Top 10 Myths About British People
Time to put these myths to bed (with a nice hot cup of tea).Who said anything about us having bad teeth? And if that theory exists, is it the biggest stereotype of Britain? I think not.
I only had buck teeth, and it was in the family, but I had braces and bedtime headgear.
You have been watching The Jeremy Kyle Show too much.
No, we're not all blessed with being able to speak the Queen's English, darling, just us chosen few. Now go away, pleb!
There are so many different accents. We can't possibly all be posh.
Obviously not, or why are we known for liking our beer a little too much?
Not all of us are in favor of the monarchy.
Disney is American, and we like Disney. Most of us have Apple products too.
I haven't met anyone who hates Americans. I certainly don't.
Actually, the British are allies with Americans.
Only Scotland truly hates everyone else. England, Wales, and Northern Ireland all have rivalries in sports (and sometimes the sports fans take it too far), but we all get along just fine.
Only Scotland hates everyone.
Can't stand them. Much prefer croissants, the tasty French alternative. This goes to show we don't hate France either.
Untrue. I have never put one of those yuck things in my mouth.
Crumpets are nothing like croissants.
Agree. Lee Evans is the funniest man on the planet!
I cannot possibly concur. The British sense of humor is drier than a shepherd's sandal - or some other dry thing!
My favorite comic, Lee Evans, is British.
I hate football as much as a football fan is generally stupid. Statistics show that almost half of Brits hate it.
No, we bloody don't. This is so bloody untrue. Who bloody told you this? Well, take it from me. They're bloody wrong. Bloody cheek!
The Newcomers
I absolutely LOVE Britain/England with a severe passion. I'm so proud of what this tiny nation has achieved.
Have you seen the many thousands of proud, flag-waving people who come together on special occasions? I am also a devout royalist.
I could be here all day talking about this, but my tea and crumpets are getting cold.
Yes, we are. Every single household has something with the British flag on it.
Ha! Who put this? I hold my hand up to being the typical Brit (minus the 'bad teeth') without shame. I have this as a fridge magnet and as a poster on my bedroom wall.
It makes me smile every time I look at it.
The men wear...? There are myths, and there are MYTHS! Ha ha! Bowler hats, indeed!