Top 10 Reasons Metroid: Other M Sucks

The Top Ten
1 Singlehandedly caused the Great Metroid Crash of the 2010s, forcing fans to irritatedly scrounge up whatever random hacks and fangames they could find, with mostly all of them being vastly more enjoyable at the very LEAST than this incoherent mess
2 Retcons the entire Prime trilogy out of the Metroid canon and has a storyline that STILL makes absolutely no sense regardless
3 A steaming pile of garbage made by what is normally very likely the best AND most influential video game developer of all time, making it all the more disappointing
4 Completely ruined Samus by essentially turning her into Bella from Twilight and making her cutscene characterization horrendously clash with how utterly badass she still manages to be during combat
5 Took a massive step back from previous games in almost every way, while all the while acting as if its blatant nostalgia pandering made up for it
6 Boring and completely unremarkable environments and level design, with irritatingly and often confusingly forced linearity and an entirely forgettable soundtrack to boot
7 The weapon authorization system
8 The Sideways Wiimote control scheme, being used for a third-person Metroid brawler
9 Samus' love interest, Adam, is a soulless, unlikeable douchebag
10 That one particular late-game plot twist where it turns out that a human android woman named MB is actually Mother Brain
The Contenders
11 "Your Little Birdie evolved into Ridley"
12 Annoyingly shoehorned-in first-person shooting mechanic
13 Consists significantly more of cutscenes than actual gameplay, and doesn't even justify it like Metal Gear Solid would
14 Literally represents every reason why Nintendo needs to take better care of Metroid
15 Ridiculous oversexualization and objectification of Samus in a laughably failed attempt at fanservice
16 The recreations of the Mother Brain and Phantoon fights from Super Metroid are some of the only good things to come out of the entire game
17 Tries to be Metroid Fusion but fails miserably in almost every regard
18 The god-awful "final" boss fight with the Queen Metroid
19 Making Samus a spoiled brat
20 The stupid look-and-find segments where Samus suddenly starts walking at a snail's pace because she's too scared to move any faster
21 The Galactic Federation troopers are complete idiots
22 The stakes have been lowered to the point of being almost nonexistent
23 The stupid "government is evil" plot cliché
24 The baby, the baby, the baby, and did I mention the baby
25 Basically where the whole "METROID IS OVERRATED LOL" meme on TheTopTens came from
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