Top 10 Best South African Rock Bands

From the beautiful country of South Africa, what are YOUR favourite bands?
The Top Ten

I have some South African rock songs. I don't understand the lyrics, but I enjoy the music.

Mind Assault
Seether Seether are a South African post-grunge band founded in May 1999 in Pretoria, South Africa. The band originally performed under the name Saron Gas until 2002, when they adopted the Seether name.

Why is Seether tenth? I mean, I am South African, and I haven't heard of any of the others on the list. Shaun Morgan is the luckiest South African ever, not just for the success but also for the fact that he worked with and dated Amy Lee from Evanescence.

How are they not number one? They are one of the biggest bands out there today, not only in South Africa but worldwide. They have a variety of songs ranging from soft to heavy, and they are all good songs. Seether is much better than all of the bands on this list. Vote, guys!


I bet everyone's going to vote for Seether because they're mainstream. The only reason anyone won't know most of these bands is that they don't care about the South African music scene.

Spectral Realm
The Hammer of Redemption (T.H.O.R.)

Certainly one of the best metalcore bands, not only in South Africa but also in the world. Their cover of Disengage is brutal.

Bile of Man
Deity's Muse

Poles Apart, Ten Years, Broken Scar, I'm the Observer... Need I mention anything else?

Prime Circle

I saw them at the 94.7 Show on 27/09/2015, and they rocked Gasalinga! They made everyone a part of the vibe, and even though the others were good, Prime had a bit more.

Open your ears, people! Greatest band!

The Newcomers

? Blindman

This guy isn't talked about enough, and he's hard to find, but his songs are on another level if you're lucky enough to see him play!

? Watershed
The Contenders

Best South African band in history... Singing about things that matter to the youth.

Words cannot describe their brilliance!

Eh? Is this a cuss word? I don't know much about SA rock bands, but this band was great.

Springbok Nude Girls

The complete South African rock band.

Van Coke Kartel

These guys might not have invented South African rock, but they sure as hell perfected it! Van Coke Kartel + Fokofpolisiekar = the best Afrikaans rock bands by far!

The Parlotones

I love them. They are the best. They deserve to be in the top 10.

I love them, and I'm proud to be South African because they are South Africans too.

I love the Parlotones! Wish they'd come to the USA!

Die Heuwels Fantasties

My personal favorite band. Lyrics are beautiful.

Just Jinjer

Gotta be up there; Come with Me Now is a great song.

Bringing a Shark to a Gunfight
Civil Twilight
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