Most Difficult Totem Pokemon and Kahunas in the Pokemon Sun and Moon Video Games

To make up for the general easiness and lack of difficulty that the Gym Leaders in both Pokemon X and Pokemon Y gave us, Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon feature some very strong Totem Pokemon And Kahunas.
The Top Ten
Totem Lurantis

Lurantis was the only Pokémon I actually blacked out on. I chose Popplio, so my starter couldn't do anything, and the only thing that could possibly take it out was my Ninetales.

This battle isn't too bad if you started with Litten. But if you chose Popplio and don't have a strong, fast, super-effective Pokémon, you're gonna have a bad time.

I chose Popplio, so I didn't have the advantage. It took me like five tries.

Totem Mimikyu

Oh dear lord... The only reason I was able to beat this guy on my first try was that I used revives! Where to start...

First of all, it has the ability Disguise. This means it essentially gains a free turn to attack you since you cannot hurt it on your first offensive turn. It also means that it will ALWAYS have an ally Pokémon out before you can even scratch it. A super-powerful Totem Mimikyu and a Gengar ganging up on you when you can only send out one Pokémon at a time is not what I would call desirable.

Its attack stat is INSANE. One Play Rough move usually takes out just about any of your Pokémon, and that's not even counting the fact that it has ally Pokémon to help it out.

The scariest boss in the game is fought in a ghost house, in a closet that apparently shouldn't even be there. How very fitting...


I only had to use one revive to beat her, but I still don't like being pushed into using even a single revive to defeat someone.

Her Mudsdale can tank attacks all day long, even if you don't take its Stamina ability into account. Add in the Stamina ability, and it becomes almost impossible, especially for those like me who had a main team consisting mostly of very strong physical attackers. Most of my Pokémon relied on physical moves, not special moves, so her Mudsdale was a huge pain in the ass for me personally.

And her Flygon is always getting lucky with its Dragon Breath paralysis. Seriously, did they rig this fight or something?!

Totem Vikavolt

Again with the constant paralysis spam. It didn't help that I was constantly trying to guess its typing. Is it supposed to be a Bug Type, a Flying Type, or a Steel Type? Because of this, I kept trying to figure out which types of moves would be most effective against it.

Flame Burst, one shot, dead. Rest in peace.

I hated and loved this battle so much!

Totem Salazzle

I lost on my first try, but only because I was poisoned and weakened, and then I accidentally used one of my Z-Moves on one of her ally Pokémon. Nevertheless, she was a very hard boss for me.


For whatever reason, she was just a very hard Kahuna for me. Her Lycanroc was surprisingly strong for a midgame opponent.

She was fairly easy for me to defeat.


Not too hard, but still no laughing matter. I was never really in danger of losing to him, but he did manage to take out a couple of my Pokémon and severely weaken a third one.

This guy was the hardest Kahuna to beat, at least for me. He nearly destroyed my team until I got lucky and beat his last Pokémon.


Again, not that hard, but since I did not have that many Pokémon trained up at the time, he was surprisingly difficult.

Totem Wishiwashi

I really don't understand the hype around this boss fight. Was it because I had a Grass-type starter and an Electric type on my team? He took out a couple of my Pokémon, but he really wasn't that hard.

If you have a Grass-type or Electric-type Pokémon, Totem Wishiwashi is a walk in the park. Any other type would make the battle a burdening marathon.

Your Pokémon can faint with a single hit. Enough said.

Totem Gumshoos

He made boss fights great again!

The Newcomers

? Totem Raticate
? Ribombee
The Contenders
Totem Kommo-O
Totem Araquanid
Totem Togedemaru

This little butt here, besides Kommo-O, was the ONLY one of the Alolan boss fights I had trouble with. It made me question, "Am I playing Ultra Moon, or is this Platinum?"

It is hard. It's from Ultra, so I don't know if it counts, but I think it's the hardest anyway.

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