Top 10 Least Racist States in the U.S.
When we talk about the least racist states in the U.S., we're touching on an important issue that people experience very differently depending on where they live. Some states have a reputation for being more inclusive and diverse, with governments and communities that prioritize equality, while others still struggle with systemic inequalities. This list lets you explore which states are making strides toward being more welcoming and fair for everyone, no matter their background.
I am originally from New York and moved to California in high school. I will say that California is probably the least racist state in America. This is based on a comparison to most of the states in the US. Racism does exist here, but it is not as prominent as in New York, Florida, Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania (ooh ooh), Boston, Texas (thumbs down), Georgia, etc. The hate scale is rarely used here.
It is true that most races have a good general respect, and I must say that I have met a good number of people from diverse backgrounds who have a real sense of what the world should be like. We Californians do not necessarily tolerate ignorance in general. It's the opposite here. People who talk with prejudice are looked at as if they are not normal... And it's probably because it shouldn't be.
I have considered moving out of state because of the exaggerated cost of homes and rents, but I know that there is no place like California. Trust me, dealing with race relations is a stressful thing. It's nice to live in California.

I see many comments on here about Texas from people who are not here. I have lived in both San Antonio and Houston, and traveled all over Texas. True Texans are accepting of people of color, and diversity of ideas. The hate for Texas is incredibly unwarranted. I work for the Texas State Basketball team. When we get an out-of-state player, I often ask them about their race relation experience in Texas since they've moved here.
Many times, they say that Texans are incredibly welcoming, especially compared to where they are from. We talk to everyone the same here. We don't do things just because we don't want to be seen as racist. We do it because it's just normal.
I've been to New York, Florida, Nevada, and California, and I must say there was much more racial tension there than here in Texas. People think that we hold the same values as the pre-Civil Rights and Civil War South, but in many ways, Texas has left that well in the past.
Yes, there are isolated racial incidents, but with a state this big, it's bound to happen.

In terms of the least racist states, based on my experience, there seems to be no place I've been to, lived in, or tried to secure a job in that meets my criteria, particularly given my higher education and dark skin. However, I would have to vote for Hawaii in this regard. My reasoning stems from a brief visit to my late uncle there in the 1980s. Given that dark-skinned Native Hawaiian Islanders/Pacific Islanders are the majority in Hawaii, and if it's true that they "hold all the cards," then it would suggest that Hawaii is the least racist state for someone like me, a dark-skinned Choctaw Indian with a higher education.
In every other state I've visited, lived in, or applied for jobs in, it seems I am treated like "uneducated, 'black' trash" upon being seen in person. This is despite looking perfectly fine on paper and even over the phone during telephone interviews. But when they see me in person, I'm often met with hesitations and lame excuses, and then I never hear from them again.
To be fair, any poll asking about the least racist state should be directed at those who are affected by racism, not those who seldom, if ever, experience it. In other words, white people, we're not asking you. In my experience, white people report experiencing racism in only two states: New Mexico and Hawaii. However, I'm not voting for New Mexico because I also get treated like the wrong race there.

Maryland is one of those states where racism is not tolerated. The police force here is somewhat biased and racist, but this is all because of a lack of adequate training and hiring the wrong people.
I love Maryland and would say it is the ideal place to raise a family. Now, it's an expensive state, but you get what you pay for. Housing holds its value, and there is generally an acceptance by all.
I think the only divisions seen here are economic (financial). After visiting several states, I would agree that Maryland ought to be at the top as the least racist state.

I have lived in Arizona longer than in any other state. Let me preface by saying that there really is no such thing as an Arizonan. Yes, there are some native-born, but most are not. Arizona has historically had a large Native American and Hispanic population.
Most white Arizona residents do not identify with Arizona. They come heavily from California, Ohio, Illinois, Minnesota, Wisconsin, New York, and Michigan. They bring their racism with them. You have a lot of old Archie Bunker types who gripe and complain and vote for people like Arpaio. The racism is more subtle, not overt.
Arizona is not the problem. It is the ignorant boss or supervisor from Cedar Rapids who has never dealt with Blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans, or Asians and then behaves arrogantly and votes at a local level that reflects badly on the state.

