Best Kendrick Lamar Albums

Without a doubt, the best from Kendrick. Not only is the lyricism great, addressing topics like racism, police brutality, and self-esteem, but the experimentation with jazz and funk is gold too.
Yes, it is better than GKMC. It's just an abysmal improvement in every aspect. If you want something lighter, you can go with GKMC, and you'll get a similar quality, but the refinement in TPAB is just superior.
You're crazy if you think this is number 4. This is number 1.

This album tells a story about Kendrick growing up in the crime-ridden neighborhoods of Compton.
Easily one of the best rap albums of this decade.
This album has the highlights of his career.

Great album, but the two songs LOVE and GOD keep it from being a masterpiece.

I like HiiiPoWeR and A.D.H.D.

The Newcomers