Top 10 Best The Simpsons Episodes of All Time

The Simpsons is an American animated sitcom centered on the Simpson family in the fictional town of Springfield. The series satirizes American culture, society, and television. It has been acclaimed by critics as one of the greatest TV series of all time, if not the greatest. Since its debut in 1989, it has held the record for the longest-running American animated series.
The Top Ten
Cape Feare (Season 5, 1993)

Sideshow Bob is laughing obnoxiously at a movie, and Homer tells him to stop. The next second, Homer is laughing obnoxiously.

Just one of the most hilarious parts of this episode.

An episode known by almost all big Simpsons fans and also contains the classic rake scene with Sideshow Bob.

The part where Homer yelled at Bart to have brownies and also seeing him with a chainsaw and a hockey mask are so hilarious!

Homer's Enemy (Season 8, 1997)

This episode is actually really impressive for Season 8 because this is the season where the show started to decline, even though it didn't officially "jump the shark" until Season 9's "The Principal and the Pauper." Most of the original writers left after Season 7, and this episode? Oof!

It is the highest-rated episode of The Simpsons history on IMDb! It is a classic and funny episode after Season 7! At least this episode still got its original charm and humor, despite being part of that age. Still one of the best episodes in The Simpsons history!

Rosebud (Season 5, 1993)

My favorite Simpsons moment of all time is when Homer tries to convince Maggie that she would be much happier with a box than Mr. Burns' teddy bear, but he ends up wanting the box for himself.

This episode has heart and humor in equal measure, and the closing scene helped inspire Matt Groening to make Futurama.

This episode's got everything. It has intelligent humor, very ironic. It deserves to be on the top of the list.


I loved this episode when I was younger. I can't find the DVD for Season 5 now.

Marge vs. the Monorail (Season 4, 1993)

Splitting hairs with this list (more like splitting sides), but this one is probably the best. It has all the best characters in it, and the Quimby-Wiggum scene is my personal favorite scene in any Simpsons episode.

This is one of the classics. Every Simpsons fan should know the Monorail song.

RIP Phil Hartman.

Classic episode, to be honest. Very classic episode. The beginning was very iconic.

Last Exit to Springfield (Season 4, 1993)

We can't bust heads like we used to, but we have our ways. One way is to tell them stories that don't go anywhere. Like the time I caught the ferry over to Shelbyville. I needed a new heel for my shoe. So, I decided to go to Morganville, which is what they called Shelbyville in those days.

So, I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost you a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on them. Give me five bees for a quarter, you'd say.

Anyway, where was I... oh yes. The important thing was that I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time. They didn't have any white onions because of the war. All you could get were those big yellow ones.

You Only Move Twice (Season 8, 1996)

Hank Scorpio is what made this episode so great. He is by far, in my opinion, the best one-shot character. An eccentric and even more erratic evil genius and company owner, his objective was to destroy and conquer the world, yet that never kept him from caring about his employees.

He gives great benefits, knows the best hammock shops in town, and even while under attack from the government, does not hesitate to take personal time to reassure an employee. He is likely to be the most prosperous character with his subsequent takeover of the East Coast.

22 Short Films About Springfield (Season 7, 1996)

Pretty funny episode with everything happening in Springfield, and Nelson got what he deserved.

Very Tall Man: (lifts Nelson out of the sewer by his head after Nelson makes fun of him) Do you find something comical about my appearance when I'm driving my automobile?
Nelson: Yeah.
Very Tall Man: Everyone needs to drive a vehicle, even the very tall. (turns Nelson to face the car) This was the largest auto that I could afford. Should I therefore be made the subject of fun?
Nelson: I guess so.
Very Tall Man: Ugh! Would you like it if I laughed at YOUR misfortune? Huh?! Maybe we should find out! (sets Nelson down and lowers Nelson's shorts) Now, MARCH!

The tall guy forces Nelson to march down Main Street with his pants down. He drives slowly behind him.

Very Tall Man: Hey, everybody! Look at this, it's that boy who laughs at everyone. Let's laugh at him!
Crowd: HA-ha!
Very Tall Man: (everyone laughing in the background) Wave to the people! (Nelson waves) Blow them kisses! (Nelson blows kisses) (Nelson starts crying)

Homer Badman (Season 6, 1994)

This episode and The Itchy and Scratchy and Poochie Show were way too ahead of their times, but they were both fantastic.

Also, that Little Mermaid parody was hilarious.

"I didn't grab her butt! I was only trying to get the candy stuck to her pants!"

Who Shot Mr. Burns? (Season 6, 1995)

This episode is a fun mystery about who shot Mr. Burns. One of the best episodes of The Simpsons.

Hilarious and very intriguing. You could also guess it from just the first episode.

Didn't this keep the show running? Just this ONE episode.

Homer's Phobia (Season 8, 1997)

The episode was done at a time when gay marriage and relationships were not as accepted as they are now. You could be fired and dismissed from your job or ruin your life if you were found to be gay. It does a really good job of talking about how much of a non-issue it is to be gay and utilizes all of the characters' personalities and attitudes in a way that comes to a meaningful conclusion.

Homer, Barney, and Moe realize just how wrong they are, as their attempts to make Bart "straight" end up with hilarious outcomes, and Marge, Lisa, and John get proven right.

The Newcomers

? Life on the Fast Lane (Season 1, 1990)

This is seriously one of the better episodes of the first season! Albert Brooks did a great job as Jacques, a bowling professional with a French accent who teaches all kinds of skills.

