Top 10 Best The Simpsons Characters
Here is a list of the top ten most popular characters from The Simpsons television series, the longest-running American sitcom and the longest-running American animated program of all time.
Despite Homer's character being little more than a dumb guy who likes to drink beer nowadays, I vote for Homer because he has managed to remain pretty likable.
Homer used to be a kind but simple man who cared a lot for his family. He was rather easy to anger but was not blinded by stupidity.
Also, I would've voted for 1989 Lisa Simpson but didn't see such an entry.
He is fat, stupid, selfish, drunk, and doesn't understand anything. Which, I guess, is why people love him - because he's so easily hateable that he's hilarious. And if that doesn't make sense, then your wig doesn't either.
He's an absolute dolt, but if that's what floats your boat (and it totally does), then I completely understand why you find him funny.

He's got the skateboard, he's got the attitude, he's got some of the best catchphrases a '90s kid could ask for. But Bart's not just the troublemaker writing chalkboard sentences during detention every day.
He's a misunderstood pre-teen with more energy and ingenuity than his distracted parents and teachers know what to do with. That, plus some questionable punishment tactics from his father, lands him in a lot of trouble that lives at the show's core. Some people might think Bart is overrated, but honestly, they can eat my shorts.

Ralph Wiggum has got to be one of the most lovable of all the Simpsons characters. I mean, he is just so funny that whenever I see him walking, I just think that he's going to perplex us with his over-the-top hilarity.
And even if he doesn't, he is still my favorite character of all time in The Simpsons' history.
"My cat's breath smells like cat food."
"Me fail English? That's unpossible."
"The doctor said I wouldn't have so many nosebleeds if I kept my finger outta there."
"I saw a leprechaun. He told me to burn things."
"I glued my head to my shoulder."
"And when the doctor told me I didn't have worms anymore, that was the happiest day of my life."

Maggie in the golden era was wonderfully written and capable of being the center of a scene without needing dialogue. Some of the best moments in the series involved her, especially the end to "And Maggie Makes Three" as well as her first words.
Maggie in the school for tiny tots was fantastic.
Our little angel probably won't be growing up anytime soon, unless it's in future Simpsons episodes where Bart and Lisa have their own families. Besides that, I love Maggie. She's cute, caring, and surprisingly very smart. Kudos to the little baby girl!

Burns episodes tend to be my favorite, especially if they also heavily feature Homer. Burns' out-of-touch, antiquated perspective on everything is consistently amusing. How does a guy who is so weak, clueless, impotent, and forgetful manage to remain the most wealthy, powerful, and feared man in Springfield?
Burns is essentially a walking contradiction, a humorously confused and anachronistic figure who's nonetheless always given sharp dialogue and performed wonderfully by Harry Shearer. If there's one character I can say I've never disliked, it's Mr. Burns.

She is an intellectual, a true role model to all those young females out there, and is no less interesting than her somewhat less "nerdy" brother, Bart Simpson. Despite being the voice of reason (albeit not always heard), she is not always correct, with her flaws making her all the more human and relatable. She also has an understanding of animals, a gift in music, and a love for literature - a few admirable and rare qualities, not common among the people of Springfield, making her unique.
She is understanding, caring, and despite being short-tempered at times, she is one of those characters you could most likely rely on to help you with a problem. No matter how much she lacks in popularity within her school, I believe she is very popular among the fans of The Simpsons for who she is.

Moe is an amazing character. He is the greatest character of all. Heck, he knows that Bart was the one prank calling him the whole time and just plays along for the laughs. His heart is always in the right place, and he proves it every time he appears.
Also, he knows that it wasn't Jimbo. He knows all too well that it was Bart. Just shows how much he cares about Homer and his family.
You just can't help sympathizing with Moe's problems. He seems mean and gritty on the outside, but he is actually rather sensitive.
Moe's character always makes me laugh in two ways: either he seems overly sadistic, mean, and cruel, or he is struggling with the latent emotions he possesses.

