Top 10 Most Boring States in the U.S. to Live In
*Yawn*, I would be bored of living in these states!You won't find a more perfect example of everything gone wrong than Arkansas. It's caused Arkansas to become, quite frankly, very dull and boring. Negative and unappealing.
If you're not an outdoorsman, it's the most boring state in the U.S. Considering 90% of the Arkansas population is obese, there really aren't THAT many outdoors people here.
Arkansas is the Midwest of the south. "Cities" are small and boring. You can go on a hike, but most people just sit at McDonald's because there is nothing to do there.
Yes! I drove through this state to go to Northern California (which should be a state of its own and number 2 in boring) and it was the most boring drive of my life! I have driven through most states, having been a military wife for 22 years, and there is no state more boring than Nebraska!
I knew a friend going to Nevada who wanted to go to a Denny's. They skipped one and said they would go to the next one. There was no Denny's until Sterling, Colorado. That's how much there is in Nebraska.
Couldn't find a single thing to do here on our cross-country road trip. It was the only state where we could find nothing. We went to the literal worst state park here.
Can anyone here name anything special about this boring state?
Don't know how this state isn't number one most boring.
If you want boredom to be your number one priority, then move to Kansas. If not, look elsewhere. Kansas has nothing to offer but wheat harvesting.
Let's see.
Sightseeing? Yeah, it's boring. No attractions.
Entertainment? Yes. There are no "big cities" in this state with enough to do.
Nature? It's too flat. And if you have seasonal allergies, you're going to hate Kansas.
I've been to other places, and Kansas is the most boring state, in my opinion, for sure.
Are you kidding me? This is the most boring state in the Midwest.
This state has the most boring scenery, and there's nothing to see or do besides look at prairies, view the flat landscape, and watch wheat fields being harvested. This state should definitely be swapped to the number one spot as the most boring!
I'm about to have a tournament in Delaware, and I've never been even though I live in Virginia, because there's nothing to do.
Delaware is just a small strip of land with absolutely nothing to do.
I've lived in Delaware my entire life, and there is nothing to do.
The state is only made for adults over 21. Kids under 21 have nothing to do. There are no fun attractions other than the children's museum, which is made for kids who are no older than 12.
All you see is cornfields and flat land. There are no mountains or huge hills or anything like that. There are also no family fun activities to get away for a weekend or family vacation. There are no water parks or amusement parks. Indiana is only made for people over 21 because there are casinos and bars almost everywhere.
If there are adults who have kids under 21, I would not recommend living in Indiana. This is especially true if you're a family who likes to get out and have fun all together, or a family who likes to travel or get away for a weekend.
The towns are too small, and the weather sucks. There's not a lot to do if you don't like the outdoors.
Come on, Vermont's not boring. I've been there, and it's fun to ski down the mountains.
It can't be that boring if the people there do wacky stuff with syrup.
It's literally so boring, it's honestly the worst state too. Mississippi is a place to avoid. Biloxi and Gulfport, don't go there. Their water isn't fresh.
If you want a beach vacation, go to Florida, not Mississippi or Alabama. Jackson has nothing to do.
There's nothing here and has a poor economy.
Summers here are like winters up north. You can't do anything outside from mid-June through mid-October. And it is very ugly, especially in North Texas. A concrete Hades.
Worst place ever. Or is it my town? I don't know, just really boring.
The Newcomers
Missouri has two big cities, and the rest of it is boring. The Ozarks are pretty, but North Missouri is just corn and meth.
It's more peaceful than some states, but there is nothing to do outside of Cincinnati, Columbus, and Cleveland.
Ohio is the Rust Belt. Crumbling, sad, depressing cities with bad weather. Rural Ohio is kind of pretty, but damn, it's boring.
Where the sun hardly shines and the weather is neurotic.
Of course, it's boring if you're outside of Mount Rushmore.
There isn't much to do there, and not many restaurants or cities.
People probably forget that Wyoming is a state that exists.
Who the hell even lives in Wyoming?
If you like looking at gas stations and old people with farmers' tans on their riding mowers, I suggest you move to this wonderful state.
Kentucky has two big cities, Louisville and Lexington. The rest of the state is boring and poor. Way too rural.
I can't speak for the rest of Iowa, but living in Des Moines for too long can result in 'prairie fever'. Even though it's a moderate-sized city, there is virtually nothing fun to do. The few bars that every Des Moines resident aged 21 and over seems to crowd into every weekend are about as exciting as it gets.
Most of them are redneck bars and a couple are grungy college bars. Diversity is not something the city is known for, so for ethnic dining and cultural exposure, forget it. An artistic scene? Unless you consider endless paintings of cornfields art, forget it.
There are plenty of big-chain steakhouses and fast-food restaurants, though, which, along with the few bars, may explain Iowa's overall weight. Job opportunity is limited unless you work in the retail or hospitality industries, and the pay here is not enough to keep up with the ever-increasing cost of living. People here are somewhat friendly, though unlike "Minnesota nice", "Iowa nice" is only superficial.
The people here are very conservative and don't like "outsiders". Even though they may pretend to be hip and liberal, their bigotry, xenophobia, homophobia, and racism come out when they suddenly encounter the "other". So, I'd stay clear of Iowa, and definitely avoid Des Moines.
You can learn lots of history here, but then it's just golf and military bases.
No, there aren't. I live here and it sucks.
Outside of Atlanta and Savannah, there is not a lot, especially in rural South Georgia.
Literally nothing to do unless you like mudding.
Like half the state, there is absolutely nothing to do, but on the other half, there's so much stuff to do, especially in winter like skiing, snowboarding, hiking, the Incline, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, the cave dwellings, Cave of the Winds, and other stuff that I probably forgot.
I hate this place with a burning, fiery passion. If you aren't a reclusive multimillionaire living in the mountains, you will hate Colorado. There is NOTHING to do, and the people here are the worst.
I'd say this is a close second to Kansas. This state makes me feel like I'm going insane half the time, isolating, with long drives and nowhere-villes. The education is horrid, mental healthcare is horrible, and it has the worst people in the country.
This place needs to be affected by the Yellowstone volcano, no matter how dormant it is.
I guess I could munch on potatoes...
There is literally no history here other than Ruger, and no actual activities to do other than backwoods truck driving.
Mud and boring.
Myrtle Beach blows.
New Hampshire is small and boring. It's beautiful, with a small beach, but the towns are nothing special, and it's a hard place to live.
New Hampshire may not be perfect, but at least it's way better than Massachusetts or New York.
If you like bars and walking through generic wooded paths, and also love a little dirt brown, jellyfish-infested waters across the ENTIRE shoreline, with freezing-cold water year-round to boot, come to this hellhole...
The only thing that happens here is a snowstorm in February.
Same exact description for Connecticut, but worse.