Best Superhero Movie Quotes

This is my favorite quote ever. It really shows a side of some people we never really know.
The Dark Knight is honestly my favorite movie. Better than The Shawshank Redemption. What made the movie great was the conflict of morality between Harvey, Bruce, the Joker, and Gordon.
Really an amazing quote. It's something you can reflect on.
I really love this quote. It talks about having hope for people and self-sacrifice, two things that every good hero has or does in some way.
A superhero's life is really bittersweet, like this quote, because they live to help people and allow others to carry on with their normal lives, but heroes can never have a normal life for themselves.
I think it is touching. I also believe that there is a hero inside us all. We just have to find it. The best way to find it is by giving back to the community.
I would love to see other teenagers like me give back to the community. That is my definition of a hero. Even starting to recycle can help.
Are you kidding? This is one of the most beautiful sentiments in movie history, and it made it into a superhero film of all things!
The perfect ending for an otherwise dark and oppressive - but good - movie seals the deal for the audience. Everyone who left the theater after that quote was shaking their heads, admiring Batman for his heroism - sorry, guardianship and protection - towards an ungrateful, blind city.
A quote like this sets the tone for a movie's legacy. It belongs in the top five, at least!
When I left the theater, I was quite moved. A very elemental conflict between good and evil. Christopher Nolan creates an incredible world in which we can really fit in. The complexity of his ideas is unchallengeable.
Whatever he does, it deeply influences my mind. I'll put this movie in the #1 position amongst all the movies that I've ever seen. Not to forget, it inspired me to be a film director.
Because it's true. Lose/die being a hero, or live and fight until all morals and reasoning are gone. When good does not exist, when there is only evil.
Hence, I adore this quote. It's a matter of time before even the greatest ones fall.
It makes you think about whether your life is worth hard work and if you are willing to work hard to accomplish your goals. Or, if you do not know if your life is worth trying to accomplish your goals and dreams.
It really makes you think. Should you go insane or struggle to fight for a cause you probably will forget about?
I like how this relates to everyone. Whenever we do something bad or good, it always has a consequence.
If you decide to save a life, you risk your own. If you decide to harm someone else, you risk your life and also get arrested. It all depends on what you do and how you do it, which will determine your type of consequence.
This is my favorite quote from the best superhero movie! Tobey Maguire is the best Spider-Man!
There should be more quotes from Joker in the top 20. I agree his quotes were dark, but they were epic. Inspirational quotes are amazing, but bitter quotes make you think about humanity and the dark side of it.
Superman is the best superhero, so clearly all his quotes should be considered the best. Spider-Man, third best. Iron Man, second. Batman, fourth. Superman. Oh, definitely Superman. He's first.
Superman is obviously the best superhero. It's in his name: Superman. He isn't named after animals and bugs like Batman and Spider-Man.
Indeed, Superman and this quote top the list and say it all.
Absolutely hilarious! I wonder how many people caught that when it came out in theaters.
I laughed out loud at this. Of course, Thor wouldn't really say that, but it's still funny.
One of my favorite lines from the movie! I was hoping someone would post that!
Iron Man is the only superhero that puts a smile on my face.
There is a Batman in all of us.
The Newcomers
It breaks my heart every time I watch it.
It's just awesome. Just awesome.
Great movie and an amazing quote.
It felt as though he was talking to every one of us and what we can contribute to the world.
I love this quote. I use it for almost all of my projects that need a quote.
Yeah, I totally agree with you. It's great. Thanks for your quote.
This is from The Incredibles. Whoever put this should have listed the movie.
Come on, this quote is legendary!
I may have forgotten a lot about this movie, but not this quote!
Best superhero quote ever. I dare anyone to tell me they haven't heard it.
So many quotable lines in the movie, but I just simply loved this one. Such an amazing scene and an incredible movie overall.
So many quotable lines in the film, but I just simply love this one. It's an amazing scene and an incredible movie overall.