Ned is my hero. Seriously, he always remains happy no matter what the weather. He is always being nice to everyone, even when they do bad things to him. He is the best neighbor anyone could ever ask for.
Even Homer said himself once, "If the world were full of people like Ned Flanders, there would be no need for Heaven because Heaven would be right here on Earth." He is a perfect example of how a Christian should behave and live their life. He's a great guy, and the world would be a better place if there were more people like Ned around.

Marge puts up with crap after crap from Homer. Though her questionable complacency prevents her from aging well, it is safe to say she is loving, caring, and altruistic when it comes to Homer and her family. She steps back and admits when she is wrong, and she supports Homer's growth for "as long as it takes" (which is very).
No, she's not hilarious, or dumb, or someone to laugh at, but she is a wonderful character that serves as a reminder of sanity.
I relate to Marge because, in the Season 3 episode "Homer Alone," she was cranky and was out of control, causing her to stop the car so she could concentrate on what's going on. Then, she really needed to take a break and relax once in a while. Also, she had qualities similar to mine as well. To be honest, I think she does look attractive.

A quote machine:
"Give me that, you noodle-armed choir boy."
"Bonjour, you cheese-eating surrender monkeys."
"Willie hears ya, Willie doesn't care."
"Miracles are your department, Reverend."
"Looks like you're too good for me, too, college girl."
"Grease me up, woman."
"What flows from the nose does not go on the clothes."
Enough said.
They honestly need more episodes with Groundskeeper Willie. There's so little! There's only Nightmare on Evergreen Terrace. I don't know if there are any more.
Haha, he makes me laugh every time. My favorite moment was when he was skateboarding down the stairs and says to the children, "What are ya looking at ya bastards!"
The Newcomers

Titania enjoys wet T-shirts, pouring beer, and sleeping with people.

These twins said that Lisa Simpson has a big butt. Well, turns out they were right, even though Lisa was insecure about it.

Sideshow Bob is so awesome! His outrageously smart but unsuccessful plans to kill Bart, his ingenious fights with Lisa, and his bad luck, especially with garden rakes, are humorous to everyone who likes a psychopathic ingenious killer as a side character.
I wish the creators of The Simpsons had added more episodes with him, maybe even in season 24 or 25. I love those episodes and have watched each one at least four times!
I think people see him as a murderous lunatic, but actually, he is probably the most sophisticated, civilized, and nicest person in Springfield! The only reason he went completely insane was because of Bart. All he wanted was to not be tormented by Bart.
He even went all the way to Italy to get away from Bart, but yet again, the Simpsons still followed him there and ruined everything for him. Then he got locked up in a mental institute, shot with a tranquilizer dart, tasered, and so forth. How would you feel after all that? I know I would want to kill Bart, so please vote for Bob!

I love Krusty. He's so funny, but not how he's supposed to be on a children's show. People post a lot of clips that they say are the best of Krusty, but I think almost every clip deserves to be on there.
Krusty has said many funny things, but yet he has a sometimes quite miserable life. He is selfish, hilarious, and loud, which is why he's so great!
Best clown ever. Should be in the top ten, or even, in my opinion, in the top five!

Definitely one for personality. His fan base is huge, just like his belly that grumbles every minute and his man boobs that move up and down more than Santa's bobble on his hat in the wind.
My favorite moment of his has to be when he was chasing Homer in his cruiser (Homer was in Snake's car). Both Homer and Chief Wiggum went off a little jump constructed with a few props, and when they crashed, they destroyed the house Marge was trying to sell. Afterward, Wiggum and Homer were playing with bubble wrap on the roof.
I also loved when Chief Wiggum became friends with Homer properly. Thankfully, that never changed.

Milhouse is an underrated character. He should be ranked at least in the top ten. It would be the highest he's ever been.
Milhouse is a very funny character and is very unlucky.
Milhouse is a hilarious nerd who follows Bart around everywhere! Classic nerd best friend.

