Top 10 Craziest Donald Trump Quotes

The Top Ten
1 "I am officially running for President of the United States."

Donald trump is a pompous deceitful scum bag who is praised for his so called "honesty" when in reality is entire campaign contradicts every political statements he's made prior to running for office. His solution to the immigration issues plaguing America is to build a damn wall between the American and Mexican border which will only institute racism and cost American tax dollars because why the hell would Mexico pay for that. His political attitude towards women and people with opposing political beliefs is disgusting and cruel. Honestly if he becomes president it only reflects poorly on the American populace...

2 "I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words."

Here's how I see it.

The wall, to me, is a figurative thing. I really don't believe there is any way that a physical wall that would rival the Great Wall of China is going to be a thing. I don't think there's a good reason to spend billions to petition for it, which basically makes this probably the worst thing about Trump overall.

What I thought when he mentioned the wall is to simply crack down on immigration laws, tightening the security which had perhaps been lightened during the Obama administration. At least that's what I think. A physical wall is not only impractical, but unpopular.

3 "The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese."

Yeah he also said that scientists made up the whole global warming thing because they have a political bias which is one of the most insulting things you can say about scientists. You are literally taking people whose job is to draw tentative conclusions that best fit the data and evidence and saying they only came to the conclusion that all the data and evidence points towards because they have a political bias. Trump, you are the one with a political bias for not believing in Global Warming, not the scientists who are actually looking at the facts. Facts that would be true whether the scientists supported you as president or not.

4 "She does have a very nice figure, I've said if Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her"

Yay! A racist hillbilly is gonna win! Okay, everybody, let's vote for Bernie Sanders or Ben Carson for president. And to American Mexicans, don't vote for Hillary either. She's just as crazy as Trump. Vote for a different person like Ben Carson!

Did he really say that? I had no idea. Considering Ivanka sitting in his lap like in most photos of Ivanka's teen years, maybe he already have dated her. I wouldn't be surprised such think from Trump.

"She does have a very nice figure, I've said if Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her" does anyone else see how messed up this statement is or is it just me?

5 "I don't need anyone's money. That's nice...I'm REALLY rich."

Everyone knows you're rich, how else would you get in the presidential running? And what if all those homeless people, do you know how much you offend them and everyone else who is with low income? if you want to win this election think before you speak.

I'm the same person who wrote something below this comment. You're rich while others starve on the streets? Oh, yeah, that's something to be proud of! You're a rich jerk? Oh, how nice, you should know that I DON'T CARE!

Oh and you have a private jet too huh? What If we all use our money for donation instead? You don't need OUR money after all...

6 "My father gave me a small loan of a million dollars"

It's especially offensive, because there are millions of people (like me) who can scarcely afford to feed and clothe myself, I'm really struggling with jobs and that, and he comes along and insults those people. He's not getting my vote!

Gotta admit, this made me laugh (I'm not a Trump supporter or anyone's supporter because I don't live in America and don't care about American politics, though I know American politics inadvertently affects world politics).

Are you serious? Small? Everyone already knows how rich you are, you don't need to brag about by calling a million dollars small! Unlike you, most people don't even have close to a million dollar.

7 "I could shoot somebody and wouldn't lose any voters"

What does he mean?! Is he actually stupid? Just because you are president or people blindly follow you for whatever reasons doesn't mean you can just kill someone. "Hey, Donald Trump shot a dude earlier today. Who cares? " He gets handicaps with laws. Sure thing.

The sad thing is, he isn't wrong. MAGA kids are such huge bootlickers that they'll treat him like a god for anything. If he decided to commit a genocide, his supporters would still cheer him on.

If you shoot somebody, people would think you're a psycho and stop following you on Facebook and Twitter. And when I mean "people", I mean EVERYONE.

8 "Grab her by the p****"

Seriously anyone who defends this because it's just "locker room" talk or they've heard much worse, you are an idiot. The president should be a role model, just because people say things this all the time doesn't make it acceptable for him to say since he should act professional. The same goes for other things that people claim "doesn't make him a bad president." It kind of does. The person representing the country should not be someone who doesn't think at all about what they say. Easily the worst president at this point. Every day some new drama happens. Trump is making his presidency like a reality T.V. show. And let's not forget that all of the people he's appointed are greedy and instead of caring about the opinion of the citizens they try to see how they can make money. This whole thing with trying to destroy net neutrality is disgusting. Same goes for the EPA. Donald Trump's presidency is a joke and I really hope something changes.

9 "What's the difference between a wet raccoon and Donald J. Trumps hair? A wet raccoon doesn't have seven billion f****** dollars in the bank."

He has a middle name? I guess "J." stands for Just Stupid. By the way the raccoon joke was funny. I always knew his hair was fake, and now he confirmed it himself.

He's such an idiot.
Yes, now he will probably track me down and shoot me because I'm not one of his voters.

A wet raccoon would probably be more of a competent president than you.

10 “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.”

What? This is racist. I mean he is such a brute. He is a racist. Black people were the ones that were in America first. It belonged to them. But we take it away from them, and if that isn't bad enough, he calls them ugly and horrible. I hate him! There is nothing good about him.

How racist. Black people built this state you are standing on, so watch your mouth. I'm so offended as a black person.

I think he succeeded in making the most vastly racist statement I've ever seen in this one quote.

The Newcomers

? "Thank you Kanye, very cool!"
? "I had some beautiful pictures taken in which I had a big smile on my face. I looked happy, I looked content, I looked like a very nice person, which in theory I am."

