Top Ten Best Things About the Short Film, in a Heartbeat

The Top Ten
1 It tells young LGBT people that their love is not dirty

Only giving a damn when it comes to LGBT people is stupid. I respect them but making lists like these is only exemplifying you as a Tumblr edgelord.

2 It is a young love factor never seen before
3 The scene where it shows all the other kids

People don't understand, and people will judge

4 Made by gays for gays

And yes, straight people did come and show their support for their LGBT family, or friends

5 The end when it fades to black

You can see no race, no gender, no person. All you can see are two hearts beating in unison and then joining together

6 The comments on the video
7 The broken heart

A broken heart turned literal, and the literal definition of someone having your heart, the heart coming back together was moving

8 The rating is 4.9/5
9 It doesn't make a big deal about the fact that it has a gay couple
10 The animation
The Contenders
11 It is cute
12 Gravity defying apples
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