drunk drivers and the amount of crime related to alcohol. Believe me, alcoholic drinks are not as beneficial to society as some might think.

Honestly, guys, there are people who drink responsibly, but then there are others who drink irresponsibly. This results in car accidents, domestic violence, and other harms. If alcohol were banned, it would be better for society as a whole. You might not want to give up your beer, but the overall benefits to society would be worth it. Crimes would decrease, and we wouldn't have to worry about drunk drivers causing tragic accidents.

Police Brutality

Serve justice instead of hurting and killing people.

Anti-Gun Laws

You cannot make law-abiding citizens safer by taking away their guns. That has been proven repeatedly. In every part of the world with strict gun control, the violent crime rate has risen - without exception. Yet, people still believe that outlawing guns will make the world safer. The lack of logical thought regarding guns by those on the left, who often pride themselves on intellectual superiority, is astonishing.

People who think there should be no guns aren't thinking at all. Criminals will get their hands on guns one way or another, just like how they get their hands on drugs. All it will do is disarm the law-abiding citizen and make them vulnerable. Let's face it, I'd feel much safer with a gun in my house.


I used to lie to myself about how great America is. Now, I observe how poorly it treats its own people, involves decent young men in silly wars, deals with economic inequality, handles bankruptcy for healthcare, the fraud at the top, and the treatment of minorities and women. Let's just say, let's all observe.

Republicans lie to you big time! All they are and will ever be is a rich white male club, pro-corporate, big oil, big pharma, and pro-war business. That's all! Don't believe the rest! It's anti-women, minorities, middle class, immigrants, gays, and the environment. It's that simple! They just want your vote! And to screw you! Dummies.

A Police State
Bad Environmental Laws
Corporate Greed

Just look at all the abuses Pride Industries commits against disabled workers! In several states, they are under scrutiny for wrongdoing, preying on the most vulnerable. We are facing the same issue in San Diego, CA, working with attorneys! Pride was using us workers to commit fraud against the U.S. Navy.

Big corporations are taking money away from smaller businesses and only care about themselves. This is why capitalism should NOT exist.

Take the profit out of healthcare! Make it a human right! This makes the USA look really bad.

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