Top 10 Reasons Why the FCC Shouldn't Repeal Net Neutrality Rules

Well...the FCC is thinking on voting on killing net neutrality again on December 11-12. So, this is a list of reasons why the FCC shouldn't repeal net neutrality rules.
The Top Ten
1 It's against the 1st amendment

I've got bad news: the FCC has voted 3-2 against net neutrality. Another reason why Trump should get impeached and removed from office.

From the sources I've seen it's the 14th, but point is this to me is the biggest one now you won't feel safe in your sayings and beliefs.

Let's just hope that congress doesn't pass it.

Wow, that deserves to be at #2 instead of 3

2 It will kill the internet as we know it

Guys this is serious. Please call your local congress man/woman now.

Admin for the sake of this site's future get this permanently promoted on "Featured" till this is repealed.

The internet was created so people could share their thoughts and opinions faster. Too bad Aijt Pal is thinking on destroying the very fundamental core of the internet.

I was dead ass going to make a list on this! Net neutrality laws keep the internet free for all! Screw Ajit Pai (the a-hole who came up with this! )

I made a mistake in the description. The vote to repeal net neutrality is actually on December 14th. My bad.

3 It will turn the internet into a corporate wasteland just like TV
4 It will hurt innovation
5 You'll end up paying higher prices for internet

I ain't spending more money just to get "more high-quality" service from my Internet provider. Seriously, are there actually people stupid enough to think the benefits outweigh the costs? Are there EVEN benefits to repealing the net neutrality laws? Oh wait, Ajit Pai is a Republican trying to repeal the Obama administration's net neutrality laws. Figures. They'll try and repeal anything from Obama these days. THANKS A LOT, GOP!

Look, I'm not sure how many actual adults are on TTT but we can safely say we pay enough for the government. Whether it's bills for electricity, water, health insurance etc. I don't want to pay for everything I do on the internet on top of that.

I'm not going to forgive that selfish, greedy, ignorant, unconstitutional, flipping FCC if they don't listen to the people

Those guys are greedy!

6 ISPs could block any content they don't like

No, please! I don't want to lose my videos, my favorite images and my self-made tracks!

7 ISPs can split the internet into packages

I don't want our internet to become like Portugal's.

8 Competition would be destroyed
9 It will squash start-up businesses
10 It will make it harder for people to become viral and find an audience

The only positive is that it would destroy the Paul brothers' popularity.

The Contenders
11 You have to pay more for something you’re already paying for
12 Companies would take over the internet
13 Jacksfilms will change his name to "LitFam" if we keep net neutrality
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