Top 10 Best Game of Thrones Houses

Lol, Starks... Ned couldn't fight and opened his mouth too wide, Catelyn was a catalyst for the purely for her own ego, Arya is a little brat & a real snob now, ZzZz 'is bran's scene over yet? ', Sansa is just a whiner who thinks the world revolves around her and that she's some how entitled, Rickon was useless, Didn't see much wrong with Robb but probably overrated, Then wasn't a stark but grew up with them and what a gong show he turned out to be...The only good is Jon and he's HALF stark...
They have Iron Man so they're very strong and can defeat everybody else. When will Iron Man appear in the show?

Lannister own everything, have wit, fairness, cleverness and shiny prestige. You are Stark-raving mad if you think otherwise.
Tywin, Jaime, as far as we know Tyrion is a Lannister... Yea, they're the best. Targaryens are half crazy (literally) & Starks manage to get into matters they can't manage... bunch of fools.

Only because of Dany. She is the most beautiful and iconic/best character in the show by a light year. Targaryen House for the win!
Come on guys, they have dragons and they also had the iron throne once, and a great force was needed to remove them.
Black field, with red dragons on their standard... Resistant to diseases of the commons... May the Seven save them.

A functional, sympathetic, manipulative, and smart house that sticks together even in wildfire

The Newcomers