That's what he did with Marge. He even tried romantic gestures, which were somehow successful despite Marge's regretful and forced decisions.

Anyways, he improvised most of his lines, which is very impressive. This episode has its charm, especially with its ending. It was the most viewed episode during its broadcast in The Simpsons' history until months later, when "Bart Gets an 'F'" surpassed it while competing with The Cosby Show. It then became the most viewed program in the history of the Fox network until 1995.

? You Kent Always Say What You Want (Season 18, 2007)
The Contenders
Kamp Krusty (Season 4, 1992)

Mr. Blank: I thought you said you broke their spirits?
Jimbo: We did.
Mr. Blank: Well, you broke nothing!

I love when Homer finds out it's Bart who's the leader. He loses his hair and becomes fat again!

Mr. Plow (Season 4, 1992)

If you're going to get mad at me every time I do something stupid, I guess I'll just have to stop doing stupid things!

This episode is a classic! This episode deserves the praise it needed!

The Plow King commercial was so amazing! Favorite episode ever!

I Love Lisa (Season 4, 1993)

Ralph was very nice to Lisa and vice versa, but they weren't destined to be together, and Lisa eventually snapped.

Lisa was destined for someone else, like Nelson Muntz.

Come on, this is a classic! It's a touching Lisa episode but has some classic quotes from Ralph Wiggum! Should be much higher.

This was my favorite episode as a kid. I love Ralph anyway, but I found this hilarious, and I felt so sorry for Ralph at the end.

The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show (Season 8, 1997)

"Girl, you just saved the Itchy and Scratchy Show!"
"Sign here. You didn't save The Itchy and Scratchy Show..."

Awesome episode. Deserves to be in the top ten.

Coming up next: Poochie dies on his own planet. The kids want to murder Poochie.

This one was hilarious and a classic.

Homer the Heretic (Season 4, 1992)

This is one of my favorite episodes of the show because it has the classic sense of humor that I enjoy.

And Maggie Makes Three (Season 6, 1995)

I love this episode so much. We often think of Homer as a deadbeat dad who doesn't really care about his kids all that much, but this episode shows that he is, in fact, trying to be his best.

He knows he doesn't have all of the fancy things in life, but he does have family, and that's what really matters, despite Mr. Burns and Smithers' attempts to break him.

The "do it for her" moment is so touching. Even though Homer is always forgetting that Maggie exists, this is such a cute reminder that he really loves her.

The ending of this episode is so heartwarming!

Homer the Smithers (Season 7, 1996)
Duffless (Season 4, 1993)

This was a classic episode that I loved when I was young. Absolutely hilarious to watch Homer struggle without his beer.

My name is Hans. Drinking has ruined my life. I'm 31 years old!

Bart Gets an F (Season 2, 1990)

Probably one of the most relatable episodes of The Simpsons. Bart gets F's in every single subject on his report card. Then, he looked for help since he was going to be held back, and Martin helped him study for the test.

After a while, he tried his best studying even more for the test alone. After a while, when he got an "F" on the test he tried his best to study on, he just cried and talked about how George Washington felt when he surrendered Fort Necessity to the French in 1754. It stunned Mrs. Krabappel, and he barely passed by getting a D-. He was all happy, full of joy!

This is relatable and a must-watch for anyone who has ADHD like Bart, pretty much. Besides, this is the most-viewed episode of The Simpsons on broadcast ever!

Lisa's First Word (Season 4, 1992)

In this episode, it is discovered that Homer has been strangling Bart since he was a baby.

Such a touching ending with Maggie's first word. Also, such a hilarious classic!

I watch it all the time. I do the same with Homer's Night Out and Krusty Gets Busted.

$pringfield (Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Legalized Gambling) (Season 5, 1993)

"I almost know I dropped them in the toilet. Not I, the man who drafted the Paris Peace Accord."

"Let's see. 18, 27, 35. Dealer busts."

"Ya gotta improvise, Lisa. Cloves, Tom Collins mix, frozen pie crust."

What else is there to say?

"Come on, Smithers, we'll fly in the Spruce Moose!"

"But sir, it's only a model!"

(cocks gun) "I said get in."

So funny.

Stark Raving Dad (Season 3, 1993)

It's a shame that this episode actually got pulled off because of the Leaving Neverland documentary. Duh! This should be restored, and there should be a petition to restore it. I really like the Lisa, It's Your Birthday song.

Hands up for my favorite episode of The Simpsons that guest stars the King of Pop and has the song he wrote.

Needs to be higher, like in the top ten!

Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire (Season 1, 1989)

Even if it wasn't intended as the start, it was a great start. Actually, Bart the Genius was technically the start, as this was treated as more of a Tracey Ullman special upon its premiere.

Come on, this one started them all! I know The Simpsons used to be shorts, but this was the first ever REAL episode!

The episode that started it all for the series! Actually funny considering how rough Season 1 was.

Flaming Moe (Season 3, 1991)

Oh look at me, I'm making people happy. I'm a magical man, from Happyland, and I live in a gumdrop house on Lollipop Lane.

Oh, by the way, I was being sarcastic.

Second best episode I ever saw.

The War of the Simpsons is my favorite. It's so funny.

This is why Moe is always miserable and lonely!

Lisa On Ice (Season 6, 1994)

Not only a funny episode but a very heartwarming ending too. The best episode of The Simpsons in my opinion.

This episode shows that despite their rivalry, Bart and Lisa are much more alike than it seems.

This is the funniest episode you can ever watch. The locker room scene is legendary.

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