Top Ten Total Drama Characters That Will Most Likely Win Total Drama Season 7

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The Top Ten

Courtney was eliminated unfairly in the first season. Maybe she could have won that season.

In the second season, she would have won but was betrayed by Duncan, a boyfriend who votes for his own girlfriend.

In the third season, she was doing well until she was manipulated by Alejandro. Duncan didn't screw her over this time, but once again, damn Duncan! I hate him.

In Season 5, the writers did something terrible with her character, creating a new Courtney that had nothing to do with the Courtney from the other seasons. They didn't just ruin Courtney - they ruined the entire world.

In All Stars, there was no reason for Courtney to be eliminated since there were only five people left, and Gwen and Scott would never vote for her. So the writers practically quit the script and created something just to eliminate Courtney. They didn't want us to remember the time when Courtney ate all the disgusting food from Alejandro. They simply created an excuse to eliminate her quickly.


Lindsay is super nice, unlike most of the other characters. I always hated Heather, and I'm so glad Lindsay cussed her out in Season 1, but her elimination was unfair. She's also the cutest character!

Yeah, Lindsay needs to get another shot at Total Drama Action and not have the producers ruin it for her again.

Lindsay needs to win Season 7! She can go on a well-deserved shopping spree!


Bridgette was done dirty after Season 1. She was turned into an offshoot of Geoff in Season 2, and although the Aftermath gave both characters some time to shine, they were still robbed.

Then she was kind of a punching bag in World Tour (Does "Stuck to a Pole" ring any bells?), and she was never really seen again. While I don't necessarily think it is likely for her to win Season 7, I do think it is a good option.

Bridgette is a good contestant, but she needs to quit letting guys distract her. Maybe then she will get further in the competition for once.


His intelligence and his relationships with Izzy and others could form a powerful alliance. His witty, sarcastic lines will really make the season pop. He deserves to win or at least make the merge. Tyler too.

I have a feeling it's going to be Noah. He keeps becoming more and more popular, and it's no surprise. Maybe his smarts will finally get him the million.


She deserves a win so much! She's good at competitions, has a great personality, fierce eyeliner game, kicks the butts of all who deserve it (cough cough Heather), has decent strategy, takes command when needed, and, perhaps most notably, had one of the most unfair eliminations in all of Total Drama.

She's due for a win. While I don't necessarily trust the writers to give her that win, I do know that she has something a lot of the newer characters don't: she is not a human punching bag. True, she did get some reverse plot armor, and true, she has her fair share of comedy, but she is still given more respect than other, newer characters (at least while on screen). That is key in gaining the writers' respect.

Samey Samantha "Samey"/"Sammy" was a contestant on Total Drama: Pahkitew Island as a member of the Pimâpotew Kinosewak.

Samey has always been the nice sister, while Amy was the mean one. This is why Season 6 sucked - because her teammates, except Shawn, Jasmine, and Scarlett, were stupid.

Samey is probably the best Total Drama character due to her standing up to her sister in Pahkitew Island! She should win Season 7 if she's part of it!

I can go to the grave happy if she wins a season.

Mr. Coconut

Mr. Coconut is the best - I'm actually serious. He deserves to win it. He should win the million.


Enough of the original cast members have already won, and out of the second generation, Brick deserves to win the most!

Oh yeah! Brick needs to be in it for sure and face off against Mike and Ezekiel for the 1 million!


Cody always gets closer and closer. He should finally win and maybe take Sierra out on a date.


Technically, she sort of won Pahkitew Island after Shawn won it for her.

The Contenders

It's Scott's fault she got out. If dinosaurs were still alive, she would be the first one to try and see them!


DJ is a gentle giant who deserves all the love! He has been a punching bag for too long, and he deserves a win!


Geoff is the best! Too bad he and Brody lost.


Sky was close to winning and made it to the final 2, so she should come back. I would like her to win.

She almost won Total Drama: Pahkitew Island. She seriously deserves another chance at the million.


This cool dude deserves the million!

Trent needs the million - and Gwen.

Oh, Trent. Sweet, musically talented, written-out, smart-turned-stupid, human punching bag, Trent. This contestant was done dirty in Total Drama Action and barely included in World Tour. But if you look at Island, he is super important and one-half of the most obvious (and by obvious, I mean "properly advertised/hinted at, not an insult") and important couples. He and Gwen were arguably the healthiest couple in the show (until Action), which is so important to see.

Tyler and Lindsay are a bit superficial, Leshawna and Harold seemingly came out of nowhere and then went almost nowhere, Duncan and Courtney were never developed enough or had enough screen time of them not fighting and being toxic, Heather and Alejandro are villains, Owen and Izzy seemed to just be thrown together to "give everyone a relationship" and reinforce the idea that only weirdos can love weirdos, Sierra had zero respect for Cody's space, Duncan and Gwen created nothing but drama and never actually dated, and finally, Geoff and Bridgette were turned into just "the couple" after season 1, devastating both of their original personalities.

This leaves Gwen and Trent as the only couple made of the original cast left. The artist and the musician, young love in the summer, teammates to friends to lovers - a lovely pair. Gwen has had a lot of screen time and even an alternate ending win. Although she has been a bit of a punching bag, she still has been given many chances. Trent, on the other hand, has had next to nothing. Winning a season (and hopefully rekindling his relationship with Gwen) would be really great to see.


Izzy, the crazy chick - can you tell me why she shouldn't have a chance? Or are you too scared to do it? You gotta love her.

Yeah, Izzy is awesome! She should win!


He already won a season in the alternate ending.


Harold has been picked on and tortured the most, and he was close to winning in TDA. I think he needs another shot. He's a really cool dude who received too much bullying from the other contestants. I wish they would lay off him a little bit. I'm Team Harold. I'd like to see him step up and win.


He won the first season, and I don't think anyone will win twice.

He deserves to get his money already! Come on, win and pay the man!


I think Tyler needs more recognition. I'd like to see him win the million dollars! He's cool. He just needs more attention.


He was the first one to go in Season 1 and the first one to go in Season 3, but he still got the money. He should make it to the final 3 or 2 and win. His opponents in the final 3 should be Brick and Mike.

Heather Heather was a camper and the main antagonist of Total Drama Island as a member of the Screaming Gophers. She later returned as a cast member in Total Drama Action on the Screaming Gaffers, and was one of the finalists in Total Drama World Tour representing Team Amazon.

Even though she won, she didn't get the money. But this queen did win Alejandro.

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