Top 10 Most Stupidly Hated Bands
Some people hate bands who are actually good because it's the cool thing to do. These are the bands who have been subjected to that and shouldn't have been.
I really like Nickelback and their music, and I sometimes don't understand why they get so much hate. I've heard people say that their songs all sound the same. Do Far Away and Rockstar sound the same? Or Photograph and Gotta Be Somebody? I don't think so. I will admit there are some parts of some songs that sound similar, but doesn't a lot of music sound the same?
I've also heard people say they sound so bad that they would kill themselves or do something stupid rather than listen to one Nickelback song. That is untrue. People just say that to seem cool and jump onto the Nickelback hate train, which is pretty stupid. It's like sheep. If one person hates Nickelback, then almost everyone else will.
They obviously aren't the best band of all time, but they definitely aren't the worst band either. I've heard so many other bands that are worse than Nickelback. I do think Chad Kroeger is a good singer and a very successful songwriter. Just look at all the different songs that reached the Billboard Hot 100 charts.
I know they have many memes out there, and it really isn't fair to them because they are doing something they love. If some people hate Nickelback, no one will care, but the fact that almost everyone in the world hates Nickelback and bashes on them is unbelievable and stupid.

I'm sorry, but the let's rag on Fred Durst because he's white and accidentally started a riot bandwagon is one ridden by people who've never even heard a Limp Bizkit song. Limp Bizkit has that juvenile delinquent vibe and heavy riffs that make me go insane every time I hear them.
Limp Bizkit might not be as good as Led Zeppelin, but they're pretty awesome. Best song: BREAK STUFF.
The instrumentals, for the most part, are very good, and I actually like the vocals.
I actually like a few of their songs, and I think the instrumentals are quite good.

This band is among the most hated. I think they were actually good. Certainly not the best, but good.

I have to go with Avenged Sevenfold as I'm not familiar with Nickelback, except for a few songs. I feel that the hatred towards A7x has little to do with their music being original and more so because of their extreme mainstream popularity, appearance, stage names, and whatnot.
Maybe I'm biased, as they helped me get into metal. I'm not a die-hard fan or anything, but I appreciate their humility and attitude toward their fans. I also need not mention they're very ambitious musicians, evident through constant experimentation over the years, knowing that, being a mainstream band, they are risking losing a massive chunk of the fanbase.

Metallica aren't hated for their music, although the last few albums were pretty sketchy until they released "Death Magnetic." They are hated because of what they did to the music industry regarding file sharing on the internet. Lars Ulrich (aka the biggest effin crybaby in metal) spearheaded the campaign against Napster and other peer-to-peer file sharing sites, causing them to shut down permanently.
Biggest metal band of all time, and they had to whine about money. If it wasn't for file sharing on the internet, this band wouldn't still be relevant today and would have phased out of the scene years ago. On top of that, Lars is absolutely the worst drummer in metal history. He was "okay" up until the "Load" album. Every album since then, his drumming has been pure crap. It's like he doesn't think he has to try anymore.

Linkin Park is a nu-metal band that managed to go mainstream. That's it. They're also one of those bands that blends different genres together. They are the very definition of alternative. They have constantly thrived by changing up their style from nu-metal and rap rock to electronic and hard rock.
I think it's stupid that the band has been called a sellout. Selling out is doing something for the sake of making more money or being more popular. LP has never had those aspirations. They've always changed up their style and never gave a damn what people said about it. I love that about them.

The band currently consists of brothers Dean and Robert DeLeo (guitarist and bassist, respectively), and Eric Kretz (drummer). Their main vocalist from their formation up to 2013 was Scott Weiland. He was fired in... read more

They probably hate them because they think they're "satanic," which is a really stupid idea to hate popular rock/metal bands.
I swear this whole rumor about rock and metal needs to die. How would you like it if I went around saying that country and rap are satanic? Would you fans of those genres appreciate that?
I'm no fan of Korn, but they don't have any reason to be hated. They know how to play their instruments pretty well.

People hate Demon Hunter because it is trendy nowadays to hate Christians.

People hate him (and his band) because of their dark appearance and because they think they are satanic. Someone says the singer cannot sing. I'm a recent fan of theirs, and I can say that MM is not the best singer, but he is good.
Most stupid white middle-class teenagers are scared of Marilyn Manson. That's why they gang up on him. But Manson doesn't care, and neither do his fans. He has amazing guitar riffs, and if you don't get it, you never will.
Best song: THE DOPE SHOW
I know a lot of people hate Marilyn Manson, but I think he's pretty talented.
The Newcomers

The band's members are Anthony Kiedis (Vocals), Michael "Flea" Balzary (Bass), Chad Smith (Drums) and numerous guitarists, most well-known being John Frusciante.
The band is among the... read more
This band means more to me than my life. I see why people hate them, but I never could. They are my life.

Like Falling In Reverse, I've seen several hate comments here about Bring Me the Horizon. However, I think this band is awesome, and I especially love their fourth album, Sempiternal.

