Top 10 Dumbest Quotes by George W. Bush
This quote starts off so powerfully, but then it just fails. Terrorists all over the world were probably cheering on this quote and using it as their rallying cry.
Americans often proudly proclaim that anyone can become the president of the USA. Bush is proof that this isn't necessarily a good thing.
Amazingly, this quote is true. Bush and the Republicans ran out of stupid ideas to screw the country up.
There are so many things wrong with this quote. He never even lived in Tennessee. Since he was the governor of Texas, he mistakenly thought a saying from his own state was from a state he'd never lived in. Then he practically repeats his point twice.
You dumbass. You probably couldn't find Tennessee on a map, let alone know any local sayings there! Worst president since Carter!
Such a great example of the fact that Bush was not only unable to handle a country, but he also couldn't handle a sentence.
When I first heard about Bush saying something this dim-witted, the first thing that popped into my head was, "How did we elect a president who appears to have failed first-grade English class?"
I agree. The mis and under cancel each other out, so he said they either appropriately estimated him or overestimated him.
"Misunderestimate" is a double negative. It's like saying, "They did not underestimate me." I wonder if he has realized that mistake yet.
I can't think of a situation where we couldn't coexist peacefully with fish.
We can, actually. We should all be nice to fish.
I'm not being sarcastic. We can.
Does this mean you're gonna "sleep with the fishes?" Haha, blub blub.
Is you an ignorant moron unfit to be the king of Sealand let alone the President of the United States Bush? Of course you is!
Terribly, due to Common Core, but still an improvement from when you were a kid, George Bush.
Haha! Is you trying to set a good example, Bush? Because you is using bad grammar, Bush!
Oh God, I live in Ireland, and even I'm grateful that he's out of power.
To put food on your family. I can't imagine how awkward things are at the dinner table for you guys.
I think it is better to put food in your family. Putting it on your family could be pretty messy.
Especially with you in charge.
I think you mean: "Families are where our nation finds hope, where our dreams take flight."
All of his speeches must be written by three-year-olds.
They don't even work three jobs in Greece, let alone America! How stupid is this guy!
So every American works three jobs. Yeah, we are screwed if this is true.
So he hates the USA and is delusional. Why was he president again?
Did you try to jump into the Bible? If so, please see a doctor immediately.
This one was great! Years later, and I still laugh remembering how he pronounced this.
Really? How interesting. If there is more than one Internet, then does that mean there is more than one No, it means that this screwball excuse for a president has less than one brain.
The day George W. Bush revealed his plans for America. Good thing we have Obama now.
He is so stupid that he showed his intentions right away.
He's talking about the Japanese, and he goes on about his dinner. Wow, that's stupid.