Best Songs From Pink Floyd's Saucerful of Secrets
The Top Ten
Let There Be More Light
I love this song, and the album has a good cover. Set the Controls deserves first place!
Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun
Five minutes of pure relaxation. It's like a lonelier version of Flaming.
Better than all. So cool and relaxing.
Remember a Day
I like the piano in this song. Some Pink Floyd songs are really relaxing.
A Saucerful of Secrets
This song never ceases to blow my mind, no matter how many times I listen to it.
This song scares the hell out of me. Absolutely brilliant.
Jugband Blues
This song takes us into Syd's deepest, most miserable thoughts. Truly amazing!
This song makes me feel like I'm high.
Corporal Clegg
Pretty heavy track for 1968.
He had a wooden leg.
Who is Corporal Clegg?
See Saw
How is this at the bottom? It's better than Jugband Blues.
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