Top 10 Reasons Why The Simpsons is Better than Family Guy

For those who agree that Family Guy dosen't compare to The Simpsons, these are the reasons why.
The Top Ten
Family Guy was pretty much based on The Simpsons.

Peter is just Homer, but they tweaked him and made him a terrible person. I do like Family Guy, but The Simpsons is way better. Family Guy is just based on The Simpsons, but with some tweaks to go with it.

Family Guy is great, but I assume The Simpsons is better, even though I have yet to see it. Peter is sort of like a clone of Homer gone horribly wrong.

And it says "who positively can do" in the theme song. That's not entirely true because there is a lot of offensive humor. I get offended sometimes, so not always positively.

The Simpsons is actually funny.

Family Guy isn't what I would call a comedy sitcom. It's just another show that destroys brain cells and relies heavily on memes to keep it alive.

The Simpsons, however, is a brilliant and witty show for people with an actual, good sense of humor!

Lots of jokes on Family Guy are used at the wrong moment. When Peter saw the news that two planes crashed into the Twin Towers, he says, "must have been a woman pilot." That's offensive in two ways.

People believe Family Guy is better because they think being offensive is funny. The Simpsons actually try to make jokes.

The characters are more complex.

Oh my god, so I'm not the only one with this opinion. For a minute there, I thought I was wrong for liking The Simpsons characters better, but I'm not!

I always thought I saw something in most of The Simpsons characters that wasn't there in Family Guy's. Let's face it, I wasn't the only one who saw it. We all did when we watched anything from seasons 1-8 (or more like 2-8... whatever). Back in the day, The Simpsons characters weren't just funny, but also flawed, likable (though annoying to a more shallow or biased person), and most notably, kind of relatable.

Since I think of The Simpsons as only being made up of the older seasons and not the newer ones, I believe I have the right to say that the characters are probably what make it better than its ripoff. While I must sadly confess that Family Guy is pretty funny, its characters are one of many reasons why it sucks. None of them have the depth of those in The Simpsons, and because of this, Family Guy is weaker. Way weaker.

To me, characters are the most important part of the story, especially in The Simpsons. I will always enjoy seeing Homer, Marge, Lisa, Bart, Ned, Mr. Burns, Apu, and almost all the rest of Springfield's people in any situation they were in back in the old days. I love them and know what they'll do but so badly want to see it. In Family Guy, I could care less. All I liked was Stewie and Brian, and they weren't even that great.

Family Guy lacks the heart of The Simpsons, and that heart comes from character. So yeah, sorry if this was long, but I hope that even if you disagree with me, you learned a little today.


D'oh is actually so popular a catchphrase that it was put into the dictionary!

D'oh! Get this reason higher. Best quote ever!

This quote is so unforgettable and probably one of the most iconic quotes in The Simpsons.

Homer Simpson Homer Jay Simpson is the main protagonist of the American animated television series The Simpsons, serving as the patriarch of the eponymous family. It is implied that he is not very intelligent, with a crayon stuck in his brain often cited as the reason. He works at a nuclear power plant and does his... read more

Homer's a lovable oaf. He also still loves his family, just not the things they do. In one episode, Lisa passes out at one of her concerts, and Homer says, "When I prayed for this to end, I didn't mean like this." It's funny, but you can still see Homer loves his family.

Homer loves all his kids and wife with all of his heart, while Peter has no respect for Meg and Lois and doesn't even know who Stewie is. Even if Homer messes up, you can see his heart is in the right place. Peter is just a jerk.

When I look at Homer, I see a lazy, sometimes selfish man, but I also see a big heart behind him. I cannot deny that Homer Simpson is practically a big role model. Peter Griffin, on the other hand, I don't really want to be like.

It's appropriate for kids.

You see, this is the main reason I kinda like The Simpsons. They don't overdose on adult jokes. There's a cuss and a sex reference here and there, but they don't do it too much. I think it's MUCH more PG than Family Guy. The addition of soccer references just makes me like it BETTER!

Family-friendly is more like it. There is a curse and a sex reference here and there, but not in overdose. We all know that The Simpsons is better than Family Guy just like we all know SpongeBob is better than The Fairly OddParents.

The Simpsons support and love each other despite their flaws. The Griffins treat each other badly and constantly do horrible things to each other.

