Best The Lord of the Rings Movies

The plain fact is that ROTK was the best movie of them all, but many viewers have a soft spot for Fellowship due to it being the introduction to Peter Jackson's vision of the story. Plus, there are the amazing short vignettes from the First Age, which could be another 10 movies by taking stories from The Silmarillion.
For instance, the character Gil-galad gets 15 seconds in one of those vignettes but could easily have an entire movie to himself.
The Return of the King is without a doubt the best movie ever made. Almost every scene is amazingly crafted, and there is so much fun action, epic scenes, suspense, and overpowering emotion.
The movie is a perfect mix of all the things needed for a great film, and it more than fits the definition of a masterpiece.

How can this not be the best one? This is the best of them all, and I don't care what the rest of you traitors think! Rivendell, the story of how the Rings were made, Amon Hen, Weathertop, the Mines of Moria, and even the magical Lothlórien! This movie gave us all that!
The only things missing from it are the castles and the Black Gate.
I love them all. Even The Hobbit was alright, but the first LOTR movie is my personal favorite.
Classic is the best.

I can't possibly pick only one of the LOTR movies. Aragorn's group had an amazing part in The Two Towers, while Frodo's group had an amazing part in The Return of the King. The Fellowship of the Ring was just pure greatness.
I do have to say that the Battle of Helm's Deep is the best fight in all of the movies by far, and that scene was in The Two Towers.
They left out two important scenes in this movie and put them into the other movies: Shelob and Boromir's death. That's why The Two Towers isn't as highly rated as the others.

Contrary to popular opinion, I really like this.
I like all the Hobbit movies except for An Unexpected Journey.

I really like this one.
Is it better than The Return of the King? No. But it is a very fun, action-packed movie. The first half is so fast-paced, and the second half is slower but still great.