Top 10 Best Cartoons of the 2010s
The list of the best cartoons that were created in the 2010s. Please do not cartoons that were not created in this decade such as The Simpsons or Phineas and Ferb. Only add cartoons that were created in the 2010s.
Gravity Falls is easily the best television show that has ever been made. This is one of the shows that does not actually drag on for a long time, leaves you wanting more, and it actually has a real plot. I swear, people who say that they hate it are absolutely crazy. I don't mean that in an insane Bill Cipher way. I mean that in a bad way.
Its characters actually have character development, unlike some of the worse ones I have seen. It deserves many awards, and it definitely suits any age group. Heck, even my youngest brother (a toddler) and my dad love to watch this show!

I like Gravity Falls, but this is the cartoon that actually got me into Cartoon Network. That means it also got me into Steven Universe, Regular Show, and Johnny Bravo. How is this not #1? Some people don't like it because "it has lots of gross humor and dumb jokes."
I do agree, the first season had a lot of bad, dumb, and embarrassing episodes, but as the show went on, it went into the territory of deep, inspiring, and some episodes seemed to be aimed at adults. I love this cartoon so much, and I recommend the newer episodes to any fan of cartoons with heart, friendship, valuable life lessons (not the cheesy kind), and of course, adventure.

In my opinion, Gravity Falls is easily the best cartoon... maybe ever. But after that show ended, I had to fill the hole in my heart for story-driven animation. Then, my friend suggested this show, and I am so glad I got into it.
This show is great for just sitting down on a couch and binging because it's so much fun to watch! It's more entertaining than Adventure Time and honestly the sweetest show. It appeals to all people: male and female, young and old.
And can I take the time to discuss the music?!?! HOLY CRAP! It's beautifully simple, and I find myself singing along to the songs without knowing. Okay, so I don't care for the Sadie Killer songs, but the rest are just beautiful.

If it's in the top 5, I'm happy. This is just the greatest show of all time.

Season 1 can turn viewers away if they're not into random jumbled episodes, minus the finale episode and maybe 2 more. Season 2 gets better, and Season 3 trumps them both. Season 4 is a great closer, with a pretty wholesome ending. I'd say this show is better than Gravity Falls, at least for my personal taste. Highly recommend it.
SVTFOE is the best current cartoon, not just under the Disney brand, but the best cartoon in general. Star vs. has that old-school appeal while still retaining what kids like nowadays. Star vs. has the charm of Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends and the now rare creativity of The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, easily making it one of the greats of all time.

Regular Show is indeed one of the greatest (if not the greatest) Cartoon Network shows of all time. It is my favorite Cartoon Network show of the 2010s. It just feels so different from other CN shows (and in a good way). It has an adult-ish feel to it. It had some cussing in Season 1, such as "crap" and "pissed." Unfortunately, those words were redubbed and changed to "crud" and "ticked" or "miffed."
The show faced a lot of censorship, so because I live in South Africa, I've been watching the show censored. This was especially annoying with the Halloween specials "Terror Tales of the Park," where the intro is changed to the normal RS intro. Adventure Time has faced the same problem throughout its run.
But nonetheless, this show was a true masterpiece with a lot of hidden adult jokes that would just fly over little kids' heads. Speaking of kids, this show was never really meant for kids as it was originally going to air on Adult Swim, but there wasn't any space for new programming for AS at the time.
It was sad when we had to say farewell to one of the greatest CN shows of all time. This (along with Adventure Time) started the Cartoon Renaissance Era, so it was really sad when we had to say farewell.
RIP Regular Show, we will never forget you.

After 9 long years and over 200 episodes, a theatrical movie, a TV movie, a spin-off series, several holiday specials, and several hundreds of thousands of fan-created works, it is hard to argue that MLP: FiM, whether you like it or not, is a cultural phenomenon unlike any other cartoon of the modern age.
It has reached further corners of the internet than most others, creating a fandom that no one saw coming, spawning dozens of conventions, and launching the careers of musicians, analysts, animators, and many other fans who have become huge internet icons of the modern age.
For some people, myself included, it has even been a source of catharsis, therapy, and even a preventative to suicide at some point in their lives. There are very few shows that can lay claim to such a prestigious honor.
To have such a far-reaching grasp, to last for so long and never truly feel like quality went out the door completely, and to go out on such a high note, I feel that My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic is truly one of the greatest cartoons of all time. Is it for everyone? No, but it truly is deserving of its impact.

Not as good as Avatar: The Last Airbender series because that show is pretty much perfect. But this is a more than good sequel. The only thing that sucks about this is the lack of run time, resulting in a very fast pacing that puts many people off who expected better from the sequel to what might be the greatest show of all time.
The Legend of Korra has beautiful animation, a great character arc for its main character, amazing worldbuilding and development, and funny side characters (Do the thing!). Most of the villains have great motivations, and the action is overall the best we have seen.
Simply put, it's amazing and absolutely deserves more attention. By the way, Rick and Morty is better, but I wanted to give this show the vote.

This is so underrated to me! I love this show SO MUCH I tried to watch a season every week. If you haven't watched it yet, you should totally go try it out!
I love this show. It's just a slice-of-life cartoon.

I initially found Season 1 childish and Nick Jr.-esque. Season 2 was better. Season 3 to present was amazing. The show includes witty and intelligent jokes and pop culture references.
The Newcomers

Personally, I see The Loud House as the Nickelodeon equivalent of Adventure Time. In other words, like how Adventure Time brought about a modern Cartoon Network renaissance and cartoon renaissance in general, The Loud House has brought about a modern Nickelodeon renaissance. It's pretty nice to see something besides SpongeBob SquarePants being featured prominently on Nickelodeon.
Considering I just became an adult a year ago, this show is actually pretty good. It's not the best, but it does have its strong moments. It's better than most other Nickelodeon cartoons in recent years.

It may not be the 'best' cartoon ever, but it is my favorite cartoon ever.

Seriously, if you haven't seen this, you are missing out on one of the best cartoons of all time. It's roughly 2 hours long and is so tightly wound in mystery and symbolism that it is a must-watch!
It's short, sweet, and was what got me back into western animation after years of loving anime and only anime.
It is great if you are into dark stuff. Out of 10 episodes, I would only consider 1-2 episodes lighthearted.

Say what you will about Seasons 1 and 2, but Season 3 has improved upon the show so much. It's given the main characters (especially Sumo) character development, it has a lot less disgusting imagery, and it isn't as fast-paced as it was before. Overall, even though the show has had its downsides, Season 3 was a major improvement.
It's just so underrated that it hurts. It's a really funny and creative show that gets way too much hate.
Finally, this show is in the right place.

Great comedy, great action, great animation, great heroes and villains - to me, it stands out from the other modern cartoons that put more focus on random silliness.

I love the show and how it brings all the characters together in a modern way.

Woah, woah, woah! How the heck is this one so low?! Wander Over Yonder was cancelled too soon. It was honestly hilarious!
Is it better than Steven Universe, Gravity Falls, and Regular Show? No. But it was a smart and clever piece of animation that Disney took for granted. No fair!
Wander Over Yonder deserves a much higher spot on the list.
Such an underrated show. Wonderful animation.

This is the best thing ever. Milo is awesome. He has everything go wrong around him, but he is so cheerful regardless.