Top 10 Most Picked On Sports Teams
Being a sports fan is an emotional rollercoaster. You cheer through the highs, grit your teeth through the lows, and stick by your team no matter what. But for some fans, there's an extra layer to the experience: the constant teasing, jokes, and ridicule from rival fans, the media, or even other supporters. These are the fans of teams that seem to have a permanent target on their backs. Maybe it's because their team hasn't seen a championship in decades, or perhaps they've earned a reputation for consistent mediocrity or spectacular collapses. Whatever the case, their loyalty often comes with a side of good-natured (and sometimes not-so-good-natured) ribbing.
As a Red Sox fan, I should know. I get harassed, insulted, picked on, teased, and made fun of every single day. Though usually the Red Sox are targeted by Yankee fans, they are the most popular team. I've done some searches, and it appears Red Sox fans are getting bullied all over the place for wearing a Boston shirt. It's terrible. They are very popular, but they are picked on more than any other team, except maybe the poor Mets.
I live in Connecticut, in Danbury. Everyone is a Yankee fan here. By the way, we don't say that the Yankees suck after a win. It's the Yankees fans saying that the Red Sox suck after New York wins.

The Mets get so many insults it's not even funny. It's terrible. Lots of people even say that Mets stands for "my entire team sucks." That's not funny at all. It's very offensive and completely unnecessary.
I can claim responsibility for this, as I am a die-hard Yankees fan. However, I also like the Mets too.

As a Giants fan myself, it always sticks in my craw that the Giants get picked on, especially by Eagles, Cowboys, Patriots, and even Jets fans too. The former two are the most egregious, especially Eagles fans. I mean, they say OUR fanbase is scum, yet they cheered when Michael Irvin got his career-ending injury. But WE'RE scum? Okay.
They have been very bad and are getting a lot of insults, particularly from Patriots fans, and especially Eagles fans. Eagles fans are particularly jackasses - not all, but a very high percentage.

Much like with the Giants, this team gets picked on by the fanbases of the three most overrated teams in the NHL: the Flyers, Bruins, and Penguins.
They're a good team, but unfortunately, they get harassed a lot.

They are a very bad team. They have yet to make an appearance in the Super Bowl. They at least try, but they rarely get it done.
This is a very up-and-down team. I, personally, have no hate for them.

They've been a very good team but are receiving lots of unnecessary heat from every loss they suffer. Fortunately, they rarely lose, but they get a lot of heat when they do.

They've had a lot of struggles. However, they have pulled off some major upsets. They haven't been very good, and sadly, they're getting picked on for that.
Lovable losers. I'm not a Chicago fan, but I hope they win the World Series one day.
They cheated the salary cap from 2006-10, and people were still salty about it in 2017. If you ask me, money doesn't change how dominant a team is, and the players didn't know they were cheating. If money did change how dominant a team is, how come Storm are still successful today?

They've gotten a lot of heat about their poor performance in the playoffs last year and are already getting picked on this year. The season hasn't even started yet.

They haven't won a World Series in quite some time, and unfortunately, many Royals fans are getting teased about that.
The Newcomers

Being a Cowboys fan is hard. After 2015, people just think Romo sucks! You stupid haters. Go Cowboys.

Nobody ever remembers hockey. Or rather, nobody south of Canada knows it exists. Honestly, it's arguably the best sport in the world for speed, skill, agility, excitement, etc. Take any NHL player and ask them to play football, and chances are, with their size and strength, they could. Ask any NFL player to skate up and play hockey, and chances are they couldn't.

It's unfair just because they got ASADA on to them, and now people are piling on them!

There are tons of bandwagon Yankees fans. They are the most popular team in the MLB, just barely in front of the Red Sox. They've won the most World Series, but they get heat for using steroids (not all of them do that, but some do) and sometimes cheating.

I'm a Patriots fan. Some of my classmates and other people make fun of and hate on the Patriots ALL THE TIME because they are fans of the Colts. They even think they are "cheaters," which is not true. This is so annoying my mom wants to move out of the state BECAUSE of them. This is one of the reasons why I hate Indiana.
I'm going to say it now: I hate the Patriots because they always seem to get the most attention. It doesn't help that "Deflategate" is going on.

In the state of Ohio, you are one of two things: you either root for the Bengals, or you make fun of the Browns.
You could write a book on the insults toward this team. It's actually quite sad.

Everybody loves to hate on the poor Jets. Everyone.

Good for you, winning the cup. But in 2017, we're getting back to Chicago.