Washington is probably the least racist state. For many decades, it has been a mecca for mixed-race marriages. Mixed-race couples and their children are safest and most accepted here. Racism is not tolerated in Washington.
On the socially conservative rural East side of the state, there is a strong dislike for the liberal urban West side, which is split by the Cascade mountain range. This includes disdain for the fictional black "welfare queens" of Fox News lore, which they believe are prevalent in Seattle. However, this does not translate into racism towards real black people they encounter personally on the East side.

I've lived here for three years. I'm from the Caribbean and have never experienced an ounce of racism here in the three years I've been here. My wife is white. We've never had any nasty looks or smart comments. Everyone here is very accommodating and friendly.
Yes, Montana is predominantly white, but there are a lot of blacks I came across moving from Texas, California, and Colorado. I like it here. It's colder than I like, but I cannot complain.
Well, myself being Asian, I see no racism in Montana. Montana people are very friendly!
I went to Missoula to visit the College. There were wonderful people there and no sign of racism.

While no state can claim complete racial harmony, it's true that most native New Yorkers simply don't care what race you are. Problems arise mainly from individuals, and sometimes the less enlightened lump the good in with the bad.
More problems arise from immigrants refusing to integrate, ignoring traffic, noise, and overall consideration for others. They don't want to inconvenience themselves learning how to respect other cultures' boundaries, which causes tension.
I've lived in NYC almost my whole life. I don't see why people would say it's racist. Seriously? Come on, people, get it together. New York, to me, is the most diverse city in the world, but that's just my experience. You learn so much about different cultures without needing to travel.
I have friends that range anywhere from Asian to Native Americans, and I'm not even joking. And for the record, I'm Hispanic, so I am a minority.

I grew up in Elk River, a city of about 24,000 on the northern edge of the Twin Cities metro area. It was a decently diverse city, though still probably over 80% white. Growing up, racism was thought of as an urban legend that only actually existed in the rural Deep South. We didn't even know racism was real as kids.
There are some places in Minnesota where I can assure you there is little to no racism - the entire Twin Cities area (where well over three-fifths of Minnesotans live), Duluth, Rochester, Mankato, Moorhead, and just about any of the bigger cities in Minnesota. But when you venture into the small towns in northern Minnesota (for example, Moose Lake, where I lived at one point), there are plenty of rural rednecks or hicks that can be very racist, not as much to black people as to Muslims, from what I've seen.
But since so few Minnesotans live in these small communities, and much less are actually racist, Minnesota definitely belongs on the list of least racist states.

I've been living in Vegas for fifteen years, and the strip is full of everything. But I'd go ahead and say that most racism in Vegas happens there, as tourists bring it along with them. Locals tend to mind their own business, and you will find every race living here.
I was born in Los Angeles, and I will go ahead and say that people were much more kept to their own races while I was living there. In Vegas, when I started school here, I was surprised to see people of all different races getting along. And if there were problems, race happened to be the least of them.
The Newcomers

Growing up in Utah, we had many different ethnicities and people from various backgrounds, from all over the world - South America, Africa, the islands, many parts of Asia, Europe, and the Mediterranean. My own parents and grandparents, who have been in this state forever, would only address people by descriptors like man or woman, boy or girl, the one who drives that truck, or the one who's in nursing school, not by their ethnicity.
It wasn't until I started hearing different languages that I realized there were some things that made us unique from one another. But even then, my classmates and my parents were all eager to understand the different ways people communicated with each other. I've been to 13 states and lived in 5, and Utah was the least racist of all of them. It really makes me want to go back.

I moved to North Conway, NH from Vero Beach, FL, and I lived in FL my entire life. I haven't run into any racial issues, and I've been here for five years. I now have a biracial child. I am black, and my partner is white. We don't have any issues when we go out, and everyone is very nice to my son and me.
We are thinking about relocating, though, because there is just not enough diversity for us. We don't want our son to feel left out when he gets older and looks around.

