Favorite Cimorelli Sisters

We all know that Christina, Katherine, Lisa, Amy, Lauren, and Dani are too awesome for words. But who's your favorite?

And don't even start with the "I don't pick favorites" talk, because you know it's not true. No, that doesn't mean you have to be all "*insert sister name here* is the best and the rest are all lame," but there's always one person who catches our eye, isn't there?

I love all of the girls, so no hate!
The Top Ten
Lisa Lisa is a vocalist in Cimorelli and contributes to the group with her distinctive voice and creative input. She also often participates in creating their music arrangements.

As many have said, they are all amazing, beautiful, and unique in their own way. I personally like Lisa the most because of her craziness, beauty, and wide vocal range. They all are amazing singers as I mentioned, but there's something about Lisa's voice that's just so amazing. She's always been my favorite and is very stunning and gorgeous. Her voice is just amazing! And yes, I also think her part in Skyscraper is amazing. If you listen to it in the audio version, you would get the wide vocal range and see what a beautiful voice she has.

Lauren Lauren is a member of Cimorelli known for her vocal performances and her involvement in songwriting for the group. She brings a unique style to their harmonies and recordings.

I love all the girls so much, but there is just something about Lauren. When I first watched their videos, Lauren immediately caught my eye, and when I watch their videos, my eyes just stay on Lauren. When I'm listening to their music, I'm normally always excited for Lauren's part because something about her voice is just amazing. Even Katherine says that Lauren is perfect, and I'm sure everyone else agrees with her. Lauren is honestly the most beautiful, adorable, cute, sarcastic, cool, stunning, perfect person in the world!

Dani Dani was a former member of Cimorelli who sang and contributed to the group's musical projects during her time with them. Her vocal range added diversity to their sound.

I love Dani because she has a unique personality out of the six. Christina is known for her leadership, she is the protector of the band, Amy is known for being the more calm and relaxed one, Lauren is more on the cute and bubbly side, Lisa is more on the talented side, and Katherine is unique and very happy. But what I love about Dani is that she has changed so much in the past 3 years. Being 14 at the moment, she is growing up to be a beautiful young lady. Dani just has that vibe that can make anyone happy, and if Dani doesn't make you happy, you are heartless.

Christina Christina is the leader of Cimorelli and oversees much of the group's creative and organizational direction. She also performs as a lead vocalist and writes music for the group.

Smart, talented, caring, awesome singer, organized, advice-dispenser, she uses her intelligence to think about many things. She's not egocentric. She's genuine, authentic, writes songs and harmonies, plays the piano, and is a great performer. Wow, she's amazing!

Christina is an incredible performer and a very good leader. Even though she has one of the strongest voices in the band, she shares the spotlight with her beloved sisters and gives everyone the chance to shine.

I love Christina's voice. In many of their covers, the part where Christina came in was my favorite. Covers include "Symphony" and "Before You Go." She also has major skills with leading a sibling group, motherhood, and many more!

Amy Amy is a singer in Cimorelli and supports the group with her vocals and instrumental talents. She often plays instruments in their performances and recordings.

I like Amy because she is very sweet and sings really well. I think Amy is so underrated! She's so sweet, and I admire her for dealing with Turner syndrome and still managing to stay positive. Oh, and don't even get me started on her flower crowns. She slays in them! Amy should be appreciated way more. She's so confident, and I can relate to some of her childhood stories, too, like not having any friends. She really helped me get through that.

What I like about Amy is her kindness and selflessness shining out of her whenever you see her. She also appears to me as very fun-loving and friendly. I think she is the type of friend I would like to have. She has a very sweet voice. Then, I like that she is always herself and does not try to copy someone else.

Katherine Katherine is a vocalist in Cimorelli, contributing with her harmonies and musical arrangements. She also plays a key role in adding depth to their sound.

First of all, I would like to say that I love all the Cimorelli sisters because they are all so unique and different. My favorite, though, has to be Katherine. It's not like I think Katherine is the best, but she's my favorite because I like her style more. I also think she's very classy, and she has such a sweet smile. She's very bubbly and cute.

What I like about Katherine is her kindness and selflessness shining out of her whenever you see her. She also appears to me as very fun-loving and friendly. I think she is the type of friend I would like to have. She has a very unique voice. Then, I like that she is always herself and does not try to copy someone else.

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