Um, actually, you're pretty ugly.

The Contenders
11 "Sorry losers and haters, but my I.Q. is one of the highest -and you all know it! Please don't feel so stupid or insecure, it's not your fault."

Jesus Christ... I'm probably not even 1/7th of donald trumps age and I'm certain that I am much more intelligent than him in every sense of the word. Heck, practically ANYONE would make a better candidate. (Also, his name doesn't deserve capitalization.)

Then why did you say that global warming was invented by and for the Chinese?

This is the funniest quote I've ever read, and I mean that in the best way possible.

12 "You know, it doesn't really matter what the media write, as long as you've got a young and beautiful piece of ass."

Is that what you said to Ivanka? Also, if you say this to anybody with big body parts, I will kill you. Oh, sorry, it sounded a little bit unrealistic, I will do it. Mark my words.

That is offensive to women. Saying that girls only matter for their looks and not for what they do is offensive. I hate him mainly for being sexist.

Yet you still throw a fit when the media talks negatively about you.

13 "I will build a Great Wall and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me"

Great Wall of China is thousands of miles across, and people who build a wall that long are cool! Unlike yours, Trump.

Excuse me, my dad is a brick layer. He has built ENTIRE HOUSES and even a single brick from those houses is more than you achieved

He wont even be the one building the wall, so why should he boast about his wall building skills?

14 "I will never apologize for banning Muslims from entering America."

I hate you. No. If you ban Muslims I will find you and kill you. Jk. But this is terrible and I'm not being target eyed.

I hate Donald Trump, but I honestly don't blame him for banning Muslims in America.

Not surprising Donald troll. Kindness & shame is far from your understanding.

15 "All of the women on The Apprentice flirted with me-consciously or unconsciously. That's to be expected."

People like him because he's an idiot. And if I was dating him, I wouldn't count him in my future husband list. NOT in a million years I would marry him. He should be a lone guy, because all those women heard enough about him.

They only like you for your money, Trump. If you weren't rich, no woman would come near you because you are one of the ugliest men alive.

They only like him for your money. If he weren't rich then they would be thinking of ways to kill this racist wet raccoon.

16 "I have a great relationship with the blacks. I have always had a great relationship with the blacks."

Then why the heck would you say bad things about black people? I'm black and I hope you never win, for the sake of all people of color who live in America.

If you refer to any group like that it sounds awful. "The Mexicans." "The women" "the Russians" "the Germans" "the blacks" "the Muslims". It sounds terrible.

Liar. You know, I will do this to the blacks: I will break in his house and burn his ugly jelly hair. And steal all his money. Thumbs up if you like this idea

17 "Look at my African American over here!"

Ah, yes, because you DEFINITELY own that human being and have the right to slap a label on them.

One of the top stupidest lines ever spoken by a politician pandering to the public.

I didn't know slavery is legal again in this day & age, Donald troll. I'm sure you could be arrested for that. In fact, that'd be fine with me.

18 "They're bringing drugs, they're doing crime, they're rapists, and some I assume are good people."

Uh... When Donald Trump was saying about how he wants to build the walls and banned Mexicans from entering America, did he also used that quote about they're doing drugs, doing crime and they're rapist towards Mexicans, or no? I'm being racist towards Mexicans or anything like that.

Count them all. Most people are good, but most people are bringing drugs, doing crime and they're rapists, and when I say rapists, I'm talking about him.

That's also the same thing Donald Trump has about Mexicans when he wanted to build a wall to prevent them from entering the America.

19 "I am the least racist person you will ever meet"

Seems legit, considering he called Mexicans drug lords and rapists, wants to keep out the Mexicans with a wall and wants to ban Muslims from entering America.

20 "I don't repeat myself. I don't repeat myself"

Because what you said is already horrifying enough.

Aw, honey, your just contradicting yourself here.

21 "I like people who weren't captured."

This insult to a former prisoner of war was so offensive to me. What kind of attacks a Veteran? Especially not having served in the military? I was surprised that there wasn't more uproar over this comment. Let's me know that probably a lot of people agreed.

My 4th grade teacher put this on for us to watch last year.

Horrible remark. I wish it were a misquote.

22 "I am the least racist person you have ever met"
23 "Nobody has more respect for women than me."

Bull. If he had more respect for women than anyone else, how come he hasn't made a Facebook post whining that women are dumb and go with all the Chad jocks instead of someone who will treat them like a queen?

What a completely laughable, immature, flamboyantly narcissistic, incompetent, mega-maniacal, self-preserving BUFFOON this horse's ass is!

Someone save Melania Trump from the hands of this disgusting orange pile of dung. He obviously is abusing her.

24 "The laws allow a baby to be born from his or her mother's womb on the ninth month. This needs to change"

The laws? Giving birth after 9 months is natural! Trump is a sicko

25 “Why are we having all these people from s***hole countries come here?”

What is racist about this comment is that the countries he was referring to were in Africa�"therefore, largely the ancestral country of many African-Americans. That alone would be enough to make it racist, but Trump made it even more racist by asking why we couldn't get more immigrants from Norway (an almost entirely white country). Not only did that addition make the comment more racist, but also showed the ignorance of Trump since he apparently thinks we can choose which countries we get our immigrants from. He may be shocked to learn that there are virtually no Norwegians willing to give up their free health care, clean air and water, and low crime rate in order to move to America.

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