Top 10 Best The Gazette Songs

The Top Ten
Filth in the Beauty

Genuine J-rock at its best. I'm telling you guys. The Gazette will make history. Who knows, they might be in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame someday.

Look up the live performance of this song. It WILL have you headbanging along to the song.

Awesome combination of rock and R&B. Great job, Gazette. As aeromaxx777 said, you might be in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame someday.


This song is brilliant. The acoustic guitar at the start, the amazing melody on the piano, the meaningful lyrics, and the superb singing all combine to make the best song by the GazettE.

This song is good enough to be the best song of The Gazette. I never get bored when I listen to it. The guitar solo is also the best of all GazettE songs. Vote for Cassis, yo!

When you listen to it, even just the beginning makes your heart swell with joy. It's just so beautiful and stunning.


This is probably the best song I've ever listened to from the GazettE. Awesome sound, heartbreaking lyrics, and an emotional atmosphere. It gives you chills every time you listen and feel it.

One of the best The GazettE songs ever, and I never get bored listening to the guitar solo part. This guitar solo is the best I've ever heard.

I can never get sick of this song no matter how many times I listen to it. I have a thing for their slow songs.


This song is how I discovered this band in the first place. The GazettE is the best J-rock band out there, honestly. I discovered this song while I was watching Black Butler, and it got stuck in my head. I began to listen to it repeatedly, then I found out who the brilliant band behind this song was. I'm now a really big fan of the GazettE, thanks to this amazing song. Their other songs are great too! I love how much emotion they mix into their hardcore rock.

Oh man! This song is what made me a GazettE fan! Ruki is so awesome in this one! I absolutely love it! It mixes perfectly with the personality of their songs and style.

Yeah! Go, go, Ruki-Sama!

The Invisible Wall

I like this song a lot. I can listen to this song every day and never get tired of it. Ruki's voice is so enchanting, and the GazettE is so addicting.

They have inspired me to write poetry again. I'm actually planning to continue my violin and voice lessons because I kept giving up on them. The GazettE has inspired me so much, and I plan to be a singer someday!

I'm proud to say that I'm a SIXTH GUN!


I still remember how I fell in love with the GazettE by listening to this song. The Invisible Wall was the first song that I ever heard from them. It was the first impression I had of them. It made me want to listen to more of the awesome songs that they made. And with that, I became a PROUD SIXTH GUN. Thanks to this song, I love the GazettE and I will always love them.



This is seriously amazing. I mean, listen to that guitar!


A very unique creation. A once-in-a-lifetime composition. The deep meaning in the music video makes it legendary. I don't think many people realize it, but the GazettE is a legendary band!

It has such a big meaning to it. In my opinion, this song is the best.

It's my favorite song! I really love Guren.

Before I Decay

This is the most awesome song I've ever heard. Ruki's vocal is so... so... so... awesome, and the music is really heavy. But the best part of this song is that it contains a melodious part. I never get bored listening to this song, and the video is awesome. Everything is so awesome about this song. The GazettE rocks the world.


One of my favorite songs. I suggest you listen to it!

The song gave me the feeling of heartbreak. Ruki cried when he sang this song, and I could not help but cry too. The message of the song was so deep that it almost felt like I was in the moment they were filming it.

The great thing about the GazettE is that their music is inspiring. It's not that other bands don't inspire me at all. It's just that their music affects me in a way that no other band ever did. And I think that's a good thing. Their music makes me feel so secure and happy. People will say it's just noise and it makes no sense, but I think they just don't feel the depth of the message of their music.

The GazettE's songs are fantastic. You should listen to them.

{ Gazerock is not dead! }

Suicide Circus

This is my favorite song on the TOXIC album from 2011. I'm a Gazerock fan from Malaysia!

The Newcomers

? Ugly

The music is amazing! So is Ruki's vocal! I just love this song!

? Ruder

This is awesome! Why has nobody added this to the list?

The Contenders

I really like this song. This band was one of the first Visual Kei bands I listened to, and it definitely got me into more. There's something about the GazettE's voice that's just so great. Definitely a great song.

I really love this song. Even though I don't understand any of the lyrics, it's still one of my favorites! You won't REGRET listening to it.


This song is a perfect combination of hard rock and alternative rock. Nice job! Go The Gazette!


Amazing song. Totally recommend it.


This song is just plain badass! This song literally got me into the GazettE and most J-rock and Visual Kei music. The song really gets you going, and it should be in anybody's top ten!

Burial Applicant

The music is really good. You can recognize words in the English parts of the lyrics, which are really interesting and multi-dimensional. Plus, the disturbing PV, I really loved it!

This song is really interesting. I felt like I was the kid in the video. I felt like I was going crazy. Laugh out loud.

A song that will haunt a cold mind forever.

Distress & Coma

This is the song that inspired me to learn Japanese through Ruki's lyrics. It's astonishing how quickly I absorbed kanji and their meaning, and I am definitely not considered a smart person by normal standards. Ruki's voice and lyrics really get through to me. They have a lot of heart.

This song gave me goosebumps. You guys need to watch the video to understand its intensity. The song itself is amazing. It's the story of a creature separated from the world who later realizes the existence of one of its kind outside the window. It rejoices on seeing it but in the end, it also realizes that the person it was seeing was its own reflection produced by the window glass.


The PV is really emotional, and the lyrics are really touching. It is a very forceful song. It really conveys a sense of loss when you watch the hand motions Ruki makes while singing.

Simply one of the most beautiful and emotional songs ever by the GazettE, and quite possibly in the whole world. There are no words to express how deep and epic this piece of music is.

Silly God Disco

To be honest, I like all of their songs. Really, there is no song that I dislike. But "Miseinen" will always be a special song for me. Because of the meaning, it always takes away the pain that I feel, and I really love to cover it.

I hope that one day I will have the chance to hear it live (of course, they didn't play it at the LIVE in Cologne on 16.06.19 that I went to. They would never play it at "unimportant" lives).

My all-time favorite song. Really amazing song.

"I don't want to forget myself. I want to be as I am."

This is something that keeps on healing my heart scars. Thank you so much, the GazettE, for everything.

Shadow Vi II I
Best Friends

This song has such a dark, enchanting, and beautiful (for lack of a better word) atmosphere that it sucks you in and immerses you in its world. I don't know how to give proper praise to this song. It's simply the most beautiful and emotional music I've ever heard. The sheer beauty, and Ruki's lyrics too.

This is why the GazettE is my favorite band. They have something in their music that no others have, and I find myself coming back to their music no matter what other songs I listen to. My most played music is all by them, and I've listened to them more than 500 times at least, each.


This, to me, gives off a breakup vibe where the boyfriend (say Ruki) still wants to be friends as soon as they break up. Especially where he says, "Can we still laugh again?" It kills me.

In my opinion, this song should be in the top ten! I love this song so much. Ruki's voice in this song is just beyond amazing!

Division album is amazing. I was looking for a Gazette ballad song in this album and I listened to Kagefumi. I can feel the emotion. It is a great song. Also, I love Uruha's solo.


It's an interesting and catchy song. At the Olympics Opening Ceremony, nobody will wait for deep and slow songs like Last Heaven or Reila. Too much emotion won't be suitable for such an event.

Remember the Urge

Thank you, The GazettE, for making the best music for us! World saviors!

This song should be played live more often during their tours.

As a drummer, I think this song is one of their best, along with Shiver, Ibitsu, Kago No Sanagi, and Miseinen.

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