Top Ten Things Nobody Would Do

The Top Ten
1 Go Swimming In a Volcano
2 Let a Four Year Old Drive
3 Take a Shower With Your Clothes Still On

This was a common occurance in my college dorm, though it wasn't an individual's choice.

Anyone want to start the clothe shower challenge?

I've done that and I loved it.

This is call "swimming"

4 Diss Led Zeppelin

I actually did that - I made 2 lists that take knowledge and guts:

Top 10 Songs That Led Zeppelin Ripped Off

Top 10 Led Zeppelin Songs That Were Ripped Off From Another Artist

5 Let a Seven Year Old Drink Beer

My crazy Asian relatives would randomly pretend to give little kids beer during family parties.

6 Hunt for a Pokemon In Real Life

There's an app called Pokemon Go.

7 Try to Fly Without Any Equipment
8 Wear Only a T-Shirt In Antarctica

I wouldn't do this

9 Succeed On a 10 Hour Video

I succeeded on the nyan cat one.

10 Break One of Their Bones On Purpose

Haha, Britgirl is absolutely right - in 1995 a man cut off his own head to prove he was the most macho man, his friend cut off the end of his foot.

You'd be surprised at what some folk would do for the sake of it.

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