Abe Simpson is the most interesting Simpson. I love the story where his former wrestling career is revealed. There is true depth to this character.
Definitely one of the most underrated characters. Many episodes telling his great story have stayed in my memory more than other episodes.
Really? 13? This guy is so senile, stupid, and useless. But that's what makes him hilarious. His stories that don't go anywhere, which reminds me of the time I went to India. I saw a man ride an elephant, which reminds me of the time when...

He should be in the top ten. He's not only a well-done stereotype, but he's possibly the closest character to a real person. He feels the most genuine emotions at the right times, is a good role model, and is just downright awesome all the time.
Also, he's incredibly hilarious, as are most of the characters in the show (seasons 1-8, that is). I prefer not to talk about what's past that point, since most of it is horrible.
Shouldn't be down here. He is my favorite and is a very good person, cool, smart, and pretty funny.
1. Apu Nahasapeemapetilon
2. Groundskeeper Willie
3. Abe Simpson
4. Moe Szyslak
5. Ralph Wiggum
6. Ned Flanders
7. Bart Simpson
8. Lisa Simpson
9. Homer Simpson

I love Comic Book Guy! Best. Character. Ever. He is a classic character! From dating Skinner's mom to attempting to marry Edna Krabappel, this guy is over-the-top funny!
I seriously just laugh whenever he comes on screen! He's so iconic and hilarious. How can he not be number one on here?!
He's so funny, and also a lot like me because basically, all I ever do is sit on my computer.

Haw-Haw! Laugh out loud, he's hilarious! He is not smart, he isn't pretty, but he should be a comedian!
He really goes through changes throughout the series.
They should make another episode about him and Lisa.

Skinner seems to always be that one character people are meant to laugh at. However, I think his pain of wanting to make his mother proud and upholding his values in his workplace make him a relatable character.
While I love Bart's character as well, there were times I felt bad for this imaginary principal, which goes to show just how believable these characters' lives are.
Skinner is awesome with the motorcycle and amazing at leading the school for a very long time. Perhaps the best character of the show as well. Otto is awesome with the bus. Wiggum is good at being the funny police guy. Another to mention is the neighbor, Flanders.
They should post private except they connect with Skinner well, and the whole works quite well in Springfield.

I love him. I've loved him since the first season.
Santa's Little Helper is so cute.
The loyalty of the Simpson family.

Marge Simpson: Maybe I am insane. I mean, I am talking to myself.
Hans Moleman: You are? Oh, I thought I had made a friend.
He should be known as "the guy who you feel sorry for all the time." He is still great.
He's in barely any episodes! He needs to be in more!

He is a simple yet beautiful character. On one side, he loves his boss unconditionally but can't tell him for ambiguous reasons. He has strong morals despite serving the most evil man in Springfield.
He is kind and pleasant, yet can feel jealous of other people and can be rude at times. In short, he has flaws, and while he relies on Mr. Burns to exist in the show, he is a fantastic, relatable, funny, and just a charming little guy. He should be way higher on this list and is horribly underrated.
Waylon Joseph Smithers is easily my favorite character in The Simpsons, and my second favorite character in all of media, right behind Bill Cipher. He's relatable, sweet, has generally good morals, and knows when to interfere with Burns' schemes.
He's just so genuinely amazing, and I can't find one thing about him that I don't like. His character is oddly realistic, which makes him such a likable character as a whole.

I can relate to this guy, even though I don't drive a bus. He's cool, and he can play the guitar well too!
Got to be the coolest Simpsons character. He's always high, plays the guitar well, enjoys heavy metal, and he's a school bus driver. What an awesome role model.
Bring on the stoned bus driver!

He's sweet, but Homer must have ruined his life by introducing him to Duff beer. Then, after so long, he goes sober in one episode. I feel bad for him. Otherwise, he is hilariously awesome!
I really think that Barney Gumble is sweet.
Dumber than Homer, and that's saying something.

Laugh out loud, so funny. "You can take Spider Pig with you!" "He's not Spider Pig anymore. He's Harry Plopper." Oink!
Spider Pig, Spider Pig, who is the favorite spider thing? He's also Harry Potter. I don't know why. I love that movie!
Go, Spider Pig! He was awesome in the movie, and his cameos are the best!