From personal experience, I have been to most big cities in this country and have also visited a good amount of the surrounding areas. Growing up in Queens, NY, you'd be surprised how much racist sentiment still pervades there and even in Manhattan.
While I'm sure there are racists here in MA, like everywhere else, since I moved here with my husband seven years ago to be near his family (I am Black, he is white), I have been lucky enough not to have encountered any racial intolerance toward myself or us as a couple. (Unbelievable compared to what I'm used to when I travel.)
Overall, people here, like in NY, are intense and in your face about the silliest things, but to their credit, they really seem to not give a crap about color, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, etc.

Very friendly people in ABQ. I'd say there are not so many racist people here at all! I love it!

Before I moved to California, I hadn't lived in big towns but had visited them. Saint Petersburg is mostly populated by Black people, while Jacksonville has a predominantly White population. I lived in Zephyrhills, a town that hardly anybody has even heard of. It's very small and doesn't even show up on the Weather Channel. In fact, they don't show Zephyrhills at all on television, even on channels that report the news or weather, because of its small size. However, when you look up Zephyrhills, Florida, or look up Zephyrhills on a weather app, it will confirm that it actually exists.
Visiting other towns in the state of Florida, people often refuse to believe Zephyrhills is an actual town, perhaps because of the Zephyrhills water brand that is also sold. I think living in a town like this is why I never had to deal with racism at all. Even after moving, I've never received a racist comment about myself. And that is actually true. I've never been criticized for any of my races. If you want to avoid racism in Florida, consider moving to Zephyrhills. It's a very nice, small town.

Generally speaking, the West is the least bigoted part of the country. This is likely because of the need for self-reliance in our wide open country. We have been taught to judge a man by his character, not his skin. Otherwise, that man might leave your bigoted self lying there after a bear attack!
But we're all human, so that means there are plenty of dumbasses. I'm a Colorado native, and I didn't see or experience true racism until I left Colorado for a life in the Army. There was no racism in the Army, because you'll get kicked out for that, but I encountered racism in places where I was stationed.
I'll stay Out West, thank you very much. I prefer the company of someone with character rather than someone who simply looks like me but is a dumbass.

I lived in Anchorage, AK for two years with my husband, who is Black, and I am White. We have two daughters who are obviously mixed. We didn't experience any outright racism, were never treated badly or differently. Our girls never had any issues in school. Our community was mixed with Mexican, Native Alaskan Indians, and Asians.
Anchorage has a small-town feel, with friendly, nice people. There is also diversity due to the military bases. There are lots of local businesses and opportunities. If you are an outdoors person, into hiking, skiing, hunting, fishing, boating, or small prop planes, Alaska is your playground. Just prepare for winter because it's long and dark and will test your sanity.
There are a lot of recluse individuals, mountain people, who don't want to be bothered regardless of who you are. I would say Anchorage, AK is not racist.

Depends on where you live (rural vs urban), but where I grew up, there has been lots of diversity amongst the population. People are generally open-minded and very tolerant of different ethnicities and cultures, and this acceptance is growing every day.
People who hold more conservative socio-cultural perspectives are often looked down upon, especially in suburban and urban areas.
Illinois is fabulous as it gave Americans like Obama a venue for black persons to be part of a family with all the world. All the world can be African American if they desire. What could be better than giving all the people of the world a way to be African in heritage? Illinois is a dream come true.

Vermont is one of the least racist states in the continental United States. In my opinion, it could well be in the top 5. People are, for the most part, friendly and less "race-prejudiced." People of diverse races usually mingle freely, despite the fact I consider most of this state to be country or rural.
Well, I am 100% Black, as "black as can be." I tell you that very rarely did I even experience racism or racialism. This is in comparison to many states where I've been. Perhaps it is also because historically, Vermont was one of the states that did not take part in slavery. Many free Blacks or "free Negroes" fled to states like Vermont in the 1800s.
I don't know. All I can say is that Vermont, despite being the "whitest" state in America or the second "whitest," is also one of the most racially tolerant. Oh well, this is my experience in Vermont.