This one scene from "The Simpsons Guy" summarizes the different mentalities of each family:

Meg Griffin: Look at all these trophies! There must be, like, 20 of them!
Lisa Simpson: 23. But I'm sure you have a lot of trophies of your own.
Meg: No. I'm not good at anything.
Lisa: Oh, Meg, I'm sure you're good at something. We just have to find out what it is. After all, Nelson Mandela said it's our obligation to shine.
Meg: You mean like my oily face and back?
Lisa: No. Maybe don't sit on my bedspread, please. But I mean the light within you that makes you an individual. Meg, you need to know that you matter.
Meg: Really? No one's ever told me I mattered before.
Lisa: That's why you have to say it. So say it.
Meg: I matter.
Lisa: Louder!
Meg: I matter!
Peter Griffin: (from off-screen) Shut up, Meg! You don't matter!
Meg: (slumps over feeling defeated)

Family Guy can be really annoying sometimes.

What happened to the guy who made Family Guy? He wrote kids' shows that everyone who loves the 90s mentions: Johnny Bravo, Dexter's Laboratory, Cow and Chicken, and I Am Weasel.

But then he made his own adult shows, and suddenly it's like a dumbed-down version of The Simpsons. It's like a friend who everyone calls boring has his own show.

This baby in Family Guy, it was like, "Good morning! Good morning! To you!" And it kept on going. After a while, the baby came when he finished and said, "Good morning! Good morni - oh, I thought we continued, so bye."

Family Guy bases their show almost entirely on their high shock value.
There are more characters to work off of in The Simpsons.

Family Guy is filled with such awful characters like Quagmire and Brian.

The Simpsons has more interesting characters than Family Guy.

The Newcomers

? There is no reason for Family Guy to continue
? More safe for work
The Contenders
The Simpsons appeals to a wider audience than Family Guy.

Family Guy is designed to appeal to frat boys and immature teens. The Simpsons can appeal to a wide range of groups. A ten-year-old and a seventy-year-old alike could watch an episode of The Simpsons and find different things about the episode that appeal to them.

It has seniority.

The Simpsons is classic. Family Guy is not classic. It's rather a nuisance and trash.

The stupid Meg-hating gag.

Only one joke with that gag ever slightly worked with me. I could compare this with Bart being strangled a lot, but he's always fine right after and doesn't act as though it is tearing his life apart, like a lot of the Family Guy gags led to.

Ah yes, the infamous Meg-hating gag is one of the biggest problems I have with the earlier seasons of Family Guy. It's only gotten worse in later seasons.

There's no reason to hate Meg. She doesn't really look ugly. Lisa is hated for being so smart.

Brian gave Stewie Herpes and didn't even care.

I'm sure it was justified. It was probably karma from all those years of Stewie trying to kill Lois.

Bart Simpson Bartholomew JoJo "Bart" Simpson is the oldest child, and the only son, in the 1987 show The Simpsons. He was created by Matt Groening. His hobbies are pranking people including Lisa Simpson and Homer Simpson.

Bart would only prank, but if he killed or at least injured a guy, he would feel guilt. Once, Chris smashed his father's head and just laughed.

He is so much better than all the Family Guy characters put together!

If Bart had a fight with Chris, I can already tell that Bart is going to win.

The Simpsons has a feature movie.

I KNOW! Family Guy just put three episodes together and called it a feature movie, which proves my "Family Guy Copies off The Simpsons" theory true.

Even though it's been a long time since I've seen that movie, it's still pretty darn good.

Family Guy would be cancelled before they ever have a shot at having a movie.

Better storylines.
Family Guy is too mean spirited.

Agreed, especially because of the stupid Meg-hating gag! Poor Meg has to deal with bullying at home and at school. This is why Peter and Lois are probably the worst parents ever in cartoon history!

Especially when Meg was being bullied a lot.

The Simpsons is timeless. Family Guy is not.

The Simpsons will be remembered forever. Family Guy will be forgotten a year or two after it ends.

They'll never stop The Simpsons. Look at some of the oldest kids' shows still around: Sooty, Blue Peter, Newsround, Sesame Street, Noddy.

I prefer timeless stories. The characters aging ruins the plot sometimes.

Family Guy tends to go overboard a lot, as The Simpsons rarely ever do.
Better parodies.
The Simpsons has never been cancelled.

The Simpsons will never end! Family Guy may get cancelled, and it would be a great joy for y'all.

This show started in the 1990s and it will never end!

None of the kids in The Simpsons are sex-crazed, in comparison to Family .Guy

Family Guy is a horrendous abomination! Cancel Family Guy!

Bart and Lisa are 10 and 8. Chris and Meg are teenagers.

The worst episodes of Family Guy are worse than the worst episodes of The Simpsons.
Animation is better.

Family Guy has the most generic, boring animation ever.

Tracey Ullman episodes are better than Family Guy.

Now it is, but look at the first few seasons.

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