Top 10 Most Savage Beatings in God of War

The Top Ten
1 Kratos Eviscerating Cronos
2 Kratos Sacrificing Soldiers at the End of Poseidon's Corridor
3 Kratos Blinding Poseidon
4 Kratos Ripping Helos's Head off
5 Kratos Punching Zeus So Many Times, He Disfigured His Face and Killed Him
6 Kratos Exposing the Brain of Elephantaur
7 Kratos Making a Hole in Hercules' Face
8 Kratos Cutting Icarus's Wings
9 Kratos Ripping Hermes's Legs Off
10 Kratos Ripping Hades's Soul
The Contenders
11 Kratos Snapping Baldur’s Neck
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