Top 10 Favorite Dinosaurs from Jurassic Park

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The Top Ten
Tyrannosaurus Tyrannosaurus, meaning "tyrant lizard", from the Ancient Greek tyrannos, "tyrant", and sauros, "lizard" is a genus of coelurosaurian theropod dinosaur. It also had a tremendous bite force, the strongest of any Dinosaur and living terrestrial animal. Its bite force reached up to 12,800 pounds (roughly... read more

It's pretty obvious. Even though this dinosaur is dangerous, it's my favorite out of all dinosaurs.

Of course! It's the icon of Jurassic Park! No other dinosaur deserves to be number one but this one.

That "When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth" scene was awesome. It shows that T. rex really was the king of the dinosaurs.


Personally, Velociraptor was one of my favorites in Jurassic Park.

My favorite dinosaur in the franchise.

The smartest non-hybrid dino in this franchise. They share the spotlight with the T. rex.

Brachiosaurus Brachiosaurus is a genus of sauropod dinosaur that lived in North America during the Late Jurassic, about 154–153 million years ago.

They are my favorite dinosaurs because they are huge but very innocent creatures. They are beautiful animals and really cool. They may not eat meat, but they can still kill you if you end up under their large feet.

A very large but gentle dino that would probably never purposely harm a human. Plus, that Brachiosaurus scene in Jurassic Park is so iconic.

I like Brachiosaurus because it's big and peaceful. A gentle giant, basically.

Dilophosaurus Dilophosaurus is a genus of theropod dinosaur. It contains a single known species, Dilophosaurus wetherilli, known from fossil remains found in the Kayenta formation of Arizona.

This was the ONLY dinosaur in the whole series to be smaller than its real counterpart.

Dilophosaurus is a very cool dinosaur. I need to see him in Jurassic World 2.

Too bad one only appeared in the first movie. They have to bring them back!


They're so iconic!

Triceratops Triceratops is a genus of herbivorous ceratopsid dinosaur that first appeared during the late Maastrichtian stage of the late Cretaceous period, about 68 million years ago in what is now North America.

A dino with cool, long horns and is Alan Grant's favorite dinosaur. Plus, this dino has appeared in every single movie so far.

The sick Triceratops is cute and lovely. I'll call her... Misha!

She's cute, so her name is Misha!

Parasaurolophus Parasaurolophus is a genus of ornithopod dinosaur that lived in what is now North America during the Late Cretaceous Period, about 76.5–74.5 million years ago.

A majestic dino that makes an amazing sound.

They look so cool, though.

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