Top 10 Most Remarkably Large Individual Gemstones Ever Found

The Top Ten
Cullinan Diamond (the largest rough gem-quality diamond ever found)

It weighs 3,106.75 carats (621.35 g) and produced 105 individual stones of different sizes and cuts.

It was mined in 1905 in South Africa.

Dom Pedro Aquamarine (the world's largest cut and polished aquamarine)

This one looks beautiful!

Its dimensions measure 14 inches (36 cm) tall by 4 inches (10 cm) wide.

It was cut from a crystal originally weighing approximately 100 pounds (45 kg). It was mined in Brazil circa 1980.

El-Dorado Topaz (the largest faceted gemstone in the world)

It weighs a whopping 6.2 kg. Kilograms, not grams!

Golden Jubilee Diamond (the largest cut and faceted diamond of any color in the world)

It's brown and weighs 545.67 carats (109.13 g).

Cullinan I, aka The Great Star of Africa (the largest colorless cut diamond in the world)

It weighs 530.2 carats (106.04 g).

In the image, it's the largest gem you see: the heart-shaped part of the sceptre of the British Crown. Cullinan I is also the largest diamond cut from the rough Cullinan Diamond. It is the second largest diamond of any color in the world after the Golden Jubilee Diamond.

Ethereal Carolina Divine Paraiba (the largest cut Paraiba Tourmaline)

It entered the Guinness World Records in 2009, more than tripling the previous world record for a cut Paraiba tourmaline.

Ethereal Carolina Divine is not only extraordinary in size but also flawless in color (pale blue) and optical transparency. Paraiba Tourmaline is one of the world's rarest gems. Ethereal Carolina Divine has been set into a one-of-a-kind necklace, surrounded by diamonds of different colors and other gems. That necklace would be incredibly expensive.

Bahia Emerald (the world's largest rough precious gemstone)

The stone, yet unfaceted and with the host rock, weighs approximately 752 lbs (341 kg). Yes, kilograms, not grams.

This giant emerald was mined in Brazil in 2001.

Neelanjali Ruby (the world's largest double-star ruby)

It weighs 274 g. It's a very old gem mined centuries ago, probably in India.

The Star of Adam (the largest blue star sapphire in the world)

It weighs 280.898 g and was found in Sri Lanka in 2015.

125West Ruby (the largest rough ruby in the world)

This unique specimen weighs 8.2 lbs (3.72 kg), or 18,696 carats.

The Contenders
Sergio Carbonado Diamond (the largest rough black diamond ever found)

It was found in Brazil in 1895 and weighs about 1.4 pounds. Most likely, it came from space with an asteroid.

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