Top 10 Best Seasons of The Simpsons
If you've been a fan since Homer first hit the screen in 1989, you know just how much this show has evolved over the years. From its satirical take on American family life to its parade of unforgettable characters, The Simpsons set the standard for animated TV with its quirky humor, cultural references, and sometimes surprising heart. With more than 30 seasons, though, it can be tough to decide which years truly stood out.Each season brought its own flair - unique episodes, hilarious gags, and memorable guest stars. And while every fan has a favorite, some years really put the show on the map, making them practically required viewing.
So, which seasons do you think deserve the top spot? Is it the early days when Bartmania was sweeping the nation, or later seasons that took bigger creative swings?

I have to admit that Season 5 is a fantastic season. The episodes in that season are brilliant! Treehouse of Horror IV, Cape Feare, Homer Goes to College, and Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy are examples of brilliant episodes that are memorable and so worth watching!
Absolutely the best time for The Simpsons. After this season, the show's downfall began, very slowly but surely. Today the show is mediocre at best.
Best season of any television show, period! The animation can be a bit off at times in this season, but the writing is flawless. Cape Feare - need I say more?

This is my favorite season of the show. The darker and more serious tone in the episodes yet still retaining the original and comedic charm is clever.
This season included my favorite episode of the show, "Homer Badman." There were also some other fantastic episodes like "Bart's Girlfriend," "Treehouse of Horror V," "Homer the Great," "And Maggie Makes Three," "Round Springfield," and "Who Shot Mr. Burns (Part One)."
This season stands out really well. Such a classic season!
Some of the most hilarious episodes ever. For example, Homer Badman, Lisa's Wedding, Bart of Darkness, and Treehouse of Horror V. In my opinion, the best Treehouse of Horror ever. By far my favorite season. Don't hate. It is my own personal opinion.

Like Season 5, this season is marvelous. Within its development, the jokes were getting better, the animation was getting better, the tone is more entertaining and funnier, and the storylines are getting more fascinating.
"Homer the Heretic" is my third favorite episode, but there are also fantastic episodes such as "Mr. Plow," "Last Exit to Springfield," "New Kid on the Block," "Marge vs. the Monorail," "Homer's Triple Bypass," and "Duffless." What I can tell is that Season 4 is when it started to get more brilliant ideas and jokes that are memorable, clever, and hilarious. Really well-settled, enjoyable season.

This season starts to decline in quality, as its tone and writing become wackier. However, it was still a good season. It kept the original charm from the previous seasons.
"Homer's Enemy" is considered one of the best Simpsons episodes of all time despite its darker tone (especially at the end), but there are some other episodes that stand out, such as "The Mysterious Voyage of Homer" (my second favorite episode), "The Springfield Files," "Brother from Another Series," "Grade School Confidential," and "The Secret War of Lisa Simpson." Overall, still a good season.

Season 7 has some of the most interesting episodes of the show. It still has the original charm from the previous seasons. Some emotional episodes, such as "Mother Simpson" and "Marge Be Not Proud," are involved, but there are other brilliant and solid episodes that stand out, such as "Bart Sells His Soul," "Lisa the Vegetarian," "Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming," "Homer the Smithers," "A Fish Called Selma," and "Summer of 4 Ft. 2."
Overall, a fantastic season!
Does anyone remember when Homer was chasing Uder around with a wet towel and smacking him with it? HILARIOUS!

Season 3 is a really nice season that is worth watching. The brilliance was getting better, although within its development, it still has some of the charm from Season 2. The animation improved a lot from the second season, as it is more colorful and clean in terms of quality.
Some episodes are great, but others are decent. Episode standouts include "I Married Marge," "Flaming Moe's," "Colonel Homer," "Bart the Murderer," and "Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington."
Season 3 is the greatest season of the show, in my opinion. It had great plots and stories, fantastic running gags, and very few bad episodes.
Here are some of my favorites from that season: "Stark Raving Dad" (I just love the Michael Jackson voice cameo, and I don't understand why the people who work on the modern episodes removed it due to the Leaving Neverland documentary), "Saturdays of Thunder" (I find this episode heartwarming, and the montage where Bart and Homer build the soapbox racer really exemplifies it), "The Otto Show" (Spinal Tap, one hilariously satirical rock band, makes an appearance), and "Flaming Moe" (Aerosmith!).
This season is filled with epic moments and highlights. It truly rocks!

