Top 10 Terms Commonly Used by Pirates and Their Meaning

This is a list of some common terms you hear when pirates talk.
The Top Ten
1 'Avast!' - 'Stop!' or 'Pay attention!'
2 'Aye' - 'Yes, I agree.'
3 'Ahoy shipmates!' - 'Hello Everyone'
4 'Arrr!' - Grunt used to fill pauses in conversation
5 'Let's see what's crawled out of the bunghole.' - 'Let's see what's for dinner'

I understand I can't become a pirate because I don't know the meaning of these phrases...

6 'Bring me a noggin of rum, now won't you, matey?' - 'Can I have a drink?'
7 'Shiver me timbers' -  An expression used to show shock or disbelief
8 'The sun be over the yardarm, 'tis time for victuals, and smartly, me hearty!' - 'It's getting late, hurry up with dinner, I'm starving'
9 'The cat's out of the bag, the wind's gone out of me sails, and I'll be swinging from the yardarm afore eight bells.' - 'I'm in big trouble.'
10 'All hands hoay' - 'Everyone get to the deck'

Haha, I didn't know the meaning and 'All hands hoay' would make me put my hands up, LOL

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