Top 10 Highly Overrated Things About/From Certain Movies

Please note that this doesn't always mean "bad", per se
The Top Ten
1 The Minions from Despicable Me

When THESE things are seriously able to completely replace your ACTUAL so-called main character (Gru),
you KNOW that your film series has got some AWFULLY serious writing issues to say the least

I wish the series focused on gru more

2 Avengers: Infinity War's portrayal of Thanos

Memes aside, he's great and all (and easily one of live-action film's all-time greatest achivements in CGI graphic design for sure) but not exactly up to par with the Dark Knight Joker (who, by the way, is also about as overrated as movie villains get, just for the record)

Spawned endless Thanos memes. Glad he dies twice during Endgame the second one being the best of the two due to how climatic it is and the fact that he will not come back to life ever again.

3 Titanic's generic and cliched "romantic heartbreak" plot

The film's theme song being arguably the cheesiest Celine Dion love ballad ever made doesn't help either

Titanic is beautiful, period.

This film is pretty corny

4 (Disney's) Frozen's soundtrack and character cast

At one point, you'd better believe that Let It Go was actually THE most overplayed of the Christmas songs
(as for the movie itself, it's honestly a pretty decent film on its own merits but horrifically bad by Classic Disney standards)

It was a good movie, but like someone pointed out on a "Most Overrated movies of all time" list. people talk about it like Jesus himself wrote it.

Frozen is the worst Disney movie of all time in my opinion.

5 How sad of a movie Toy Story 3 actually is

This might be subjective, sure, but come ON; haven't you EVER seen Schindler's List, Shawshank Redemption or WALL-E, just to name a few? (Also, this film was actually kind of weak when compared to its predecessors, to be honest)

6 Arnold Schwarzenegger's Acting Performance as the T-800 in the Terminator
7 Avengers: Infinity War's Cgi Effects

Jaw-dropping on Thanos himself; lame mostly everywhere else

8 Avengers: Infinity War's Twist Ending

This is what Marvel did to get billions of dollars more and even more money from and to Fortnite.

More like anti-twist ending if you ask me

9 The titular main protagonist of Shrek

"I love Shrek so much, I have all the merchandise and movies. I pray to him every night"

10 Star Wars Episode V's "Darth Father" plot twist

Maybe it's just that I saw the prequels before the original just because chronologically it is so, people should kinda get over the whole vader twist. One twist does not automatically make a movie better than the others

If you know at least a reasonable lick of German, you can clearly see that it's even in his NAME for crying out loud

The Contenders
11 How much better the first Michael Bay Transformers movie actually was overall than the rest of its series

Don't be fooled by the hype; it's still INCREDIBLY lame and mediocre outside of a few specific action scenes

Third was better, and I even think the second one was a bit more enjoyable than the original

It was terrible
Like all the other Bay movies other than his first movie

12 Fight Club’s “split personality” plot twist
13 How bad Batman & Robin actually is overall

"A Bat...Credit Card? They gave him a Bat...CREDIT CARD?! "

14 Bohemian Rhapsody 2018's Portrayal of Queen Itself
15 The jokes in Austin Powers

(insert cliche sex joke here)

(insert pop-culture/television-trope gag there)

(remind viewer every ten seconds or so that the film is a blatant ripoff of James Bond)

(? )


16 Freddy Krueger from Nightmare On Elm Street
17 Black Panther 2018’s anti-racism message

Whoever put this on the list is a racist and sexist. Otherwise, why else would any anti-racism message be on this list?!?! You don't call me or other people the N word if we were black!

Having a anti-racism message is good though

18 The Conjuring Storyline Scariness
19 Troll 2's "so bad it's good" appeal

Creedence and Arnold aside, So Bad It's Horrible is a WAY better term for THIS film overall
(go watch The Room and Freddy Got Fingered if you want a REAL "so bad it's good" movie)

20 The Dark Knight’s portrayal of the Joker

I liked Two-Face almost just as much, honestly

21 The Intelligence of the Writing and Directing of Mulholland Drive
22 Incredibles 2's Storyline and Appeal
23 Sausage Piano scene from Freddy Got Fingered

One if the few choices on this list I actually agree with. Scratch that, it could be replaced by THE OVERALL MOVIE! People are just jealous and hateful to put Harry Potter-related things instead of Twilight-related things. This list has a clear answer to why it could have been better.

24 Rey from Star Wars Episode VII

In a way she is a bland Mary Sue, and in Episode VIII she wasn't a Mary Sue, but she ignored Kylo Ren

25 Bella and Edward - Twilight
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