Season 9 was when it started to decline even further. It is basically a mix between classic charm and more serious, wacky, and jerky gags, along with some "Jerkass Homer." This is a very mixed season to me.
The worst one of the ninth season is "Trash of the Titans" because the plot and concept were too jerky and wacky, and the ending was atrocious. Although, I do have to admit that I enjoyed the U2 scene. A few other worse ones include "Miracle on Evergreen Terrace," "All Singing, All Dancing," and "The Principal and the Pauper," one of the most controversial episodes of the show.
As for the rest of the episodes, they are either mixed or positive. Some of the best episodes include "Lisa the Skeptic," "Lisa the Simpson," "Lisa's Sax," "Natural Born Kissers," "Realty Bites," and "The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson." Overall, it is a strange season.

Seasons 2-8 are excellent, with seasons 2-4 being the most consistently brilliant, but 5-8 have some very strong standout episodes and, as I already stated, are excellent. Season 2 is the best, though. Bart the Daredevil is the greatest episode ever.
There just isn't a bad episode - so many episodes I'd forgotten: Itchy & Scratchy & Marge, Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish. Basically, the whole season is outstanding. It has the charm of the first season but is a million times funnier and better written!

This season is so funny! My favorite episode is Viva Ned Flanders (desperate to enjoy his life, Ned Flanders goes to Vegas with Homer, gets drunk, and marries some bar girls).
I love this season! My favorite episode is called "Bart the Mother." The plot is Bart killing a bird by accident, so he takes the eggs and raises them.
Amazing episodes from this season in the top ten.
Best episodes: Viva Ned Flanders, Lisa Gets an A, Thirty Minutes Over Tokyo, Treehouse of Horror IX.

Season 1 is underrated. It has a charm that is unlike other seasons, and the animation is colorful and rough. Although earlier-written episodes can be inconsistent with later-written episodes, the episodes are still enjoyable to watch.
There's a feeling that you will have when watching this season. This season is easy to remember due to its animation and the least number of episodes. Episodes that stand out include "Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire," "Moaning Lisa," "Life on the Fast Lane," and "Krusty Gets Busted." Overall, a very underrated season.
The Newcomers

Season 12 was great. Perhaps, even greater than Season 11, the worst season of the Silver Age (11-18).
The first season that I bought! Ah, good memories.
A resurgence of the Silver Age (11-18).

Season 15 was the best.
The first three seasons were crap. They were too emotional, and the voices and animation were crap.
Seasons 4 to 9 were okay, kind of funny.
Seasons 10 to 13 were very good with good storylines.
But seasons 14 and onward were the best, especially season 15. They were funny, the animation is great, they're not too emotional (cringy), the jokes are fresh, and they have some well-known celebrity guest appearances. Some really cool things happened during these seasons (especially season 15), and I just love The Simpsons so much. I hope it never ends (which unfortunately, it will have to someday). But still, I love it.
Okay, I prefer the old Simpsons seasons like from 4-10, but this season is great. The Fool Monty was hilarious, there was a great Treehouse of Horror, and an amazing Christmas special. It is a very impressive season!
It has its good episodes, but some of the rest can be pretty mediocre. "Love is a Many Strangled Thing," in particular, is one of the show's all-time worst episodes.
I know it's not finished, but it's brilliant! Bart shows his academic side in "Bart Stops to Smell the Roosevelts." There was a great Avatar parody in the Treehouse of Horror. We visit the future in "Holidays of Future Passed," and Bart and Lisa learn about parenting.
How could any of you forget Homer and Bart's tween book "The Troll Twins of Underbridge Academy"? This is clearly the best season!
Season 23 is excellent. It includes the episodes "The Book Job" and "How I Wet Your Mother," which are unique, standout episodes. Both episodes are hilarious, and especially "How I Wet Your Mother" includes a level of sophistication that makes the episodes almost artworks.