I am black and live in Michigan. I have never experienced racism here. Do I stay away from Howell, Sterling Heights, and Livingston County? Yes, but I've traveled to many other cities in Michigan and never had an issue. I have African-American, Mexican, and Indian friends. The culture here is very diverse, and people are very tolerant of both race and religion.
I actually expected to see this state in the top five when I clicked on this list! Michigan is definitely underrated and is a completely mixed state where acceptance and equality are key. We have Detroit and Flint, and despite their rough paths, they are extremely non-racist cities.

I lived in Lawrence, Kansas for two years with my half Korean-half British friend (I'm black). We were treated with open arms, and many of the locals were extremely kind to us. They would go out of their way to help you with directions, and we were invited to many parties despite being probably the only two people of color in our neighborhood.
I can't speak for the whole state, of course, because I heard Kansas City is somewhat segregated when it comes to race relations, but overall, I had a great experience.
I lived in Wichita for 13 years. Kansas gets my vote for the nicest people. It takes a while to break the ice, but they are humanists first. They are religious people, and race comes way down on their list. I loved living here, had tons of friends, and dated a lot.

I grew up in Tennessee my whole life, living in Memphis in different areas ranging from Orange Mound to a great house in East Memphis as I got older. I have to say, some of the things being posted about it are completely wrong.
Firstly, Memphis is an awesome city that is over 70% minority. Of the one million black people in the state, over 600,000 live in Memphis alone. So, of course, whoever said to give Memphis to Mississippi is a complete racist who probably lives in the all-white, hate-filled Nashville and prefers his or her upper-crust white community. Outside some of the wealthier suburbs around Memphis, any person of color would feel very comfortable in a city like this.
Although Tennessee is the birthplace of the KKK, in the major metropolitan areas, there is very little resentment for people of different races. The smaller communities, especially in the East Tennessee region, are far more backwoods, but most of West Tennessee is a great area to live.

I live here in VA, and it's not a racist state, especially the 757 area and areas surrounding it, but you do have a few racists here and there. I would compare it to marshmallows in cereal. More than likely, those who are racist were not born and raised here, and those who were born and raised here are from small towns, probably ones you wouldn't even see on a map.
It's only racist if you put up with it. Put the bigots in their place, and they will keep it moving.
I live in Maryland, and when I go to VA every once in a while, I see several cars with Confederate flags on them. Some say this is a symbol of racism, and others say it isn't.

I've lived in Pennsylvania for about six years now. I'm Hispanic and honestly cannot recall ever being treated negatively. I worked as a bail bondsman for a few years and always felt welcomed into the courthouses, and treated kindly by the staff and officers.
I have a few friends who are police officers and have never felt disrespected by anyone on the force. I'm well-educated and very respectful but assertive. I demand respect and I've always received it, as well as given it.
I've lived in PA for about six years. I'm currently 13. I'm extremely vocal about being a Muslim in my school. Although it's white-washed here, and there are a lot of white people at my school, they don't care about religion, race, creed, or class.
Not even the worst, most disobedient kids do. Sure, there are maybe one or two who are ignorant, but other than that, there's not much.

I totally disagree with the opinions below. I was born and raised in Kentucky, one of the most racist states in America, so moving to Atlanta felt like being freed from slavery. Therefore, I think it depends on your previous experiences.
As for the comments accusing Black people of being racist, that's ridiculous by definition, because Black people do not possess the economic wealth required to conspire racism. I think the proper term is discriminate, and yes, Black people do discriminate against each other, but that's not different from any other race. Discrimination is mostly based on social differences like income, religion, goals, etc. All people base their relationships on superficial things.
My pick for the least racist state (and I'm referring to white supremacy) is Georgia. Then again, I've only lived in four states in my 50 years, so my opinion could change.

I went to Iowa (Des Moines) back in 2012-2014, and I loved it there. I'm an unattractive dark-skinned girl, and I actually met more rude Black folks than I did white people.
I stuck to myself because I'm very quiet, but I always went places by myself and was always respected by people of all races. I even got more numbers from guys there than in my home state of Minnesota. Drake University was okay - it's more for uppity, rich white people. However, I did meet some cool white people who were nice to me and my mom when I wasn't comfortable attending their college.
The community outside the college campus is much nicer and very diverse, so I am shocked to see these comments. I might even return to this state to raise my biracial daughter.