Top 10 Best Movies to Watch If You Like Inception

Of course, I love Inception more than any other movie as of now, and for other Inception-lovers here is a list of the best movies to watch if you love Inception.
The Top Ten
The Matrix

This is kind of like a father to Inception, and they are possibly the two best and most unique science fiction movies of all time. The Matrix is quite similar to the dream world in Inception, as you get hooked up to a machine and enter a subconscious-like world in both. But one difference is that when you die in the dream world in Inception, you wake up or sometimes drop into limbo until "your brains turn to scrambled egg." If you die in the Matrix, you die in the real world. The Matrix was pretty good, though I have some problems with it as they introduced a bunch of characters, made no development with any of them, and killed most of them off in one little scene for no reason.


Another Nolan film, and almost as good when it comes to sci-fi. Just as confusing, but you can still follow along.

Edge of Tomorrow

The action version of Groundhog Day, this is a pretty great sci-fi movie that will possibly remind you of Inception. While it isn't as good, it is still a really good one to watch.

12 Monkeys

In Inception, I think they try to explain everything so you aren't confused. Here, the point of it is to make you confused.

Now, this is a confusing movie. I can't explain any of it without spoiling a lot, but if you have seen it, you will know how it reminds you of Inception.

Yeah, this was super strange and gives you that classic Inception feel.

Shutter Island

Another good DiCaprio movie. I personally don't know how it is like Inception, but on online lists like this, it is usually pretty high, so there you go.


If you like Inception, you should watch Inception, right? But I bet people weren't expecting this on the list, so I should put this one pretty low.


I've seen it, and I think that either Inception is a copy of it or Paprika is a copy of Inception.

A little-known movie that is pretty much exactly like Inception, just more vivid.

The Prestige

An extremely good Nolan film that will make you think, just as Inception does.


Watch it if you like Inception. That's all I have to say.

Doctor Strange (2016)

This is a lot like Inception in some ways. There is a lot of world-bending, and there are some amazing and difficult-to-understand (at times) concepts.

The Contenders

Probably the second-best heist movie ever.


Possibly the most unique movie of all time. This was a huge mind-bender, and many fans of Inception love it.

American Psycho
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