Better than 13. Though, 15 was an improvement over 14.
The beginning of the Digital Age (Seasons 14-18).
An impressive season. Well done.

The last good season, though there are still some great episodes after this season, such as "Brick Like Me," "Barthood," "Flander's Ladder," and so forth.
It may not be in the Golden Age (1-10), yet in the Silver Age (11-18), but it's still a decent season after all.
This deserves more credit! It's a great season! Of the Silver Age (11-18), but still great.

In this season, we see the death of Homer's Vegas wife, who, unless I'm mistaken, hadn't been seen since Season 13. Homer joins the army, Marge becomes a "handywoman," Bart learns he kicks butt at drumming, Marge becomes addicted to an online MMORPG, and Moe and Lisa write poems.
"24 Minutes" was an excellent episode, too. Pretty good season.
The last pre-movie season. It may not have been in the Golden Age, but this season still executed fine moments. "24 Minutes" was truly amazing and is definitely one of the greatest episodes of The Simpsons.

The Simpsons knew sadness in this season with the departure of Maude Flanders. But that didn't stop the DVD box from being adorned with Krusty the Clown. Bart sees his future in "Bart to the Future," and Homer becomes a missionary in "Missionary: Impossible."
This was also the season that survived Y2K, ending in May 2000.
I love the episode where they kill Maude Flanders. Dark comedy at its finest.

The 20th season of The Simpsons started out interesting (what with the erotic cakes and stuff) but soon got amazing. The Simpsons started broadcasting in High Definition, with a new opening scene and everything.
Some really good laughs came from Lisa being on "happy pills," Bart, Ralph, Skinner, and the bullies all being shipped off to Capital City during an important test at school (deviously done by Superintendent Chalmers), and Moe dating a little person. This is the DVD season they'll be releasing next, skipping ahead of seasons 13-19 (for now), and offering it on Blu-Ray Disc because of the HD format.
Although it's not done yet, Season 21 is looking to be a really good one. Not only does it look amazing, but they haven't really done any "bad" shows yet.
It was great when Lisa kicked Bart's butt at the end of "The Great Wife Hope," and the Treehouse of Horror's first part was actually kind of creepy. (I didn't like how they made fun of Christianity in the zombie one, though.) I loved Bart's "brother" and the South Park-esque scene. That was probably the best episode so far ("O Brother, Where Bart Thou?"). Can't wait for the rest!
Season 21 didn't have a lot of good episodes, but it DID have Boy Meets Curl. I honestly love that episode.

Ah, Season 13... full of some of my favorite episodes and a couple of stupid ones. I loved how Homer and Bart were chained together in the second episode. While watching "Brawl in the Family," where the Simpsons fight over Monopoly (don't we all?), I was convinced it was one of my favorites until Homer's Vegas wife came and ruined it. I also didn't really like how Apu was cheating on Manjula.
More of a "sweet and sour" season.
I don't care what people say about 90s episodes. The Simpsons is still brilliant. Season 13 is on Channel 4 at the moment, and it's showing episodes that are great.

I love "There's Something About Marrying"! It has one of my all-time favorite bits, where Homer and Lovejoy are on Smartline. I die with laughter.
It was mostly pretty good, but "On a Clear Day, I Can't See My Sister" is the first episode I outright hated.
Am I the only one who likes the new Simpsons series? Along with Windows Vista, 8, and the Wii U?
Even though Season 19 was a disgrace, it had some fine moments and episodes.
This season was a slight improvement over Season 18.
Season 19 is a slight improvement over Season 18.