I agree that their direction toward pop and collaborating with overrated artists isn't the direction I'd like to see them go. However, I don't think this is cause to hate them. Disappointment of varying degrees, but hate?
From songs like Viva La Vida to Paradise, their best works have been so imaginative and creative that I can't help but consider them one of my favorite bands of all time.
At this point, people are just hating on things because they're popular. I never saw any of the bad things in this band until I realized that the internet apparently hated them. They are not the best band in existence, but just because they have a mostly conventional pop sound now, I still find particular conditions where some pop might be nice. Ignoring the originality, their songs are put together very well.
There's nothing about them that makes them hard to listen to or a reason to be hated so much, except for their popularity.

How can anyone hate them? They are so amazingly talented with great vocals and beats.

I very much agree. It's amazing how, despite the fact that Rush has more gold and platinum records than any other band besides The Beatles and The Rolling Stones, I still get blank looks whenever I mention them.

Is everyone stupid enough to hate AC/DC while they haven't done anything disgraceful, when idiots like 21 Savage and Young Thug are out there?
Hmm, I guess some Pop or Hip-Hop fans hate AC/DC! But guys, this is good music! It's not my fault if you can't appreciate it!
Whenever I ask someone why they hate AC/DC, they always reply, Their songs sound the same!
I don't think people actually hate the band. They just hate the fact that their songs sound the same.
This is one of the bands that are overrated and overhated at the same time!
But if you ask me, this band is amazing!

Nirvana is underrated as well as overrated. After Kurt's death, the aisle split even farther, but I am on the side that appreciates the passion in their music as well as what they did for a generation!
What the hell do Creed or Candlebox have to do with Nirvana? They are crap, but Nirvana isn't.

I've run into so many people who tell me that The Beatles are overrated and "just a 60s boy band" because they've only heard Please Please Me.
Anyone who has listened to Abbey Road, Sgt. Pepper, or Magical Mystery Tour cannot seriously say that The Beatles suck.
Whether you like them or not, the facts don't change. They're the reason why rock music is so famous, and our favorite bands wouldn't exist without them!
Who in the world can hate The Beatles? Only low-life people, like kids these days saying, Oh, 1D is better than The Beatles, and all that other nonsense.

Simultaneously the most underrated and overrated band of all. Honestly, it's better now that the radio doesn't constantly play them, but nonetheless, they have some great songs, most of them just not so well known. Honestly, I can't say I know how they got their reputation, but they don't deserve it.
They're way better than people give them credit for.

Not anything great but good at what they do.

Honestly, I think that Disturbed is one of the best bands ever. I have nothing else to say, except they are awesome.
I'm a huge fan, and I don't think there is anything to hate about them.
So what if David is difficult? He's one hell of a singer, that's for sure.

Let's be honest, Slipknot is only hated because of the reputations and stereotypes of the people who listen to metal like this. Some other bands include Korn, Limp Bizkit, and Deftones. I personally love Slipknot, and I would say some of the hate is a little harsh.
Although Iowa was so brutal that it was banned in certain parts of the world, the band doesn't necessarily deserve the hate they receive. Some criticism I could understand because of Taylor's heavy vocals mixed with heavy metal instrumentals, but that's basically what metal is. Metal is where you convert brutal topics into lyrics and use heavy guitars and drums to back up the atmosphere of the song.
People who define this as false are false themselves. People who find this music terrible are most likely referring to the likings of gang members or generally just weak-minded souls. Therefore, Slipknot doesn't deserve much of the hate.

They are a great band and hated for selling out. Let's be honest. They changed their style over time. Green Day never sold out. They have always had catchy songs with repetitive verses, even in their early days. They are one of a kind, punk or not, and are keeping rock alive!
They are hated for "selling out" and going mainstream. We saw this with many great bands, and unlike a lot, Green Day has really been driven by passion and not money!
They're okay. My two friends love them, though.

Why do people hate ICP? I'm a Juggalette, and people say: "They just suck. Period. Grown men should not be running around wearing face paint and rapping about killing people and doing drugs. Grow up."
That's simply stereotyping. You're the one who needs to grow up and stop judging people by their music taste. Is it your life? No. Have I ever done something bad to you? No. Then why do you hate me?
I love them. They are original, and you don't get that often. They are nice and funny guys. They shouldn't get the hate they do. If you diss them, you might as well diss all of rap/hip hop.

Honestly, they shouldn't be hated. They are really good. Maybe the fans are out of hand, but that doesn't matter. You don't listen to an album for their fans or looks or any of that nonsense. You listen because they sound good, and in my opinion, they are pretty good!
Yeah, they aren't that great a band. I don't even listen to them. However, they are nowhere close to terrible. Reserve the hate for similar bands that actually do suck, like Fall Out Boy and Panic! At The Disco.
Are they hated just because they/their fans are "emo"? I'm confused why this band is on this list otherwise. The Black Parade (let's be honest, that's about their only notable album) is extremely well-written.

No need for this band to be hated. Yes, Axl may be difficult, but I can't blame him considering that he grew up in a violent environment.
Guns N' Roses is actually one of my favorite bands. Appetite for Destruction is the best debut album ever, and Use Your Illusion II was the best '90s album.
Some of their hate is deserved, but some of it isn't!