Top 10 Best Trial Captains and Island Kahunas in Pokemon Sun and Moon

Acerola is definitely my favorite Trial Captain. Her trial had that Luigi's Mansion feel to it. It was just fun to see something sort of weird like that in a Pokémon game.
Acerola is a cool Trial Captain, plus she kind of reminds me of that ghost girl from URAS (Ultra Ruby Alpha Sapphire).

Man, that Totem Wishiwashi she trained up gave me a lot of trouble. Not only was it a very defensive tank, but the SOS mechanic that it uses to have Alomomola heal it with Heal Pulse, and how it uses Aqua Ring, made it a pretty long and challenging battle for me.
I like how she is different from the others as she is shy and kind. Her face is so recognizable. I also admire her amazing fishing talent.
The best Trial Captain, and Totem Wishiwashi (with the Alomomola), is the most difficult Totem of all!

Her Mudsdale is one hell of a tank. Not only are its defense stats high, but its ability, Stamina, increases its Defense every time it's hit by a physical attack.

Gotta love it when the fellow shows up out of nowhere and occasionally cracks a smile or two.

Kiawe has a great sense of humor. He eases the tension before you battle that demon Salazzle or Alolan Marowak of his. I also like how he appointed Hiker Dave as his successor.
Photo bombing is the best, in my opinion!

I said this once, and I'll say it again. I loved the part where I had to help Mallow cook the dish that was made for attracting the Totem Pokémon. That was probably one of the more interactive aspects of Pokémon Sun and Moon.
Is it me, or does she kinda remind you of Chespin or Marine the Raccoon?
My favorite Trial Captain AND favorite in the anime. Man, I love anime.

He made me like Smeargle. That is a big achievement. Seriously. If I saw a Smeargle, I just killed it or caught it and Wonder Traded it.
My sister actually thought he looked like a girl when she first saw him.
He is the most adorable Trial Captain.

It's so cool to have an artsy, hippie character in a Pokémon game!

In-game, he's alright. But in the Festival Plaza, instead of giving me Team Blue and Gold Rush, he gives me stupid Bounce Bounce tents and one-star Battle Tables. Man, Festival Plaza sucks. Why didn't they just use the PSS? If it ain't broke, don't fix it, Game Freak!