Worst Batman Movie Villains

The Top Ten
1 Jim Carrey's Riddler

Jim carrey was an awesome riddler get this off the list good job jim carrey

2 Uma Thurman's Poison Ivy Uma Karuna Thurman is an American actress and model. She has performed in leading roles in a variety of films, ranging from romantic comedies and dramas to science fiction and action movies... read more
3 Danny DeVito's Penguin
4 Frank Gorshin's Riddler
5 Cesar Romero's Joker
6 Arnold Schwarzenegger's Mr. Freeze

Now, this is the guy who should be on Number 1! Worst idea for his character ever. I mean Arnold is a great actor, but he hated his performance (much like George Clooney as Batman).

The penguin? The riddler? No and no, this performance ruin the career of Arnold Schwarzenegger

7 Marion Collard's Tilia al Ghoul
8 Jeep Swanson's Bane
9 Jack Nicholson's Jack Napier
10 Jared Leto’s Joker
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