Top 10 Best Characters from the Pokemon Sun and Moon Anime

I love Lillie! She's so adorable and determined. She went to rescue her mother even though it was very dangerous, and she was prepared to do it alone. She didn't even ask for Gladion's help, even though he ended up helping her.
Lillie is the best companion character we've had in a very long time - like, since the days of Brock and Dawn.
Lillie is one of my absolute favorite characters! She's so fond of 'Snowy,' and she is definitely improving with Pokémon.

What else is there to say? He's the protagonist, he has lots of personality, and he won the league.
He's got his personality back, and he's still the competent battler he was in XY. The complainers were wrong about Sun and Moon.
Ash is my favorite character in ANY season. Nobody will ever top Ash and Pikachu for me.

Kiawe acts so silly. He acts like he's super strong and everything, and then guess what? When he went to Leo's concert - I'm sorry, but I will not say Dug-Leo, it's odd - he left crying like a psychopath, which is very silly. I also remember his family is very, very focused on fire. They vow to the fire in Wela Volcano when they get married.
I like him. He's too dramatic, but I love how everything he does is just to make his little sister proud. It's so cute.
Honestly, I think this season is garbage, but Kiawe and the green-haired chick are the only characters I care about.

I love her. She's sassy and badass. It adds so much depth when you learn about her mom's death and how guilty she feels. Plus, she's always looking out for everyone and literally saved Lillie's life once (and Snowy's too). Also, I love shipping her with Lana.
I love Mallow. She's amazing. She's very good at cooking, cleaning, and everything else. She is adorable and very, very kind - a perfect example of Alola. I feel like all my favorite characters are really nice, making them great for the show.
Mallow is my favorite of the Main Eight characters (the six companions, Rotom Dex, and Kukui) along with Kiawe.

She is my favorite character. She's so determined but doesn't always get what she wants. She's great at sports and tries hard but doesn't brag. She also loves her Pokémon and is really caring. I love how brave she is - she literally navigated her way out of a giant maze alone. I also love her stutter in the manga and her relationship with Mallow. Plus, I ship them. Lana cares so much about others.
She's amazing. She was so determined, and she loves the ocean, water, and water Pokémon. Misty also loved water Pokémon, but I like Lana a lot more because she's actually nice to everyone. Misty is not very nice. Misty was nice to Rudy and Danny, but that's only because they liked her and were super nice to her.

By far one of the best characters I have ever seen. He became one of my favorites and even my favorite teacher. He lacks no qualities, being a hyper-charismatic and very endearing character. But besides that, he's really the father and mentor that Ash needed. I'm just waiting for one thing - it's for something significant to happen between the two characters in the series.
Ash finally gets a father figure to look up to, which is one of the reasons why I'm not complaining about Ash being in school.

I love how he's super energetic and knowledgeable all the time, although I liked it better when Lillie was there.

Gladion is a great character. He's so dark, but he did want to save his sister, and he wanted to destroy Ultra Beasts because Lillie was "attacked," even though it didn't attack Lusamine. It kidnapped her. Gladion just cares about her but also will not go home to see her. He's just a great character to have on the show.
In my game, I dress up in all black to pretend I am in Team Skull and role-play as Gladion and Lillie's twin sister.
Gladion has an edgy personality, but his Pokémon are really awesome. He kind of has a cool vibe, even though he's always trying to act like he never needs help with anything.

His jolly attitude is not completely intact, but his wisdom sure is.

Sophocles is often the butt of "fat kid" and "nerd" jokes, but otherwise, he's a great addition to the cast. While sometimes incompetent at battling, he can hold his own with his talents in operating and building technology, usually making good use of his Pokémon in the process. Even with his nyctophobia and occasional pride, he genuinely cares about his friends and his Pokémon, showing that dorks have a place in Alola. My personal favorite.
The Newcomers

It has a very distinctive personality, so it belongs on this list.
Sometimes the Pokémon are more memorable than the humans.

Olivia caught the bouquet at Kukui's wedding. Brock and her held hands. Oh, crap, no...

He is so cool and awesome!
He's like the boss of Team Cool.

She was flanderized a lot and became bland. She was better in the originals.

I think Litten might not only be the best Pokémon from the Sun and Moon anime but the best Pokémon in Pokémon anime history (just my opinion, please don't get mad!). He has a touching backstory, a reason for his rejection of people, and he's just so adorable! He makes Litten one of my favorite Pokémon ever!
My overall opinion on him has actually changed recently. I'm okay with him now.
What are you talking about? He's awesome.

He is super cute and helpful to Lana! Thanks to him, she got a Z-Crystal. He is super energetic and playful. He is one of my favorite Pokémon.
Lana's Popplio is so wonderful and cute. I don't understand those people who thought Popplio was ugly.
Episode sixteen. Enough said!

I actually kind of like this version of the entire Lillie Trio more than their game incarnations. No, seriously, I think that making Gladion a friendly (or, at least, competitive) rival instead of a jerk, having Lillie only be afraid of Pokémon instead of hating battling, and portraying Lusamine as an actually good mother made their characters better.
I love Lusamine, even though she didn't pay attention to what Lillie was saying, but she did want to see her daughter, even though she should have put her daughter way before her work. It was also a relief to know that it was never Lusamine who was yelling I HATE YOU. That was the Ultra Beast's fault.

Bewear is the Chuck Norris of Pokémon, the teddy bear that would win Ash the League no matter what the writers pulled off.
Team Rocket: Yay! It's the first blast off in the Alola region!
Bewear: I don't think so, mate.
*It jumps into the air and catches them.*
Thank you, Bewear, for getting rid of the blast-off gag (for the most part).

Her voice was more tolerable in this than in Masters. I wish Acerola was a main character and replaced Lana or Sophocles.
I'd love to see her replace Sophocles. She's awesome. By the way, she and Nanu aren't related. Hawaiian kids will call unrelated adults they're close to Aunt and Uncle.

When he strikes that Sailor Moon pose, he becomes the best anime girl of the year.