Top 10 Zombie Melee Weapons
These could be the difference between life and death in the inevitable zombie apocalypse.A perfect weapon. It is multipurpose and can easily break into almost anything.
Durable, reliable, and lethal. Doesn't require maintenance like bladed weapons.
Ranged, powerful, and can be used to open or smash things.
The poor man's sword is not very long but can be sharp and effective.
It is easy to find, light, and the best weapon.
Somewhat good as a bludgeoning weapon, but it takes up much space and weight.
Easy to find but takes a lot of force to make a kill with.
Katanas are lightweight and can slash through huge groups of walkers with lightning speed, unlike a crowbar, which is an okay weapon but nothing compared to the katana. There is no melee weapon that will ever be comparable to the great katana. When choosing a weapon to kill the undead, choose something lightweight, not something heavy. You don't want that weight slowing you down. It can get you killed. Go with the katana. It is by far the best zombie killer out there.
A Katana is made to wound the enemy and cause the enemy to die from blood loss, which is why I prefer a crowbar in the case of a zombie outbreak. Another reason is that a katana's blade is too thin, which means that it will most likely shatter into pieces if you try to cut through a bone with it.
Better reach than a hatchet, but also heavier.
Sharp as a razor, but barely has as much range as a machete.

I'm amazed the kukri hasn't been mentioned. It's lightweight, but still has a lot of stopping power. It doesn't get stuck like an ax, plus it's a lot easier to disembowel a zombie, giving you a lot more options. As an added bonus, the cheapest ones are only $50, so you can get one shipped to you easily before Armageddon.
It's like a machete and hatchet hybrid.
Great weapon, but where are you going to get one?
Because it has a sharp pointed end to break a zombie's skull.
It depends on how big it is. The bigger it is, the harder it is to swing.
Not very much reach, but sharp enough to go to the brain if it doesn't get stuck.
The Newcomers

Lightweight enough to use two of these boys at once.
A sharp and deadly weapon that was utilized by knights and is a light weapon.
Epic destruction, but heavy and hard to swing accurately.
Useful in case the zombie is wearing a helmet.
Better as a tool than a weapon, but can be used effectively in a pinch.

Because katanas are poor zombie-killing weapons for three reasons. First, it is a highly specialized tool that requires substantial skill to use properly. Second, chances are very good you'll hurt yourself before you put down any zombies. Third, you watch too much anime.
Now, a geological hammer? Lightweight, easy to swing, with a nice long pointy tip used to crack rocks. It's the perfect zombie killer for today's survivalist on the go.
It can be found everywhere, is highly durable, light enough to carry but heavy enough to kill a zombie, can vary in size, and can be used to cook! (Cooking or killing, not both. You don't want to work so hard for nothing, folks!)