Reasons Why Looney Tunes Is Better Than the Looney Tunes Show
The Looney Tunes has been around ever since 1929. Cartoon Network and Boomerang should do more reruns of the Looney Tunes so that children can see what they were or are missing out on while watching junk like Clarence or other CN shows that are terrible.
So You're Saying It Was Better Because It's Older? Stupidest Reason Ever Period.
Crap is older than looney tunes. Is crap better?
Hole = clever ideas, related to his species, easy to animate
House = boring gags, real "wabbits" don't "wive" in houses, hard to animate
That's Looney Tunes Show stupid moron
That's True It Was Funnier Than The Looney Tunes Show That Was Always True Maybe Even Before The Show Came Out, It Might've Even Been Funnier Than The Baby Looney Tunes.
I saw the looney tunes show and could not watch it as all they do is gossip and chat like teenage and old girls. So annoying. I miss the action that Looney Tunes provided.
This and Mel Blanc as a better voice actor being a close second: better writing and truer to original characterizations are also good reasons.
All Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck do is...
1. Face Boring Problems Instead Of Funny Cartoon Problems (Like Tom trying to catch Jerry/ Porky tries to hunt down Daffy...).
2. They sit all day on their bums and gossip like girls. So annoying.
3. Lame
(You know it.)
4. Targeted only to Adults.
The Looney Tunes was a family cartoon. I can't even watch 2 minutes of The Looney Tunes Show without switching the channel.