Weirdest Things Ever Stolen

Here is a list of some of the strangest things ever stolen over the years, which could make you question what this world has come to.
The Top Ten
5,000+ jars of Nutella

In 2017, 5,000 jars of Nutella, valued at about $21,000, were stolen from a parked truck trailer in Bad Hersfeld, Germany. Why would you need that many jars of Nutella, and what would you do with them?

Well, have fun getting diabetes! Plus, you're not going to be able to consume all that Nutella before it expires.

I guess that person really likes Nutella? By the way, another great and interesting list!

Beach sand

An estimated 500 truckloads of sand, which is believed to have been sold to rival resorts, vanished from Coral Spring Beach in Jamaica. Over the months, no arrests were made, nor has there been any sign of the sand.

What a confusing reality. Now I'm going to appreciate the Bohemian Rhapsody introduction more: Is this the real life? Or is this just fantasy?

That's weird. Beach sand, of all things?

Bull semen

In 1989, $10,000 worth of frozen bull semen and embryos were stolen from the California Polytechnic University. The embryos were later found, but the semen was never located.

Years later, in early 2016, three tanks of bull semen worth $50,000 were also stolen from a truck parked in Turlock, California. Unfortunately, these have also never been recovered.

I imagine it's in high demand with cattle ranchers.

Elmer's glue? Hot glue is so much better.

A 10-ton steel bridge

In 2012, a group of metal scrappers stole a 10-ton steel bridge, claiming they had been hired to take it down. According to a Railways spokesman, the theft was worth millions. The bridge hasn't been returned, and it is believed the thieves sold it for scrap metal.

That is way too much work just to get scrap metal. You'd have to break the concrete or asphalt around the steel.

How could they steal that bridge?

A condom machine

Keith Bradford stole a condom machine off the wall in the toilet of a pub in 1994, carrying it as he walked home. The man was so drunk that he didn't notice the police following him.

It must be very practical to have a condom machine next to your bed.

Why would there be a condom machine in public? I don't get it.

300 manhole covers

In Los Angeles back in 1990, manhole covers all over the area were stolen. The two culprits were later caught when police found them selling the covers to scrap-material dealers.

Not very smart. You can't just go to a junkyard and expect to be able to sell manhole covers this easily. Unless someone who works there is a crook and willing to do such business.

Those people must have been dedicated.

Fake bison testicles

As part of an event held in Edmonton, Canada, back in 2001, the city made bison statues painted in the colors of the flags represented in the championships. However, 20 of the statues' private parts were snatched for whatever reason. What do you plan to do with THESE?

I'm guessing the people who stole them didn't want kids to see testicles, even if they were just on an animal. That's the only plausible explanation.

Inflatable gorilla

A 350-pound inflatable gorilla anchored on a roof was taken in 2010. No one was ever caught for this theft, but it is believed that several people may have stolen it due to the large size of the item.

Owning an inflatable gorilla has many benefits, which is why I have ten of them in my backyard.

Disney Stuffed Animals

Either this person has a stuffed animal fetish or really likes a certain character.


A woman stole $305 worth of buttons from a department store off of some clothes in Miami back in 1992. It later turned out that the woman was Felicidad Noriega, the wife of Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega.

The Newcomers

? Giant inflatable SpongeBob
? Driveway
The Contenders
A cabin

A couple went out to their cabin, only to find it completely missing. Even the furniture and camping gear inside had been stolen, leaving only the concrete blocks the cabin had been standing on.

Building a cabin is expensive. It actually makes sense why someone would steal one. Still, very impressive.

First of all, how? Second of all, why?

Albert Einstein's Brain
A Glacier

In 2012, an entrepreneur from Chile, armed with a refrigerated truck, stole 5 tons of ice to make into "Designer Ice Cubes."

What is the purpose of glaciers? Maybe they think that glaciers can be used for beverages.

Human semen
Emperor Penguins The emperor penguin is the tallest and heaviest of all living penguin species and is endemic to Antarctica.
Chocolate bars
Dragon Ball Z Toys
Butter Bars
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